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Thread: Israel vs. Palestine Rebirth

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anglo-Celtic View Post
    He's a bitter irrelevant old COVID Karen now. That's good symbolism for what he did to his own career.
    The guy has always been a scumbag. For years he'd say 'I invented this and I invented that' when in fact except for the degenerate sexual stuff he'd allow - which is what got him his popularity - he had stolen much from previous 'shock jocks.'

    While I have no issue with not paying interns who are with you for a couple of months to learn the business and gain experience he had guys who were 'interns' for years and were never paid. You're no longer an intern if you've been working at a place for years, lolz; you're now an employee who isn't getting paid. He earns millions of dollars and he couldn't step up to bat for those idiots who helped make his show.

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    This business of going back into history to undo the past and demand a gift reparation of a present established country to nameless Bedouins who were paid and now decide the deal wasn't fair because maybe they could make a success of themselves if they possessed all of the Holy Land and will murder and dismember to convince themselves that they can achieve anything more than competently dig tunnels is delusional because they've managed to start with a shithole and keep it that way while Israel started similarly and built a model of modern industrialization.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post

    Anyone who has read the Torah (the OT for Christians) shouldn't be surprised by the psychopathy of the above (btw, that chick and one of her Black (Ethiopian) dancers really do look native to the Levant, am I right?)

    When 9/11 happened I remember most people were somber. There wasn't this bloodlust. People raised in Christianity think differently about life and their enemies than those raised in Judaism.

    Funny enough the most bloodthirsty person at the time of the tragedy I could think of was Howard Stern (Jewish) who demanded we mass murder people with nukes.
    Pure psychopathy in the link

    Watch that two minute clip. The rabbi reveals exactly what I said above is true.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by StonyArabia View Post
    They can dream of wiping the Gazans but they can’t wipe their bravery and resilience. ROFL they sure do they are “Israelites” after all. There is an interesting book called The invention of the Jewish people by Shalmo Sands who is Israeli himself, the thesis is that Judaism is no different than Christianity or Islam in being multiethnic religion. There were several significant conversions to Judaism historically the most famous of these are the Khazars, the kingdom of Adiabene , the Himyarite kingdom in Yemen, Kindah in central Arabia , several less known ones that probably occurred.

    Real Levantines here
    Ah, what a display of bravery it is to abduct your own people, cowering behind innocent family members, using them as human shields, and even sending children to the border with Israel to lose their legs. Truly a shining example for all "resistance" movements worldwide. But hold on a moment... resistance against what exactly? After all, Hamas has been granted the opportunity to govern Gaza solely for the Gazans for two decades now, and look at the result. With ample funds from Qatar, Hamas has been busy constructing bombs and instilling hatred in children, all while Gaza's leaders enjoy lavish lifestyles abroad. Quite the peculiar notion of "freedom" indeed.

    Families of Muslim Hostages Held by Hamas: 'This Isn't a Religious War':


    One of the sons of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh lounges in a luxury hotel suite in Qatar. Haniyeh is worth more than $4 billion.:


    Hamas cynically sent 7-year-old girl to breach Gaza border:

    “When the IDF troops realized it was a girl, they picked her up and made sure that she could get back to her parents safely,” the army said. It did not say how it coordinated with girl’s parents on the Gaza side.


    Below: Children sent to the fence

    Below: a child who lost his leg because he was sent to the fence by Hamas:

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florstadt View Post
    Ah, what a display of bravery it is to abduct your own people, cowering behind innocent family members, using them as human shields, and even sending children to the border with Israel to lose their legs.
    Once again, the Goldstone Report revealed that Hamas didn't use human shields.

    How did those children lose their legs, Shmuly? The IDF shot them. They also shot journalists and medics. What you're referring to was a peace demonstration. A march to the wall ('oy vey!!!! They're going to climb the wall we built to keep in their concentration camp!!!')

    '42 Knees in One Day': Israeli Snipers Open Up About Shooting Gaza Protesters
    Over 200 Palestinians were killed and nearly 8,000 were injured during almost two years of weekly protests at the Israel-Gaza border. Israeli army snipers tell their stories
    Truly a shining example for all "resistance" movements worldwide. But hold on a moment... resistance against what exactly?
    Against the embargo on them and you stealing their land. You forcing them to live in an open air concentration camp.

    After all, Hamas has been granted the opportunity to govern Gaza solely for the Gazans for two decades now, and look at the result. With ample funds from Qatar, Hamas has been busy constructing bombs and instilling hatred in children, all while Gaza's leaders enjoy lavish lifestyles abroad. Quite the peculiar notion of "freedom" indeed.
    'You're free to live free in this concentration camp that we have walled off from the rest of the world and we limit food to the minimum. We also on occasion carpet bomb you for no other reason but to 'mow the lawn.'

    You guys have it so good.'

    - Shmuly

    Families of Muslim Hostages Held by Hamas: 'This Isn't a Religious War':

    Don't work for the enemy.

    Thank you for proving it isn't a religious war.

    One of the sons of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh lounges in a luxury hotel suite in Qatar. Haniyeh is worth more than $4 billion.:

    There is corruption, what a revelation!

    Hamas cynically sent 7-year-old girl to breach Gaza border:

    “When the IDF troops realized it was a girl, they picked her up and made sure that she could get back to her parents safely,” the army said. It did not say how it coordinated with girl’s parents on the Gaza side.

    Such propaganda.

    Here are the stats for those killed and injured during the Great March that are accepted by Amnesty International.

    Six Months On: Gaza’s Great March of Return

    According to the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, since the start of the protests, over 150 Palestinians have been killed in the demonstrations. At least 10,000 others have been injured, including 1,849 children, 424 women, 115 paramedics and 115 journalists. Of those injured, 5,814 were hit by live ammunition. According to Israeli media, one soldier was moderately injured due to shrapnel from a grenade thrown by a Palestinian from inside Gaza and one Israeli soldier was killed by Palestinian sniper fire near the fence that separates Gaza and Israel outside of the context of the protests.
    Those medics and journalists must have been human shields, as well, right?

    Below: Children sent to the fence

    Below: a child who lost his leg because he was sent to the fence by Hamas:

    This lie you people keep pushing of human shields is destroyed by the face that medics and journalists are also targeted. We also have clips of IDF snipers taking joy in shooting children.

    How would Hamas benefit from this massive protest? You have a wall. Are they going to climb the wall? Are all the protestors going to climb the wall?

    You eat up the propaganda because you like what you hear but it doesn't make sense to anyone who isn't absorbed in tribal loyalty.

    Your entire post reminds me of this Golda Meir quote:

    “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

    Typical Shmuly logic (and the rabbi in the link quoted her).

    'It's not our fault that we're killing your people. It's your fault for defending your land from us taking it. You are to blame for us killing you.'

    A perfect example of this Polish saying:

    "The Jew cries out in pain as he beats you."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post

    Against the embargo on them and you stealing their land. You forcing them to live in an open air concentration camp.

    'You're free to live free in this concentration camp that we have walled off from the rest of the world and we limit food to the minimum. We also on occasion carpet bomb you for no other reason but to 'mow the lawn.'

    You guys have it so good.'

    - Shmuly
    After the disengagement, goods entered the Gaza Strip through the land border crossings with limited restrictions and subject to Israeli supervision. Following Hamas' victory in the Palestinian parliamentary elections and the Hamas-Fatah confrontation in the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas announced that it was withdrawing from the security agreements concluded between the Palestinian Authority, Israel, and Egypt, and even threatened to carry out attacks in Israel.

    Even Egypt closed the border between it and the Gaza Strip on June 7, 2007, during the fighting between Fatah and Hamas, out of fear of the infiltration of terrorist activities by Hamas into Egypt.

    Following Gaza flotilla raid, Palmer Report, the report published to the public in early September 2011 stated that the naval blockade imposed by the State of Israel on the Gaza Strip is legal, as a legitimate step of self-defense, since there are many terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip and there is a reasonable concern that they will attempt to smuggle weapons and ammunition by sea. The report also determined that Israel adhered to the principles of international law in imposing the blockade and that its imposition in international waters was lawful.

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    Hamas rats admitted during an interrogation that they took an old woman captive and used her as a human shield (4:39):

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    Quote Originally Posted by Florstadt View Post
    After the disengagement, goods entered the Gaza Strip through the land border crossings with limited restrictions and subject to Israeli supervision. Following Hamas' victory in the Palestinian parliamentary elections and the Hamas-Fatah confrontation in the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas announced that it was withdrawing from the security agreements concluded between the Palestinian Authority, Israel, and Egypt, and even threatened to carry out attacks in Israel.
    Yes, Israel 'supervision.'

    Israel used 'calorie count' to limit Gaza food during blockade, critics claim
    The Israeli military made precise calculations of Gaza's daily calorie needs to avoid malnutrition during a blockade imposed on the Palestinian territory between 2007 and mid-2010, according to files the defence ministry released on Wednesday under a court order.

    Even Egypt closed the border between it and the Gaza Strip on June 7, 2007, during the fighting between Fatah and Hamas, out of fear of the infiltration of terrorist activities by Hamas into Egypt.
    What a shocker the Egypt government favors one side - the side that wasn't helped created by Israelis (which I proved and you were silent) that tied to a group that is antagonistic to their government.

    However, it's Israel that has control over what enters Gaza. Hence why it's Israel that chooses to have the Palestinian people on a minimum calorie diet.

    Following Gaza flotilla raid, Palmer Report, the report published to the public in early September 2011 stated that the naval blockade imposed by the State of Israel on the Gaza Strip is legal, as a legitimate step of self-defense, since there are many terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip and there is a reasonable concern that they will attempt to smuggle weapons and ammunition by sea. The report also determined that Israel adhered to the principles of international law in imposing the blockade and that its imposition in international waters was lawful.
    You got it wrong and you got it wrong not because you're lazy and stupid (which you are) but because you place your tribe ahead of the truth. This is why you post whatever sounds good to you (what's good for the tribe) instead of taking ten minutes to do research.

    Read carefully, fool.

    This is from Amnesty International.

    Palmer Report Did Not Find Gaza Blockade Legal, Despite Media Headlines

    The media has gone crazy these past couple of days announcing that the UN-appointed panel of inquiry into the flotilla raid last summer, known as the Palmer Commission, found that the Israeli imposed blockade on Gaza is legal and that Israel used excessive force during the raid.

    From the Jerusalem Postopens in a new tab to the BBCopens in a new tab, headlines scream that Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip is legal. This is not only completely false, it distracts from the main point of the inquiry which was to determine if excessive use of force was used by Israeli forces during the raid on the flotilla in international waters and how to avoid a similar incident like this from happening again.

    The contents of the Palmer Report were made public Thursday by the New York Timesopens in a new tab. The report itself, which was completed last February, was being delayed at the UN while Turkey and Israel negotiated over language and played behind-the-scenes politics.

    Sadly, the report does not spend a lot of time on the victims or accountability for the wrong-doing, although it states,

    “Forensic evidence showing that most of the deceased were shot multiple times, including in the back, or at close range has not been adequately accounted for in the material presented by Israel.”
    And critically notes that Israel’s treatment of the passengers, “included physical mistreatment, harassment and intimidation, unjustified confiscation of belongings and the denial of timely consular assistance,” while acknowledging that once the commandos were on board, they faced violent resistance and felt forced to defend themselves.

    The report also found the naval blockade of Gaza by Israel legal.

    As the occupying power over the Gaza Strip, Israel has the right to determine where and how goods and people should enter the territory it occupies so the maritime blockade as a tactic is legal. The report did not make a ruling on the entire closure regime or blockade on the Gaza strip.

    The Palmer report’s finding that the naval blockade is lawful should NOT be interpreted to mean that the entire closure regime imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip is legal. An excellent analysis of this can be found on the ‘Gishaopens in a new tab – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement’ websiteopens in a new tab.

    Gisha even goes one step farther to argue that the maritime blockade should actually be found to be illegal. In a Q&Aopens in a new tab they put together, they argue that when taken into context with the full blockade on Gaza and Israel’s failure to adhere to international law and legal obligations as an occupying power – then the maritime closure is actually illegal:

    “By preventing the passage of civilians and goods of a civilian nature to and from the Gaza Strip, Israel has paralyzed the economy of the area and caused substantial damage to key aspects of civilian life. In so doing, it has violated its obligations under international law, rendering its policy of closure – including the maritime closure – unlawful.”
    Amnesty also believes the entire closure regime (blockade) on Gaza is illegalopens in a new tab. It is a form of collective punishment which breaches international law. Amnesty pointed out in a public statement released Friday, that the best way to avoid similar incidents like this one in the future is for Israel to fully and immediately lift the blockade imposed on Gaza since June 2007, and allow Gazans to rebuild the homes, schools, clinics and infrastructure destroyed by the Israeli military.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Florstadt View Post
    Hamas rats admitted during an interrogation that they took an old woman captive and used her as a human shield (4:39):

    '...admitted during interrogation...'

    You can't be this stupid.

    So, Fordsdt, explain to me why such a high proportion of medics and journalists have been shot by the IDF during the Great March? Even if we didn't have the Goldstone Report debunking the human shield lie the high proportion of medics and journalists being harmed by the IDF would indicate that they do target civilians. Unless, of course, you want to argue medics and journalists are used as human shields by Hamas.

    Do you think people don't notice how you ignore what is said? I address EVERYTHING. You EVADE. And we both know why. You don't care about the truth (you won't even do a 5 minute google search on the Palmer Report). You place your tribe ahead of truth and everyone sees it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post
    However, it's Israel that has control over what enters Gaza. Hence why it's Israel that chooses to have the Palestinian people on a minimum calorie diet.
    "calorie diet"

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