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Thread: Sergei Lavrov: Hitler Was Part Jewish

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    BannedfromUtube 1 day ago

    First Napoleon, then Hitler and now Biden....another tyrant goes all out against Russia

    OneTruthManyLies 1 day ago

    In my 65 years, it's always been RUSSIA THE BAD GUYS ... and all the time the real lunatic satanists were in our own backyards, destroying our history timeline ... one big lie ... not a book that must not be REWRITTEN ... especially psychology and history ...

    I am become Death, destroyer of worlds

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wunder-Zeichen View Post
    So-called "China-bashing" could lead to mass internment of Chinese Americans, according to Virginia Democrats.

    According to Virginia Democrats, Youngkin’s national security concerns are completely meritless. “The only plausible explanation for the rejection of this [Ford] project is it allows [Youngkin] to participate in the China-bashing sweepstakes in the Republican presidential primary with Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott,” Democratic state senator Scott Surovell said. By Surovell’s logic, opposing China’s growing influence in America is… a bad thing. Never fear: Surovell makes this claim crystal clear himself, arguing that criticizing the Chinese Communist Party is tantamount to when his fellow Democrats interned thousands of Japanese Americans during World War Two. “I think China-bashing is a hot meme in the Republican Party right now,” Surovell said, “but what really worries me is it could lead to anti-Asian xenophobia or racism… We locked up thousands of Japanese during World War Two and I worry that these kinds of actions that don’t differentiate between a government and a people can take us to a dark place.”

    That was then, this is now. And the Third World War hasn't even begun yet, at least not in the conventional sense. It's apples and oranges, and the accusation or charge rings hollow. As the Postal Record (2002) points out, September 11 and the bioterrorism that followed put the lie to the old adage, "The more things change, the more they remain the same." Things are different now, and they're going to stay that way. The Democrats are the masters of scaremongering and scapegoating and wild exaggeration, and their analysis is clearly wrong. It is marked by oversimplification and the now-usual scaremongering and a clearly discriminatory logic. They have clearly sacrificed logic and reason for interest and attention.

    Last edited by Wunder-Zeichen; 02-27-2023 at 03:30 AM. Reason: And the war hasn't even begun yet.
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    Lightbulb Saturn in Pisces: The Crisis for Christianity

    Speaking of which, let's not forget the Commie destruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. As Bouchard (2013) notes in this appropriately titled book, "National Myths: Constructed Pasts, Contested Presents," the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, demolished on Stalin's orders in 1931, was built to commemorate the Russian victory in the War of 1812. Moreover, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was and always has been considered the imperial church, and we must remember the destruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior even on our most joyful and spirited occasions. As Gérard Bouchard observes in the book "National Myths" (2013), the key dimension of the statist identity was the ruling elite's linkage of post—communist Russia to its pre—1917 imperial past. This linkage was the means by which the ruling elite defined itself as the heir of the Russian Empire who would restore Russia to its former imperial glory. Perhaps most significantly, the invocation of the link to the Russian Empire also allowed the ruling elite to portray the communists as empire destroyers, while playing down its own role in dismantling the USSR. And in order to further consolidate the link between imperial and post—communist Russia, the ruling elite adopted and manipulated various imperial symbols. Moscow Mayor Luzhkov in particular was singled out for actively working to link his administration to the imperial past for present political gains. On his orders, the 197—foot—tall statue of Peter the Great was placed in one ofthe city's most prominent locations, while the Red Square saw the reappearance of the Resurrection Gates and the Kazan Church, both destroyed in the 1930s. Lalenis et al. (2002) also note that in recent years the municipality has been reconstructing a number of historic buildings demolished by Stalin in the 1930s. Early examples were the Church of the Wonder-working Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on the northeastern corner of Red Square and the Iverskaya gates of the Kremlin. The most ambitious scheme so far, they go on to say, has been the resurrection of Christ the Saviour, just up-river from the Kremlin. The history of the site is of special interest. As the authors explain:

    The original Cathedral, the size of St Paul's in London was conceived under Alexander I as a monument to Russia's victory over Napoleon in 1812 but was not completed until 1893. Embodying the most prominent expression of Russian imperial ideology, the Cathedral was too provocative a symbol to resist socialist rule. It was demolished in 1931 by Stalin, who intended to build there the vast Palace of the Soviets topped by a 75m statue of Lenin. The expenses of the Second World War as well as technical difficulties (wet and sandy soil) prevented the ambitious project from materialising. In 1958 under Khrushchev, the circular foundation of the Palace was transformed into a popular huge open-air swimming pool that was operating until 1993 when the Moscow City Government closed it in order to reconstruct the Cathedral.

    The Cathedral is currently the biggest Orthodox Church in the world. Tsar Alexander I commissioned Karl Vitberg in 1817 to design a cathedral of a scale and grandeur to reflect Russia's rank as a mighty and expansive state. As Sudjic (2011) explains, with a dome more than 750 feet high erupting from a classical base, it would have been twice the size of St Peter's in Rome. But there were doubts about its feasibility. But then Vitberg was accused of embezzlement and exiled to Siberia, and the project was handed over to another architect, Konstantin Ton, who redesigned it in a more traditional Russian style and on a smaller scale. But at 360 feet to the top of the cross on its biggest dome it was still as tall as London's St Paul's Cathedral when it was finally completed in 1883. In 1995, Luzhkov ordered that an exact replica of the 334—foot—tall church be built on its original spot. ‎Yitzhak Brudny goes as far as to say that Luzhkov's most important architectural and ideological statement to date was the literal resurrection of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, demolished on Stalin's orders in 1931. Nonetheless, it is also important to note that statist identity acquired its final form during the Putin era (2000 onwards). And it is noteworthy that in 2005, Putin's government introduced a new national holiday, "The Day of National Unity," supposedly to commemorate the expulsion of the Polish army from Moscow in 1612. Holbrook (2018) writes that although St. Basil's Cathedral escaped Stalin's campaign against Russian Orthodox churches (as did the spectacular Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in Leningrad), Kazan Cathedral and Iversky Chapel in the northwest corner of Red Square did not. He had them destroyed to make room for heavy military vehicles driving through Red Square. James R. Holbrook also mentions a number of legends connected with the Cathedral, and says that when St. Basil's was completed, Ivan had the architect, Postnik Yakovlev, blinded in order to prevent him from building a more magnificent building for anyone else. Yet it turns out that this is a favorite folk legend in several countries with spectacular architectural structures. For example, a similar story is told of the Taj Mahal's architect. Another legend has it that Napoleon ordered St. Basil's blown up, but according to legend, God made it rain on the gunpowder kegs' fuses. More current and more credible, however, is the story that the famous architect, Peter Baranovsky, saved St. Basil's from destruction by Stalin. Saint Basil's Cathedral, says Olsen (2007), has miraculously survived many threats of destruction over the years, only enhancing its divine status. With such revered qualities, it is indeed hard to believe that the cathedral narrowly escaped destruction on several occasions. Brad Olsen explains that Napoleon was so impressed with Saint Basil's Cathedral that he reportedly wanted to take it back to Paris with him. But after learning that removal was not possible, he ordered it destroyed. The French placed several kegs of gunpowder inside the cathedral and even lit the fuses. A sudden—some say miraculous—rain shower appeared at exactly the right moment to prevent the explosion. And he goes on to point out that a century later, the cathedral was again threatened with destruction, this time by the atheist principles of the Bolshevik regime. As he explains in good detail:

    In 1918, communist authorities assassinated the church's senior priest, closed the cathedral, confiscated all its property, and melted down the church bells. Joseph Stalin considered the removal of Saint Basil's in the 1930s because the cathedral prevented his soldiers from leaving Red Square en masse. In another of his twisted decisions, Stalin ordered a prominent devotee of Russian culture, architect P. Baranovsky, to prepare the cathedral for demolition. The architect refused by sending a bluntly worded telegram to Stalin stating he would rather cut his own throat on the steps of the church before he would oversee its destruction. For some reason, Stalin cancelled his decision to remove Saint Basil's Cathedral, however Baranovsky was sent to the gulag for five years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wunder-Zeichen View Post
    Right now, it feels like hell on earth. This quote from Joshua D. Blocker's book "Sins of a Mother II" sums up my sentiments exactly: "Being alive is a blessing to most but it feels like HELL on earth to me." So, it would certainly be nice if we could all find a little heaven on Earth.

    Pisces rules all faiths. Pisces has always ruled the soul. We can talk about non-mainstream beliefs, which we find in the New Age – but history shows us, Saturn in Pisces is always about the billion-strong congregations. Saturn always brings trials and tests, but reform is always the result. Long overdue improvements.

    When Hitler obtained power in 1933, 98% of Germans were Christian, with 66% being Protestant and 32% being Catholic. The Nazi policy of Kirchenkampf was about the eradication of the churches. The Salvation Army and the Seventh-Day Adventists both disappeared from Germany during Hitler's rule.

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    A new book details how the Soviet regime buried evidence and even stopped people from fleeing famine-stricken areas in 1932-33

    Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine. By Anne Applebaum. Doubleday; 496 pages; $35. Allen Lane; Ł25.

    OF THE estimated 70m deaths due to famines in the 20th century, at least 40m occurred under communist regimes in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea and Cambodia. The precise number of deaths remains uncertain, as do the causes, owing to the difficulty of disentangling the effects of war, revolution and disease, as well as those regimes’ isolation and secrecy. Even low estimates, however, are damning: what clearer illustration could there be of socialism’s impracticality than its repeated failure to feed its own people? In her powerful account of the famine in Soviet Ukraine in the early 1930s Anne Applebaum, a Pulitzer prize-winning writer (and a former journalist at The Economist), tells an even more sinister story. Far from an unintended result of ill-conceived policies, she argues, the roughly 4m deaths from hunger in 1932 and 1933 were part of a deliberate campaign by Josef Stalin and the Bolshevik leadership to crush Ukrainian national aspirations, literally starving actual or potential bearers of those aspirations into submission to the Soviet order. As her book’s subtitle says, Stalin was waging “war on Ukraine”, the Soviet Union’s strategically and economically most valuable republic after Russia. War, as Carl von Clausewitz famously put it, is the continuation of politics by other means. The politics in this case was the Sovietisation of Ukraine; the means was starvation. Food supply was not mismanaged by Utopian dreamers. It was weaponised. As Ms Applebaum notes, this is not a new argument. Émigré survivors of the famine said as much in the 1950s. They were largely dismissed, however, as right-wing conspiracy-mongers driven by anti-communism and Ukrainian nationalist hatred of Russia.

    The symposium marks the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, the Ukrainian famine-genocide that resulted in the deliberate starvation of millions of victims. Discussions of gender aspects of the Holodomor will help personalize the history of genocidal practices in Ukraine and their consequences. The goal is to help high school teachers and college and university faculty develop curricula for teaching the subject.

    A newly discovered voice cuts through the historical haze. She is Rhea Clyman, a young Canadian reporter of Polish Jewish background, who traversed the starving Soviet heartland in eastern Ukraine when Joseph Stalin’s man-made famine was just beginning. Clyman’s newspaper articles from 1932-1933, published in the Toronto Telegram and the London Daily Express, show her remarkable resourcefulness and courage. After she was banished from the USSR for writing about the Famine and the Gulag, this brave woman went on to cover Hitler’s early years in power.

    Today another Russian autocrat is trying to dismember Ukraine by using disinformation and brute force. Those areas that suffered from the Famine Genocide are currently invaded by Russia, where the ongoing war has lasted for over four years. Ukraine’s soldiers are held as prisoners of war. In central Ukraine two little girls are growing up without their dad, Serhiy Hlondar, a member of Ukraine’s Special Forces, who was captured in the battle of Debaltseve a day after Russian-led forces were meant to silence their guns in accordance with the Minsk 2 agreement. Mr. Hlondar has never seen his youngest daughter, and after 700 days of captivity his family has received only seven letters to keep their hopes alive.

    The exact numbers of victims of the famine is unknown due to the lack of records and the presence of a ban on the documentation of hunger as cause of death, but estimates vary from 3 to 8 million having died as result of starvation. Holodomor is often viewed as the central event to the Ukrainian collective memory as an example of a purposeful attempt at eliminating Ukrainian resistance to Soviet rule by enforcing a man-made famine through collectivisation, imposition of unrealistic production targets, confiscation of food, and blocking of emmigration out of areas targeted by said policies. To understand the intentional nature of the famine, one must take a look at the context preceding it and the policies it entailed throughout its duration. The introduction of the Five Year Plan concept in 1928 paved the way for collectivisation to become the Soviet Union’s most defining policy. The elimination of private property and its absorption into collectively-controlled and state-run farms, which became known as kolkhozes and sovkhozes, respectively, brought with it unrealistic ambitions for production output which translated into the use of compulsion and terror tactics of the working class to keep up with state-imposed quotas. Historian Timothy Snyder summarises the phenomenon, writing: “Moscow expected far more from Ukraine than Ukraine could give”.
    Last edited by Wunder-Zeichen; 03-25-2023 at 12:59 AM.
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    It did happen here. The conquest of North America by the European settlers of the future United States was accomplished by "the extermination of some Native American tribes and the near-extinction of others, by U.S. government forces ...." The forced march of the Cherokee people from the southeastern United States into Oklahoma along the "Trail of Tears" resulted in the deaths of a large fraction of the Cherokee population, and at best, differs quantitatively rather than qualitatively from the 20th-century genocides described in Lethal Laws. Hitler looked with admiration at how the United States government had cleared the continent of Indians, and he used the U.S. government's 19th-century policies as a model for his own 20th-century policies of clearing Lebensraum for the German people.

    Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf, is a perennial bestseller in India, with even street-side bookstalls prominently displaying stacks of it. The name 'Hitler' -- anathema almost everywhere else in the world -- is tossed about casually in the Indian subcontinent, not infrequently invoked in praise. Many Indians still harbour the notion that the Fuhrer was a friend of the Indian people and had extended wholehearted support to their freedom struggle. To journalist Vaibhav Purandare, this clearly suggested that Indians continued to be largely unaware of the German dictator's views on India, in spite of the fact that they are unambiguously expressed in his own writings. This lacuna spurred him on to delve into the archives -- in Germany, India and elsewhere.

    The result of Purandare's research is this comprehensive and painstaking portrait and analysis of Hitler's outlook on India and its people, his opinion of their struggle against the British Raj, and his take on Indian history, culture and civilisation. Also within these pages are surprising details of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's entanglement with the Reich, the experience of other Indians living in Nazi Germany, the mission that Hitler sent to the Himalayas in search of 'pure-blood Aryans', and a number of other little-known historical nuggets. Accessible and rich in detail, Hitler and India is the very first examination of what India meant to a figure who, perplexingly, remains quite alive in the country.

    Source: Publisher
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    Lightbulb Communism and Zionism

    The Expulsion of Jews from Communist Poland: Memory Wars and Homeland Anxieties

    In March 1968, against the background of the Six-Day War, a campaign of antisemitism and anti-Zionism swept through Poland. The Expulsion of Jews from Communist Poland is the first full-length study of the events, their precursors, and the aftermath of this turbulent period. Plocker offers a new framework for understanding how this antisemitic campaign was motivated by a genuine fear of Jewish influence and international power. She sheds new light on the internal dynamics of the communist regime in Poland, stressing the importance of middle-level functionaries, whose dislike and fear of Jews had an unmistakable impact on the evolution of party policy. The Expulsion of Jews from Communist Poland examines how Communist Party leader Wladyslaw Gomulka's anti-Zionist rhetoric spiraled out of hand and opened up a fraught Pandora's box of old assertions that Jews controlled the Communist Party, the revival of nationalist chauvinism, and a witch hunt in universities and workplaces that conjured up ugly memories of Nazi Germany.

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    Communism and Zionism:

    Moses Hess: The Holy History of Mankind and Other Writings

    Communism and Zionism in Palestine during the British Mandate

    Hen-Tov made five investigative trips to Russia. He not only reconstructs the situation in the 1920s, but also explains the roots of the strong anti-Israel position taken by the Soviet Union.

    The Left Against Zion: Communism, Israel, and the Middle East

    Communist opposition to Zionism has a long history which pre-dates both the Russian Revolution and the Balfour Declaration of November 1917. Yet the Communist and Marxist critique of Zionism has always had a curious inconsistency, since it is not applied to all nationalist solutions of social problems. Thus Soviet and Chinese Communists regard their Marxist-Leninist ideology as perfectly compatible with Russian or Chinese nationalism, and the same is true of the 'people's democracies' in Eastern Europe or Asia where nationalism has been a predominant force. Similarly, Arab and Palestinian nationalism have been considered 'progressive' despite their very thin socialist content. Only in the case of Zionism, which historically has been a reaction to the failure of European and Islamic societies to resolve the Jewish question on democratic lines, has a major national movement been judged a priori 'reactionary', illegitimate and ultimately condemned to extinction. Anti-Zionism has become the great bazaar in which Soviet and Chinese Communists, Arab and Third World Marxists, Trotskyists, anarchists and Castroists together with feudal sheikhs, conservative Islamic rulers, and oil companies in the West (plus fascist fringe-groups) can find common ground in their antagonism to the Jewish State. Contemporary anti-Zionism is not merely the anti-Semitism of the left - Israel has even become the alibi for reviving the hoary Nazi myth of 'World Jewry' seeking to control and manipulate the fate of humanity. The essays in this book will give the reader a better understanding of the causes and possible consequences of this sinister trend. Mostly written between the Six-Day War of 1967 and the October War of 1973, they remain timely and important for the light they shed on a development whose implications are only now becoming fully apparent. They analyse the complex and changing factors which have influenced the position of the Communist parties and New Left movements towards the Middle East conflict, the significance of the 'anti-Zionist' campaigns in Russia and Eastern Europe, the dissentions and contradictions in western Communist parties, the relations of Soviet, Chinese and East German Communists to the Arab world, and the attitude of the post-Auschwitz New Left to Israel and the Jewish problem. All these disparate elements must be taken into account if one is to understand Communist and Marxist standpoints towards Israel and the Middle East conflict.

    Vale: The Illuminati and Their Plans for World Conquest

    Krieg discusses the most secretive organization in the world, the Illuminati and the uncomfortable relationship between Illuminism, Zionism and communism.

    Rethinking Israel and Palestine: Marxist Perspectives

    Jewish Lives Under Communism: New Perspectives

    Russian Antisemitism Pamyat/De

    Jews and the Left: The Rise and Fall of a Political Alliance

    After the Holocaust and the creation of Israel many lost their faith in universalistic solutions, yet lingering links between Jews and the Left continue to exist.

    The Hoax of Soviet Anti-Semitism

    A fully-documented and referenced exposé of the Zionist lie that the Soviet Union was "anti-Semitic." It conclusively proves that in fact the USSR was pro-Jewish, but anti-Zionist-particularly after Zionism became increasingly racist, and militarily aggressive towards Israel's neighbors, and, most importantly, after the Zionist-Jewish lobby became intertwined with and controlling of, the US government. Starting with an overview of the historical background of the Jewish nature of Communism (drawing upon the British Government's 1919 White Paper on Bolshevism and the May 1907 edition of National Geographic magazine-which both pointed out the Jewish role in fermenting revolution in Tsarist Russia), the book discusses the internal conflicts in Jewish Communist circles, and of the eventual break between the socialist Zionists and the Jewish Communists. Next it shows how the Soviet Union first attempted to deal with the Jewish demands for a homeland by creating one within the Soviet Union, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast of Birobidzhan-which still exists to the present-day. However, Israel's increasing racism, ultra-nationalism and aggression towards its neighbors reopened the old split between Zionist and Communist Jews. By the late 1960s, relations between Israel and the Soviet Union had broken down, and the Zionist-Jewish dominated western media launched its "antisemitism in Russia" campaign. The culmination of this clash came in 1983 when a large number of leading Communist Jews in the Soviet Union-including Army Generals, members of the Soviet parliament and others-created the "Anti-Zionist Committee of Soviet Public Opinion" (AZCSPO). This work contains the full text of all three AZCSPO information pieces distributed in the West.
    Israel and the European Left: Between Solidarity and Delegitimization

    Why has the European Left become so antagonistic towards Israel? To answer this question, Colin Shindler looks at the struggle between Marxism-Leninism and Zionism from the October Revolution to today. Is such antagonism in opposition to the policies of successive Israeli governments? Or, is it due to a resurgence of anti-Semitism? The answer is far more complex. Shindler argues that the new generation of the European Left was more influenced by the decolonization movement than by wartime experiences, which led it to favor the Palestinian cause in the post 1967 period. Thus the Israeli drive to settle the West Bank after the Six Day war enhanced an already existing attitude, but did not cause it. Written by a respected scholar, this accessible and balanced work provides a novel account and analytical approach to this important subject. Israel and the European Left will interest students in international politics, Middle Eastern studies, as well as anyone who seeks to understand issues related to today's Left and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
    Last edited by VIK LEWA; 04-30-2023 at 10:56 PM.
    Jupiter in Aquarius (Astro-Seek): "They have to make the first steps with their belief on their own, only then they can offer it to others. And then, by mixing the beliefs of other people, they will develop a system of belief that suits the goals and purpose of the whole group. Their idea is that if they continue like this step-by-step, all mankind will eventually share a common ideology. They see God as a world religion."

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    Lightbulb A World Of Racial And Class Struggles

    Theodore Herzl on Socialism, Democracy and Revolution

    Herzl wrote that he was 'opposed' to 'petty solutions' to the Jewish question, such as 'the conversion of the Jews to socialism'.

    Socialism against Herzl

    Weizmann did not want Orthodox and bourgeois Jews to deform his utopia.

    Theodor Herzl's vision betrayed

    The founder of political Zionism had a capitalist vision, unlike Weizmann and Ben-Gurion.

    The "idiot of Vienna"

    Antisemitism is nothing but the socialism of the idiot of Vienna (loud laughter) – for what reasonable person can believe that the future will be better if people are led back into the darkness of the Middle Ages?”

    The economics of Theodor Herzl and his Zionist vision

    Herzl considered Argentina as a possible alternative to Palestine for the Jewish state. Zionism would require the creation of a large land acquisition company, to sell the homes of departing Jews in an orderly fashion and to coordinate real estate purchases in the new Jewish home. It would be incorporated in London as a joint stock company under English law. Many of the shareholders likely would be Christians. In essence swapping European homes (and businesses) and arbitraging into cheaper homes would allow the joint stock company to turn a profit, thereby financing a new Jewish society and state. The company also would ensure that Jewish buyers of the new lands do not overpay, and provide a liquidity bridge so that Jewish businesses in Europe could be sold at fair prices to Christians. The main initial labor source would be poor Jews from Rumania and Russia.

    Theodor Herzl Quote: "When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate..."

    Orientalism and the Jews

    In 1862 Moses Hess, Marx's collaborator on the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, stood his colleague's teachings on their head and claimed that "the race struggle is primary; the class struggle is secondary."

    Prophecy and Politics: Socialism, Nationalism, and the Russian Jews, 1862-1917

    Is there a Judeo-Christian Tradition?: A European Perspective

    Social Structure and Social Interaction

    For Foucault, the theme of social war provides the overriding principle that connects class and race struggle.

    The Jewish Odyssey of George Eliot

    "The race struggle," Hess announced, "is the primal one, the class struggle secondary." The brotherhood of men, which was the aim of the class struggle, would be achieved by solving the race struggle.

    Zion and State: Nation, Class, and the Shaping of Modern Israel

    Where Marx saw a world of class struggle, Hess saw a world of racial and class struggles, and the latter were secondary. He believed that an end to racial conflicts would engender the cessation of class conflict.
    Jupiter in Aquarius (Astro-Seek): "They have to make the first steps with their belief on their own, only then they can offer it to others. And then, by mixing the beliefs of other people, they will develop a system of belief that suits the goals and purpose of the whole group. Their idea is that if they continue like this step-by-step, all mankind will eventually share a common ideology. They see God as a world religion."

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