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Thread: In search of the first traces of Jewish culture in the iberian peninsula

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    Romano ...................................... E-FT155550
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    Default In search of the first traces of Jewish culture in the iberian peninsula



    "Cástulo, Sefarad: First Light": in search of the first vestiges of the Jewish culture in the peninsula
    This excavation campaign, which will last four months, is included in the projects of the ITI of Jaén and takes place in the area of the Jewish quarter of the archaeological site.

    Cástulo, the Iberian city that had its own currency

    A Roman sculpture of a woman is found in the site of Cástulo (Jaén)

    Cástulo was an important Iberian city, capital of the region of Oretania. Its ruins are located just five kilometers from Linares, in Jaén. The Junta de Andalucía has initiated an excavation campaign in Cástulo to recover vestiges of the Jewish culture. In "Cástulo, Sefarad: Primera Luz", the official name of the work camp, the technical team will be in charge of the excavation tasks, in an area of about 800 m2, where they will be assisted by volunteers, who will also be in charge of sieving the sediments for the recovery of samples and archaeological materials from the excavations, as well as the preliminary classification and washing of the same.

    Excavations at Cástulo Junta de Andalucía

    The delegate of the Government of the Junta de Andalucía in Jaén, Jesús Estrella, has visited the excavations that the Andalusian Government began last Monday in the Archaeological Site of Cástulo, in Linares. In this visit has been accompanied by the delegate of Tourism, Culture and Sport, José Ayala, and the mayor of the municipality, Auxi del Olmo. This excavation campaign, which will last for four months, is included in the projects of the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) of the province of Jaén and is developed in the area of the Jewish quarter of the archaeological site. "Today is an important day because we have background information indicating that in Castulo may be located the first traces of Jewish population in the Iberian Peninsula," explained Jesus Estrella. "Now is the Junta de Andalucía which, with funds from the ITI, brings to light how much still treasures Cástulo, hiring 15 professionals who join 40 volunteers for the enhancement of this enclave, intervening for the first time in the area of the Jewish quarter," he said.

    At the same time, the delegate of the Government has informed that this is the first time since more than thirty years ago that the Junta de Andalucía assumes a campaign of excavations in Cástulo with its own means, without the collaboration of other administrations. For this, the works have the hiring of 15 archaeology professionals and 40 volunteers, of which 9 belong to the 28 February Association of Linares. A group to which the Government delegate thanked "their involvement with the cause of Castulo and with the enhancement of the archaeological and cultural heritage of Linares".

    In the same vein, Jesús Estrella has pointed out "the concern of the Government of the Junta de Andalucía when putting in value all that Cástulo treasures; much remains to be done, but now we give prompt response to the priority that the mayoress of Linares expressed in our meeting a few weeks ago, on the need to continue intervening in the Iberian-Roman site". Thus, the delegate of the Government has listed the various improvement interventions carried out at the site and the Archaeological Museum, to which this excavation campaign and a forthcoming improvement of the lighting of the archaeological site are added.

    Castulo, the Iberian city that had its own currency.
    It was considered an advanced nucleus of the periphery of Tartessos, linked to the mineral deposits of its area of influence.
    E-V22 - E-BY7449 - E-BY7566 - E-FT155550
    According to oral family tradition E-FT155550 comes from a deserter of Napoleon's troops (1808-1813) who stayed in Spain and changed his surname.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Czarek Wacjak View Post
    Spaniards didn't kicked them out, .
    They did, and some of them came to Balkans from Spain.

    "The Jewish communities of the Balkans were boosted in the 15th and 16th centuries by the arrival of Jewish refugees fleeing the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions. Sultan Bayezid II of the Ottoman Empire welcomed the Jewish refugees into his Empire."

    "The first Jews arrived to Bosnia and Herzegovina in period from 1492 to 1497 from Spain and Portugal.[7] As tens of thousands of Jews fled the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions, Sultan Bayezid II of the Ottoman Empire welcomed Jews who were able to reach his territories."

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    And those who stayed were there because they wanted to be Spaniards.
    E-V22 - E-BY7449 - E-BY7566 - E-FT155550
    According to oral family tradition E-FT155550 comes from a deserter of Napoleon's troops (1808-1813) who stayed in Spain and changed his surname.

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