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Thread: Great replacement conspiracy: Protesters call for far-right debate at KU Leuven to be scrapped

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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post
    The ratio of retirees to workers is unsustainable. If you're not going to have children (and the trend is with the higher standard of living of a nation the less likely you are to have a large family unless you're highly religious. We see the trend happening also in quickly developing nations) then you need to bring people from the outside.

    Even Japan, which intellectually lazy and ignorant people bring up as an example of a modern nation that is homogeneous despite having the same demographic problem, is forced to change its immigration policy.

    And cutting taxes so people will have more children doesn't work because, as I said, the trend for nations with a high living standard is to have less children even when they have more money in their bank account. People prefer to invest in the future of one or two children than have four and spread out those resources.

    This is not a conspiracy of the 'elites.' It's a desperate attempt to avoid economic collapse.
    Quote Originally Posted by Petalpusher View Post
    The problem is non European immigration costs more money than it brings more often than not. There are studies now official about this here, it's about 40 Billions a year in deficit in France. Such figures were floating around unofficially for a long time, yet denied or underestimated by all the "elites" for decades, rather called an enrichement instead. Denmark's budget ministry also released recently a 5 Billions cost figure, which was kept hidden by previous governements each years. They sure won't pay for the retirements as they are two or 3 times more unemployed than natives on the second or third generations after their parents came to work in a particular field, as well of course as every other "disadvantages" that comes as a bonus. When it's all said and done, the natives will pay for them, which they in fact already do. It just brings short term malleable workforce that constantly needs to be replaced to profit a few type of businesses, and keep the minimum wage low as it's the reserve army of unregulated capitalism.

    A demographic decrease wouldn't be a bad thing anyway. Never ever i took the highway at 3pm in afternoon and thought "id really like more people, that would be awesome". Japan is rather investing heavily in robotics and automatization than entirely new immigration policies, but they are willing to take Chineses for example as a short term solution for specific skilled jobs, which is a sane solution. No nation should be engaged in that kind of silly race of natality in order to compete with newcomers. If it was really only an economic issue, European countries would simply favors or even restrict immigration from within Europe, it's obviously something else, albeit multi factorial, at work behind all that.

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    better start fucking people

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    Quote Originally Posted by Petalpusher View Post
    The problem is non European immigration costs more money than it brings more often than not. There are studies now official about this here, it's about 40 Billions a year in deficit in France. Such figures were floating around unofficially for a long time, yet denied or underestimated by all the "elites" for decades, rather called an enrichement instead. Denmark's budget ministry also released recently a 5 Billions cost figure, which was kept hidden by previous governements each years. They sure won't pay for the retirements as they are two or 3 times more unemployed than natives on the second or third generations after their parents came to work in a particular field, as well of course as every other "disadvantages" that comes as a bonus. When it's all said and done, the natives will pay for them, which they in fact already do.
    I can't debate over studies that aren't posted. When I speak of immigration, I'm speaking of legal rather than illegal and refugees. There is a humanitarian streak among Western Europeans that don't exist with other groups, and hence they're more open to taking care of illegals and especially refugees (and people pretending to be refugees).

    It just brings short term malleable workforce that constantly needs to be replaced to profit a few type of businesses, and keep the minimum wage low as it's the reserve army of unregulated capitalism.
    The minimum wage isn't dependent on supply and demand. The government sets it. If the minimum wage is say $15 then it'll stay $15 regardless if a wave of immigrants arrives in a nation or not.

    A demographic decrease wouldn't be a bad thing anyway. Never ever i took the highway at 3pm in afternoon and thought "id really like more people, that would be awesome".
    A demographic decrease is not good if a significant portion of your population is elderly and therefore no longer productive, and with each generation, the elderly population becomes even larger unless you can bring or breed young, able-bodied people to work. You need workers to support your ever-increasing elderly population financially. You need economic growth to pay for pensions and healthcare costs. If one-third of your population is the elderly who are no longer able to be productive, then you're fucked. You need young workers if you want all these state benefits. There is no way around it. It's not sustainable. The ratio of retirees to workers is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

    Japan is rather investing heavily in robotics and automatization than entirely new immigration policies,...
    Yes, and this is the way to go, but we're not in a position where robotics and automatization will save the day any time soon.

    ...but they are willing to take Chineses for example as a short term solution for specific skilled jobs, which is a sane solution.
    Yes, I've spoken about this before. They bring in Vietnamese, etc. to work for a period of time. They contribute to the public fund but don't benefit from the public fund. They are expected to eventually go back to their homelands. The immigrant goes back home with their savings, which is like a small fortune in their homeland. This is a great plan.

    However, Western Europeans aren't Japanese. Western Europeans would see this as economic exploitation. Even though it's completely rational and everyone benefits, Europeans themselves would not allow this to happen.

    No nation should be engaged in that kind of silly race of natality in order to compete with newcomers.
    Economic realities are a bitch.

    If it was really only an economic issue, European countries would simply favors or even restrict immigration from within Europe,..
    Why would these other Euro nations, who also have fertility issues, allow their future to disappear into Western Europe? If young Polish workers left at the same rates as people from MENA/SSA nations it would hurt the future of the Polish economy. The Polish government has no issue with some of their young, able-body workers leaving for Western Europe (because it does release economic pressure on them at the present time) but they're not going to allow their future to disappear, and nor do most young Polish workers want to leave Poland.'s obviously something else, albeit multi factorial, at work behind all that.
    There is nothing nefarious going on. It's just basic economics, as always. You need workers. People in Eastern Europe are just not poor enough to leave in a massive wave to meet your needs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by alnortedelsur View Post
    Their cynicism has not limits.
    Aren’t you partly a migrant, aren’t Venezuelans heavily mixed? Are you a product of such elites?

    Nearly every country which reaches specific standard, people will decide don’t having many or even any children. It is easier to blame Jews for it like the op, a well known holocaust denier, than accept the fact that many don’t just want to immolate their living standards with having many children. Same happens in many non western countries too, East Asia, Turkey, Iran etc. In the West, children are expensive and time consuming, people who don’t have children don’t understand it. Generally it is funny that some are complaining about this issue but don’t start making 5 children to do something against the decline of their people.

    No one wants uncontrolled migration, Anglo-nations are strict and support migration of qualified and needed people. Old societies doesn’t work.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post
    The ratio of retirees to workers is unsustainable. If you're not going to have children (and the trend is with the higher standard of living of a nation the less likely you are to have a large family unless you're highly religious. We see the trend happening also in quickly developing nations) then you need to bring people from the outside.

    Even Japan, which intellectually lazy and ignorant people bring up as an example of a modern nation that is homogeneous despite having the same demographic problem, is forced to change its immigration policy.

    And cutting taxes so people will have more children doesn't work because, as I said, the trend for nations with a high living standard is to have less children even when they have more money in their bank account. People prefer to invest in the future of one or two children than have four and spread out those resources.

    This is not a conspiracy of the 'elites.' It's a desperate attempt to avoid economic collapse.
    seing the poster is a french with the same subjects with no neutrality i can admit he is partially right for the great remplacement theory in france
    during "30 glorieuses" france needed external contributions they proceeded to the immigration of algerian workers
    for thirty years there is more unemployment and much more immigrants at the same time this people (subsaharians, moroccans, south asians, romas ..) came with all their families and have high birthrate they received social assistance since their arrival but real economic immigrants got no benefits before
    of course france needed immigrants (algerians in particular) the army include around 30% muslims which bother far right because they doubt their loyalty but army is struggling to recruit (too much old people, sensitive youth, selfish south euros communities ...)
    medias and far right only woof about the former algerian immigration (7 millions for them around 450000 in reality) meanwhile the great replacement is done by other communities
    france was wealthier without recent immigrants with big natality and european union

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    Quote Originally Posted by Universe View Post
    I think it's seen as a conspiracy theory because the people who talk about ethnic replacement often attribute this phenomenon to a supposed "anti-white, Jewish elite" who control western countries from the background.

    The reality is that White people have only themselves to blame for this not some outside factor (like Jewish activities). Western people willingly chose childlessness and individualism/hedonism/modernism over collectivism/traditionalism and the politicians who do the ethnic replacement policies (eg supporting immigration) are continuously elected by Western people in every western country at every election.

    If Whites get replaced by non-Whites then Whites deserve it (as much as it hurts to say this), Whites chose this path.
    Yeah, I think it's more the result of the stupidity and short-sightedness of our politicians trying to solve many problems of a decadent society, rather than a real conspiracy to replace native Europeans or end with the "white race".

    Stupid and short-sighted, thinking that attracting millions of immigrants from cultures very different from ours was going to help solve our decline in all areas, when really what it is doing is accelerating it.

    If it really were a conspiracy, they would have done it in a more secretive way, trying to make everything go unnoticed, for example, doing it much more gradually, so that the newcomers could have integrated without creating too many coexistence problems or raising social alarm.

    "Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas"

    "Dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet: sapere aude, incipe."

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    In any case, wasting time trying to discover if we have reached this point because of a conspiracy or because of the stupidity of our politicians does not solve the original problems we had that motivated politicians to promote immigration, nor the problem that an immigration of so many people and so fast that it made impossible their total successful integration in our societies.

    "Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas"

    "Dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet: sapere aude, incipe."

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    Communist college professors and, to a lesser extent, school teachers, have finally achieved in placing their indoctrinated students in every area of employment controlling everything you say and do. Won't obey them? They'll get you fired. Still won't? Like all Marxists they will use violence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Smeagol View Post
    White people deserve some blame for giving Jews so much power in our societies in the first place, but Jews have been the main force working to replace us. In my country it was the Jews who were responsible for the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act that which brought us down from a 90% white nation to a 55% white nation (and decreasing) in 50 years.

    Immigration literally causes inflation. It's not whites from other parts of the world that are migrating to Europe so I wouldn't call the Great Replacement a conspiracy. AI will replace a good amount of human jobs in the future as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NSXD60 View Post
    Communist college professors and, to a lesser extent, school teachers, have finally achieved in placing their indoctrinated students in every area of employment controlling everything you say and do. Won't obey them? They'll get you fired. Still won't? Like all Marxists they will use violence.
    College professors are enforcers hired by the bourgeoisie. Marxism stopped being predictive the moment bourgeois degenerates used it to wage their self hating anti-white crusade. [Laughs in Chinese]

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