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Thread: Truth about White guilt

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    Quote Originally Posted by Florstadt View Post
    The glorious colonial periods, where exploitation and extraction of resources were the name of the game. How delightful it must have been for the colonizers to plunder the riches of other nations, leaving behind economic underdevelopment and political instability. Such benevolent acts, don't you agree? The push factors for migration that resulted from this delightful colonial legacy truly added a touch of chaos and despair to the former colonies. Oh, the joys of exploitation and its long-lasting consequences.
    In other words, Europe's colonial past is coming back to haunt them. Who would have guessed that colonialism has consequences?
    what is your oppinion concerning the Israeli settlers in the west bank.

    At present, the view of the international community, as reflected in numerous UN resolutions, regards the building and existence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights as a violation of international law.[135][136][137] UN Security Council Resolution 446 refers to the Fourth Geneva Convention as the applicable international legal instrument, and calls upon Israel to desist from transferring its own population into the territories or changing their demographic makeup. The reconvened Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions has declared the settlements illegal[138] as has the primary judicial organ of the UN, the International Court of Justice.

    In late January 2013 a report drafted by three justices, presided over by Christine Chanet, and issued by the United Nations Human Rights Council declared that Jewish settlements constituted a creeping annexation based on multiple violations of the Geneva Conventions and international law, and stated that if Palestine ratified the Rome Accord, Israel could be tried for "gross violations of human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law." A spokesman for Israel's Foreign Ministry declared the report 'unfortunate' and accused the UN's Human Rights Council of a "systematically one-sided and biased approach towards Israel."
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    White guilt is nothing but a case of elites eyeing $$$ and using mainstream media for propaganda to make the native population accept the incoming migrant workforce and future market ... Almost all of the countries in the EU have the following characteristics:

    - Large portion of GDP is the service slavery of non-native capital groups.
    - Very small portion of GDP is industrial so countries are balls deep into foreign debt.


    - Government is actually poor and is in debt.
    - Government is bound to implement the social policies dictated to it by the corporations who fund the GDP (service sector).
    - Government can not establish independent import contracts with raw material providers so the economic model can not be switched from service to industry.

    Whites with falling birth rates are not providing replacement generation that ensures workforce and markets for the corporate sector that runs their government. Hence the corporates needs replacements/migrants and the government has to tow the line. These people who own your economy do not give a fuck what color or race you are. They want their giant businesses to sustain and expand at all costs. This cycle will continue unless there is economic independence attained by the government, but they can't because being in debt and having no actual industry they are not even free of independent foriegn policy that can result in them being free of this economic trap. The same big companies own the fake right-wing parties all over EU now to ensure that no government actually changes the service sector jobber slavery of elite corps to industrial sector economy that will translate into socio-political independence of the government to decide for its people.

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    Thats what happens when you combine morality religious slave brainwashing with groups of people with power who wanna destroy as in physically destroy europeans, racially. Be it due to them holding a grudge or wanting a global slave mixed population caste. Also as an excuse to enable repressive police states due to the problem (as in social tension) that they themselves created and thus enact laws that they wouldn’t otherwise enable in a “”normal”” state. As well as just depopulation which is the main goal, as mixed marriages i think tend to have less children or maybe just those mixed kids since they’re born in a very brainwashed unnatural modern slave environment end up childless in the future (like perfect slaves of the NWO) and even without mixing, the whole moral brainwash that results in “white guilt” will make white couples have less children because they don’t wanna create more “evil colonizer oppressors”.

    And if that’s not enough, the brainwashing indoctrination centers of the govt (“schools”) will for sure make sure that the white children end up being brainwashed slaves. If that’s not yet enough, the medical industry with vaccines and medications and also the junk processed food will make sure they’re unhealthy and weak and degenerated. And if all that is not yet enough, then media will definitely ruin them, through all the propaganda online as well as in TV but mainly online nowadays (the reason behind the rise of transgenderism/LGBT bullshit, all this paired with the brains not working properly due to poor health and toxicity is a recipe for disaster). Depopulation is global however, whites are not the only victims but they are for sure fixated on them RN, because some groups among the control system hold a personal grudge against them (and we know who are those), or maybe just because they could pose a threat.

    The reason behind is pointless and what matters is what is happening right now, actually what had been happening since quite some decades ago. It was all planned and those leftist idiots are useful tools to create conflict and slave golems who defend the system and will fight the revolting slaves so that the control system will remain the same. If you have the slaves fighting one another there won’t be time for them to go after the ones above.

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