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Thread: France Now Has More Practicing Muslims Than Catholics

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    Default France Now Has More Practicing Muslims Than Catholics

    Sonia Backès, French secretary of state for citizenship, has just said that "political Islam wants to bring the Republic to its knees". If only it were the République…

    The French National Institute of Statistics has just provided us with numbers that tell of an unprecedented change of civilization in the history of a country that is the cradle of European culture. It is truly historic: there are more practicing Muslims than practicing Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 in France. Reading the latest report from Insee, the French Statistical Institute, helps us understand the change of civilization we are experiencing in Europe.
    One and a half million of Catholics pray and 800,000 go to church. Two million Muslims pray and 726,000 go to the mosque. There has already been an Islamic overtaking of Catholicism. And without considering the under 18s, where Muslims outclass Christians with Bulgarian percentages.

    Le Monde reports that secularization is proceeding quickly only for Catholics. Muslim immigrants are not becoming “woke”. The postmodernist virus has not corroded their minds. 91 percent of Muslims educated as Muslims remain so. They remain religious, even after two generations. The use of the veil for women is also increasing: from 18 to 29 percent of all women in France in just ten years.

    Three years ago, Muslims in France were 7 percent. Today they are 10 percent. Pierre Brochand, former director of the French internal secret service, has just said that "the critical point will be when Muslim immigrants cross the 50 percent threshold”. France is already teetering on Islam at 10 percent (in most big cities it's 20 to 30 percent).

    "Four important pieces of information have just arrived while France is looking elsewhere" writes Eric Zemmour, the man who had foreseen it and was not listened to, rather tried and demonized. “Immigration in France today represents 19 million people. For a country of 68 million people: that's colossal. Immigration is steadily increasing everywhere in France, both in absolute terms and as a proportion of the population, and is increasingly Africanising. The number and proportion of Muslims are increasing, with an ever more marked orthodoxy. Today there are 55 percent more veiled women than in 2013! Among Muslim women of sub-Saharan origin, the use of the veil has more than doubled. Historical turning point: Islam becomes the first religion practiced on French soil (attendance of a place of worship, frequency of prayers, etc.): the number of French Muslims who claim to practice it today exceeds that of Catholics who claim to practice”.

    "In forty years, France has become the nation in Western Europe where the population of Muslim origin is the most important", wrote Vatican Radio. "It is not difficult to hypothesize that we are now close to the overtaking of Islam over (French) Catholicism".

    Already a few years ago it was estimated that in France, for a practicing Muslim, there were three practicing Catholics. But if this analysis was deepened, the relationship was reversed. Comparing the weekly attendance at Friday prayers in the mosque and Sunday mass in the church, the scenario is clear: 65 percent of practicing Catholics are over 50 years old. In contrast, 73 percent of practicing Muslims are under the age of 50. Le Figaro writes: "Two Ifop studies contain precise elements on the religious practice of the under 34s (understood as Sunday mass or Friday mosque): on 16 p 100 of practicing Catholics belong to this age group against 48 percent of practicing Muslims. These percentages indicate that currently in France there is one young practicing Catholic for every three young practicing Muslims”.

    Macron's adviser on Islam at the Montaigne Institute, Hakim El Karoui, also reveals that Islam is the first religion practiced in France. "There are more practicing Muslims, between 2.5 and 3 million, than practicing Catholics, 1.65 million".

    Edouard de Lamaze, president of the Observatoire du patrimoine religieux in Paris, the most important organization that monitors the state of places of worship in the country, revealed that "although Catholic monuments are still ahead, a mosque is being erected every fortnight in France, while a Christian building is destroyed at the same rate. He creates a turning point on the territory that should be taken into consideration”.

    In 1976 France had 150 mosques, 900 in 1985, 1,555 in 2001 and so on in a dramatic progression. Today, as Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal says, "there are 3,000 mosques". And at the end of the century there will be 10,000.

    Au revoir, France!

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    rolleyes "Import the 3rd-world become the 3rd-world" — we were warned

    The Final Call: What Can be Done?

    In the Norse legend of the Ragnarök, a new world emerges after the world is immersed in fire and water, and in the new world, the gods and man live in peace ever after.

    In the real world, things are not that simple. When the white civilizations of the ancient world were overrun, there were always new territories and new lands to be opened. When Mesopotamia fell, Egypt arose. When Egypt fell, classical Greece arose. When classical Greece fell, Rome arose. When Rome fell, the European states arose. Then the New World was opened, and North America, Australia, and New Zealand were added as white heartlands.

    Now, however, these are all threatened by mass Third World immigration. There are no more new territories or lands to be opened. It is the final call for white Western civilization.

    Can the West survive? The simple answer is yes, provided some basic steps are taken.

    1. First and foremost, white people must have more children. All other political activity is meaningless without this fundamental building block. History, politics, and human affairs are the product of demography. A failure to breed is punished by Nature with extinction.

    2. Political activity must be directed at awakening as many white European people as possible to the reality of race and its underpinning of world events.

    3. This political activity must always be done in the idiom of the time. All attempts at political necrophilia (which seek to recreate certain past time periods, such as the Ku Klux Klan/Confederacy or National Socialist Germany) are doomed to failure. The era of “white supremacy” is gone, and all attempts to recreate it are foolish. The white race will live or die in the twenty-first century, and not in the centuries gone by.

    4. This political activity must always be directed in reasonable, moderate, and socially acceptable language, terms, and presentation. There is, after all, nothing wrong with demanding the same rights which are accorded to all Third World nations (freedom from colonization and the right to self-determination) for First World nations. It is, in fact, entirely reasonable and normal.

    5. This political activity must not be restricted to “only” publishing the odd book, website, or journal. It is a non sequitur to argue that there “are no politicians who support the interests of white people” when the people who make that complaint are not involved in practical politics. Of course there will be no pro-white politicians if all the politically-aware people who are pro-white, do not campaign and stand for office.

    6. Political realism must be the watchword for all activists. Too many enter politics with false expectations of instant victory, and burn out when the expected glory does not materialize. Activists must be aware that the racial worldview goes against nearly a century of leftist indoctrination. The mass media is, for the greatest part, completely hostile and in the hands of those who applaud the racial destruction of the West. It is no easy ride, and victories on a pro-white political platform are, simply put, the hardest-to-achieve objectives which any activist will experience.

    7. Fortunately, it is not necessary to win outright. All that is needed is for a significant minority of Western people to be awakened to the racial realities. The biggest threat to the future existence of the white race does not come from other racial groups, but rather from the sway which white liberals hold over society. All other races and groups do what they do because the ruling white liberal elite allows it.

    And therein lies the rub; the nature of modern liberalism is suicidal. Liberals will, given enough time, destroy themselves. They will stop having children; they will miscegenate, and they will then cease to exist. As long as pro-white political activists have had sufficient children and engaged in sensible, reasonable political activity, their political views will be unopposed among the surviving white community.

    Those who might argue that the racially-conscious surviving numbers will be too small to matter, should be aware that the founding European population in Upper Paleolithic times was no more than a few hundred thousand at most. There are already more people than that—millions, in fact—who have voted for pro-white or anti-immigration parties in Europe. There is no cause for pessimism about numbers.

    8. Finally, the surviving white communities will have to be realistic about their geographic circumstances. It is no good to be a racially-conscious minority in a sea of hostile nonwhites, as the Afrikaners in South Africa discovered to their cost. As such, serious consideration will have to be given to white geographic consolidation once the time comes. In this regard, Eastern Europe and “white Russia” are likely to play a decisive role in providing a homeland in which white people from around the world will be able to reform, regroup, and survive—and hopefully learn from the lessons of history.

    Is any of this possible?
    You, dear reader, and your actions,
    will help decide the answer to that question.

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