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Thread: Croatian man killed in Ireland "for speaking Croatian"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace O'Malley View Post
    But still making it illegal does appear to be the way to go and that appears to be the opinion in places like the EU.
    Soon we will have inter galactic Hookers.

    I heard rumours someone's trying to put Hookers on the Moon or film a Porn film on the Moon or something.
    In June 2015, Pornhub announced its plans to make the first pornographic film in space. It launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund the effort, dubbed Sexploration, with the goal of raising $3.4 million in 60 days. The campaign only received pledges for $236,086. If funded, the film would have been slated for a 2016 release, following six months of training for the two performers and six-person crew.[26][27][28][29] Though it claimed to be in talks with multiple private spaceflight carriers, the company declined to name names "for fear that would risk unnecessary fallout" from the carriers.[26] A article about the campaign mentioned that in 2008, Virgin Galactic received and rejected a $1 million offer from an undisclosed party to shoot a sex film on board SpaceShipTwo.
    Last edited by oszkar07; 04-20-2024 at 09:52 AM.
    The DNA of the Hungarian Race Shows that It Is Chosen
    While human DNA has two or three spirals within a given length, the DNA of the Hungarian race has nine ... which is identical to the number of rotations of light from the planet Sirius when it reaches the Earth. The cosmic origin of Hungarian intelligence, the Hungarian soul and the Hungarian minds is a result of this fact

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    Croatian man killed in Ireland "for speaking Croatian"
    The DNA of the Hungarian Race Shows that It Is Chosen
    While human DNA has two or three spirals within a given length, the DNA of the Hungarian race has nine ... which is identical to the number of rotations of light from the planet Sirius when it reaches the Earth. The cosmic origin of Hungarian intelligence, the Hungarian soul and the Hungarian minds is a result of this fact

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    According to this 2020 study, sex trafficking into Australia has dramatically decreased with the decriminalisation of the industry.
    Rung’s slavery crimes while acting as a Mother Tac date back to 2005. According to the data X gathered in Australia, debt bondage for sex workers is a far less common phenomenon today. Official statistics (Lyneham et al. 2019) convene with SEXHUM’s data: over the past 15 years, there has been a gradual yet overall drastic decrease in referrals, cases, and prosecutions of trafficking, slavery, and debt bondage in the Australian sex industry. Between 2014 and 2017, referrals for sexual exploitation went from 31% to 11% of all cases (Lyneham et al. 2019, p. 2). According to the Australian Federal Police Human Trafficking National Coordination, the “modern slavery” scenario has “changed exponentially”:
    15 years ago, referrals were predominantly sexual servitude. ( ) There are less intelligence reports coming through than we historically received. We’re not even hearing whispers, previously we would have clients who have visited certain brothels report “I saw a girl last night”, and, “I am concerned about her or the conditions she works in”; we’re not even really getting these reports as we were in the past. (AFP Human Trafficking Coordination Unit, May 2019)
    As of November 2019, referrals for sexual exploitation to the Support for Trafficked People Programme were 30% of all referrals, as opposed to 100% in 2012 (Red Cross 2019). Between July 2019 and April 2020, the Red Cross had three new referrals for sexual exploitation and, as of 4 May 2020, was supporting a total of 13 clients, most carried over from previous years. Amongst the 47 migrant sex workers we interviewed, the vast majority (43) of whom were currently on student, partner, permanent, or bridging visas which allowed them to legally work in Australia, only two had experienced trafficking-like conditions over or about a decade ago, whereas most had endured other forms of labour exploitation—such as unsupportive and pushy managers or clients, or too high shares to pay to the house. Yet, alongside this most reported feeling less exploited by the sex industry than other industries they worked in, such as hospitality. Those who knew or had heard about instances of trafficking, debt bondage, and particularly “Mother Tacs” said it is was a thing of the past, which was confirmed by the AFP.
    Indeed, both SEXHUM data and the AFP representatives interviewed concur that the possibility of being able to work with valid visas and in a decriminalised environment such as the state of New South Wales2 has a positive influence on the degree of independence that sex workers can achieve from exploitative managers and operators. This is because an increased availability of more (legal) work options within the industry promotes access to justice, while decriminalisation decreases the stigma attached to sex work to some extent (Mai et al. 2020):

    [Decriminalisation] reduces the stigma in relation to the actual occupation, and any issues for them to report [crimes]. (AFP Human Trafficking case officer in Rung’s case, March 2020)
    It’s only New South Wales and New Zealand that have adopted and sustained the decriminalised model for a period of time, and that [curbing exploitation] was one of the intentions of decriminalisation. They are the only two places in the world that have it and have sustained it. So, it [the reduced cases of sexual exploitation] could be partly an outcome of adopting something that does give people a choice and give them some power, decriminalisation. (AFP Human Trafficking Coordination Unit, May 2019)
    In November 2019, the Northern Territory government passed a sex work decriminalisation bill, drawing on lessons learnt from existing decriminalisation bills and their regulatory policies in New Zealand and NSW(Roberts and Breen 2019). Sex work decriminalisation as a legislative model has been already widely argued to be the best available legislative framework for accessing rights, health, justice, and protection for all sex workers (Amnesty International 2016; Selvey et al. 2018). Our findings complement and add to this evidence by arguing that the Australian case exposes how a combination of decriminalisation of sex work and increased legal migration options are key to decreasing cases of trafficking, slavery, and migrant sex workers’ general labour exploitation.
    In the submission SEXHUM provided to the Australian Government, the authors insist on the importance of learning from Australia’s progress in reducing trafficking and slavery in the sex industry and on applying those lessons to further curb migrant labour exploitation in sex work as well as in other industries. This includes focussing on improving migrants’ access to legal migration paths, work visas, and work options and fully decriminalising the sex industry in all states and territories, rather than priming the criminal justice system to prosecute a symbolic number of modern slavery cases and curb immigration offences. Our research in Australia has indeed confirmed what critical anti-trafficking scholars have already amply argued: framing migrant sex workers’ exploitation in terms of human trafficking and modern slavery, rather than understanding them as agents with limited access to legal paths to migration and labour, leads to their very exploitation being largely left unaddressed, hiding the structural roles of border regimes, unequal opportunities, and exploitative labour relations (O’Connell Davidson 2015; Segrave et al. 2017). Moreover, the decriminalisation of sex work and migration, contrary to purely criminal justice approaches, tackles exploitation at its root causes—poverty and the lack of legal migration and work options. Our research data show that addressing labour exploitation by providing improved labour rights is a more adequate response than failing to prosecute exploiters under legal concepts that are difficult to define; only tackle a very small number of cases; are often disproportionate; and rest on short-sighted and fixed racialised, gendered, and sexualised constructions of villainism and victimhood, of which the Mother Tac serves as one example.
    Women (usually of the same ethnicity) form a large part of international sex traffickers.
    About half of the just over twenty convictions under Divisions 270 and 271 of the Australian Criminal Code are for female offenders (Marchant 2019). As already noted, Kanbut’s major conviction were applied under s270.3(1)(a) of the Commonwealth Criminal Code, which defines slavery as the condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised. Division 271 contains specific offences for the trafficking of persons, including separate offences for debt bondage, although this section did not apply to Kanbut’s conviction. It is now widely acknowledged that women like Kanbut form a large part of trafficking and slavery offenders worldwide (Baxter 2020a). The figure of the female trafficker and of the madam has come to complicate wider gendered narratives of human trafficking into sex work as being the realm of organised crime in the hands of male traffickers, led by the demand of male clients (O’Brien 2019).
    Last edited by Creoda; 04-20-2024 at 10:02 AM.

  4. #784
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creoda View Post
    According to this 2020 study, sex trafficking into Australia has dramatically decreased with the decriminalisation of the industry.

    Women (usually of the same ethnicity) form a large part of international sex traffickers.
    Trafficking is still a huge issue in prostitution in Australia and in the EU they are saying to opposite to the above regarding legalising prostitution.

    British investigator Kevin Forrest, who helped jail Xie in England a decade ago, said Asian women at his brothels had their passports removed and were directed to perform extreme and degrading services, including rape fantasies.

    He said the women were subjected to modern slavery-like conditions: “You never come out. You never go into town. You never socialise. You’re never allowed to do anything else. You are there to perform the sex.”
    Federal police Superintendent Jayne Crossling, who oversees the AFP’s human trafficking division, said the small number of prosecutions was frustrating and reflected the difficulty obtaining co-operation from fearful victims.

    “We think that this is an incredibly underreported crime. I think we can do more to detect. We can do more to prevent. We can do more to educate those victims,” she said, while calling for “improvements” in Australian law.

    I don't know why any would support prostitution legal or not. Anyway I've made my thoughts known on the topic and contributed plenty of information. I don't think there is really anything else I can add to the topic.

    Australia does appear to have a low rate of human trafficking.

    Australia works with other governments and organisations to prevent human trafficking, prosecute the perpetrators, and protect and support trafficked people. Australia's anti-human trafficking strategy was established in 2003.
    Last edited by Grace O'Malley; 04-20-2024 at 10:34 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace O'Malley View Post
    Trafficking is still a huge issue in prostitution in Australia and in the EU they are saying to opposite to the above regarding legalising prostitution.

    I don't know why any would support prostitution legal or not. Anyway I've made my thoughts known on the topic and contributed plenty of information. I don't think there is really anything else I can add to the topic.
    What about rising number of incels? Men in their 20s or 30s who have never seen a vagina? Are you and other women who are against prostitution give them your vaginas?

    Btw, I am against prostitution.

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    Quote Originally Posted by oszkar07 View Post
    The most criminal aspect to it is when there is any lack of consent such as in the case of trafficking - coercian.

    In cases where there is legitimate consent - the question of it being criminal can only really be argued if it is taking place in a jurisdiction
    where it is not legal. Otherwise in the scenario of it being "consentual and legal" you then have only subjective societal views towards it and
    seeing it as a crime as such would be questionable at best.

    Then people may say , oh but even if its legal it might have criminal gangs connecting to it.

    Same thing concerning connection of criminal gangs can be said about =

    building industry
    second hand car dealerships
    real estate developers
    tatoo parours
    Gyms (particuliarly mixed martial art and boxing gyms)
    so on and so fourth.
    In order to fight it effectively, it has to be recognized as a crime first. That's what I've said in my previous reply and that's my assumption. The fact that the lack of consent in some cases is an important factor to consider is obvious, however, I am against all forms of prostitution not necessarily out of purely pragmatic reasons. Not everything morally fine is legal, and not everything morally corrupt is illegal. Additionally, there are many 'victimless' crimes, which are rightfully illegal, such as grave robbing or stealing organs from dead bodies. However, I have never met anyone who would apply the same grey zone logic in such cases.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blondie View Post
    the eastern block was much less corrupt than capitalist countries
    This is a joke. Communist countries were extremely corrupt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldaris View Post
    In order to fight it effectively, it has to be recognized as a crime first. That's what I've said in my previous reply and that's my assumption. The fact that the lack of consent in some cases is an important factor to consider is obvious, however, I am against all forms of prostitution not necessarily out of purely pragmatic reasons. Not everything morally fine is legal, and not everything morally corrupt is illegal. Additionally, there are many 'victimless' crimes, which are rightfully illegal, such as grave robbing or stealing organs from dead bodies. However, I have never met anyone who would apply the same grey zone logic in such cases.
    All through the centuries I am sure there have been people saying the same things, but somehow it (Prostitution) is obviously part of the human condition
    because its always been with us as long as we have recorded history. ( there is plethora of evidence - you can see in ancient India in buildings ornaments of naked female temple goddeses whatever they were called , the evidence is in multiple cultures to some extent.

    I am not saying that as some type of excuse for it, you may rightfully say oh well murder has happened throughout history too so why not legalise it bla bla bla,
    prostitution when consentual is not by any stretch on par with actual crimes like murder or rape although you can make an argument
    that where there is trafficking under the guise of prostitution there is Rape and I would agree with that argument.

    But purely from perspective of the women who agree to provide sex services for money this can not be called rape.

    If you are willing to call that rape then we might as well call the sex that women have during one night stands with people they met in a bar Rape . I said people to include gay women too. Or instances people hooking up on Tinder and having sex, if they agree it to be consenting I see no difference to a woman who proactively decided to buy lingerie and make up to wear to work as a sex service provider.

    But if we are going to become outraged and worried about the potential slippery slopes of consentual sex between people whom are not partners or whom are promiscuous or swingers or at sex clubs , well then we may as well all become radical Muslims and make women dress like Ninjas and ban sex before marriage.

    You can half way achieve these things in a Totalitarian society. But even in such society's the Spirit of human will to be free and not to be treated as children will find ways to prevail.

    Hence even if you ban prostitution , you will still have some college dorm where a certain girl secretly agree's with certain male or males to exchange sex or sexual activities for currency.

    This has always happened in some form or another. even if not strictly under the title of prostitution (:

    But again humans can always try to cheat nature.
    Last edited by oszkar07; 04-20-2024 at 04:40 PM.
    The DNA of the Hungarian Race Shows that It Is Chosen
    While human DNA has two or three spirals within a given length, the DNA of the Hungarian race has nine ... which is identical to the number of rotations of light from the planet Sirius when it reaches the Earth. The cosmic origin of Hungarian intelligence, the Hungarian soul and the Hungarian minds is a result of this fact

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    Quote Originally Posted by Insuperable View Post
    Incal is this time indeed mistaken in thinking that Grace is a feminist, not to mention a rabid feminist. Btw, I only said what is true and what all wemen know themselves to be true. I dare you, I double dare you to tell me one thing I wrote you don't agree with!
    You imply women aren't capable of love and sacriface for their men and that men love more deeply. That is ofcourse a nonsense.

  10. #790
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarface F View Post
    This is a joke. Communist countries were extremely corrupt.
    Maybe in Yugoslavia where you had a half commie half capitalist system.

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