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Thread: Ask rothaer anything

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    Do you count the children in the evening?
    No. I've just 3 under age kids.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    Who is back and who is not?
    My wife usually knows that, so I just ask her if I want to know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    What apartment or house do you live in, how many square meters?
    I'm not sure, the house has eleven rooms and something like 250 sqm plus a full cellar under the house.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    What is your relationship with your ex-wife? Did you break up with her easily and under what circumstances? Did you cheat on her or why?
    No cheathing nor any such accusations involved. The reason was lovelessness and the break-up was decided consensually. It was first all good for quite a while. But after I later had a new wife the ex-wife became extremely anti and hostile without any known to me reason. I found that a pity as it also later completely unnecessarly somewhat poisoned the whole atmosphere and also some of the first children became negatively influenced by that. The relation is "bad" since then in spite of that she is re-married as well.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    How do you feel about mixed Germans?
    They are not my people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    Who mixed with the Turks, for example.
    If they are permanent residents in Germany, they are an ultimate threat to the preservation of my people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    How do you raise children, do you punish them physically?
    I first did, but my wife was much against it and after also the law had changed and it had become forbidden in Germany I gave that up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    Are you imposing a nationalist agenda on children?
    I can not make magic but I try to and such things have to be done carefully in order to convince someone and not produce anti reactions. It has to be considered that they all spend more time in school and with others than with me. I essentially promote the (harmless and very well by kind of everyone agreeable) goals and all other things will evolve by logics and being consequent. The importance of transporting my world view to them is to me even a main reason for maintaning a good relationship, no matter what. I do not have these things under control. My oldest and intelligent daughter is voting for the greens which just demonstrates that voting rights should better not be provided below 40 as you always there have a lot of naivity. But she and me never argued about politics. She knows my view as I intentionally told it in time without any argument. Time by time I drop a comment that supports my view if I think that she can agree to it. If they all have German partners and only procreate in that context, all other things are comparably irrelevant. As I said, I think that maintaining a good personal relationship is important in that context.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    My sister did her doctoral work in medicine in Germany, the city of Kiel. She's very smart, unlike me. The Germans respected her very much, because she passed 60% of the discoveries in their joint work autoimmune. The doctoral work turned out. In corrupt Russia, about 5 people (senior officials) defended their doctoral dissertation in medicine immediately at its opening. At the same time, she personally wrote them a doctor's dissertation so as not to starve to death. Only 20 years later she became a doctor of sciences on her dissertation in Russia. I think those Germans who worked with her are already very rich and successful, but she earns a month the same as I am stupid for 1 day. Here's Russia for you. Arrogance, corruption, which lives at the expense of smart Russian people. Russians have a lot of smart people, but our mentality is ugly, I hate it.
    Russia has enormous potentials and it could blossom if there was introduced a more rule based administration. If I would be a Russian dictator I'd think of importing 10.000 Norwegians that would be placed in all important places in the administration. They could even be permanently exchanged (rotating, Prussian anti corruption method). The whole policy of Peter the Great was in that direction (figuratively). He thought of importing very specific folks for the good of all. And I think that he had some success in favor of Russia.
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    Quote Originally Posted by rothaer View Post
    Russia has enormous potentials and it could blossom if there was introduced a more rule based administration. If I would be a Russian dictator I'd think of importing 10.000 Norwegians that would be placed in all important places in the administration. They could even be permanently exchanged (rotating, Prussian anti corruption method). The whole policy of Peter the Great was in that direction (figuratively). He thought of importing very specific folks for the good of all. And I think that he had some success in favor of Russia.
    I agree. We need rules, I'll keep silent about what...zae and the rules of 10 years in prison. Well, fuck it, I'll go fishing better.moreover, Russians do not care about pure blood.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    I agree. We need rules, I'll keep silent about what...zae and the rules of 10 years in prison. Well, fuck it, I'll go fishing better.moreover, Russians do not care about pure blood.
    Carry on. We need you. Now and in the future. Very much so even.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vjatych View Post
    Here's Russia for you. Arrogance, corruption, which lives at the expense of smart Russian people. Russians have a lot of smart people, but our mentality is ugly, I hate it.
    Croatia is identical. Talented people, ugly mentality. It's obvious we come from same root.

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    Do you like your haplogroups?

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    If you have option to choose, would you rather be western German, wthout Slavic admixture?
    Answer honestly.

  9. #339
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laly View Post
    As you mention the fall of the Western Roman Empire, there is a Belgian historian who has had, until now, a great influence internationally, that is Henri Pirenne and according to him, the Western Roman Empire continued to exist, in a way or in another, until Muslim invasions around the Mediterranean sea. They would have disrupted the European economy, greatly linked to the Mediterranean, becoming largely Muslim. The nerve centre of the Medieval West would have then moved to the North, this being reflected in the ascent of the Frankish Kingdom, and then the Holy Germanic Roman Empire, a legitimate continuity of the “first” Roman Empire.
    Yes, I actually agree but I'd remove the word Western (Roman Empire). The end in 476 AD is a retrospective assessment of historians just. Conspiciously all the Germanic kingdoms on the area of the former Roman Empire (But Anglo-Saxons and Longobards) referred to the ceasar in Constantinople as the supreme legitimacy. You see this in the coinage. They all refrain from minting solidi and if they do, they do it as an imitation of the Byzantine coins with the Byzantine ceasar. The Germanic kings only dared to coin semissis and tremissis as cold coins with their name on it. I find this striking that they observed these things, also the Visigoths till their last days.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laly View Post
    Furthermore, the comparison between Gaul for ex. and Britannia is indeed extremely interesting. I really wonder why exactly analogous phenomena led to such opposite situations. So, in the one hand, the Romanised Gaul kept Latin after the Germanic invasions, while in Britannia, Latin disappeared as a spoken language in the context of Anglo-Saxon invasions. You say the Celtic language in Britannia was able to exterminate Latin, but it seems to me that Latin was actually greatly replaced by Old English/Anglo-Saxon rather than by Celtic languages.
    Okay, it's hard to see if it was Briton in between, but yeah, the Germanic language showed up in the same context and time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laly View Post
    You evoke a collapse of cities. Would the cities, infrastructures, structures, that had been developed with the Romanisation, have collapsed much more in Britannia than in Gaul, where Latin would have then kept its prestige, staying a reference? Is there a link with the fact that Britannia is farer from Rome, that the Gauls would have kept more contacts with their Italic neighbours?
    No, according to Udolph, that I referred to in this context, the majority conditions were different between Gaul and Britannia with gaul having much more cities and citiy population compared to the rural areas. So when all the folks eventually met in the countryside the Latin speakers were in majority in Gaul while it was the opposite in Britannia.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laly View Post
    In any case, the Gaulish elites have, as a general rule, been the driving force of Romanisation. It is extremely interesting that many among Gaulish elites were already Romanised before the Roman conquest. Some Gaulish peoples concurred so much with Romanity that they lived in a Roman manner. They were described as allies of the Roman people and this is confirmed by archaeology. But other Gaulish peoples were resistant to Romanisation, like the Belgians. Already in the first book of the Gallic Wars, Julius Caesar evokes the resistance of the Belgians, who oppose the Roman civilisation. There is somehow a paradox, because if Julius Caesar is certainly the greatest exterminator of Gauls, he is the one who described the best the Gauls and their civilisation, and even in a benevolent way, compared to the others of his time. There was actually a great proximity between the Gauls and the Romans, who spoke very close languages, Latin and Gaulish being part of the Italo-Celtic linguistic group. They were brothers.

    In Belgium, the Belgian Gaulish king Ambiorix is very famous for resisting Julius Caesar. He is considered to be a national hero:

    Yes, interesting. I wasn't aware of Ambiorix!

    Quote Originally Posted by Laly View Post
    In France, it’s Gaulish king Vercingetorix who is very famous for his resistance, his bravery. He was defeated, with his troops, in Alesia and surrendered to Caesar:
    Yes, he's well known to me. Btw. how are the internal views among relective French (speakers), can they appreciate their Romance language when they celebrate Ambiorix and Vercingetorix for their resistance? How?

    Quote Originally Posted by Laly View Post
    : The Gaulish substratum of what became the French language is indeed significant, with number of basic words coming from Gaulish. The lexion of Gaulish origin in French is varied, with words linked to bravery, war, feudality, words describing nature, animals’ name, words linked to livestock farming, cheeses, agriculture (as Strabo mentioned, Gaul was a huge granary and for ex. the word “blé” - “wheat” - is of Gaulish origin), iron mines, forests, housing, transport (the Gauls had created infrastructures, roads, that were later developed by the Romans) or trade. There are also of course a lot of toponyms that are of Gaulish origin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laly View Post
    I still wonder, by the way, is there a connotation of superiority in the expression “High German”, in comparison with “Low German”?
    Not really or say, it depends on what you mean with superiority. Like the Low Countries not exactly refers to Dutch being subhumans Low German refers just to that Northern Germany is topograhically lower than Southern Germany. In fact the fitting opposite to Niederdeutsch (Low German) is Oberdeutsch. There is a functional superiority expressed by Hochdeutsch (High German) as it means it's more elevated and detached from any dialect and also somewhat uniform and relevant. In the Low German area a Hochsprache (High Language) never developed, except for Hochniederländisch (High Dutch) that became standard Dutch. In general dialects are somewhat respected in Germany so there is no connotation with any superiority or inferioriority of the speakers.

    The songs I'll treat separatedly!
    Target: rothaer_scaled
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  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dušan View Post
    If you have option to choose, would you rather be western German, wthout Slavic admixture?
    Answer honestly.
    Hmmm. An unexpected question.

    No, I would not. I'm fine with that aspect of my ancestry.

    Why? In general the more Slavic parts of Germany are not the highest performing ones and I also commented like that when I commented on the various regions in this thread. The difference is not big and the southern former Slavic parts of Germany are even comparably high performing. However, that doesn't make me personally feel uncomfortable as I consider myself above the Western German level in all aspects considered relevant. The in averge a little bit lower performance of my "regional compatriots" is not burdening me and not making me feel uncomfortable. I don't see how that thing is concerning me personally.

    If you are a Pomeranian noble you will also have no problem in admitting that your regional commoners are somewhat more simple than in Westphalia and you can be very fine with your ancestry and even call yourself Bogislav von Selchow and thus even emphasise your Slavic part of ancestry with your christian name. I also can not imagine that this Pomeranian noble wanted to rather "be western German, wthout Slavic admixture" or that he in any way felt uncomfortable with what he was.
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