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    Quote Originally Posted by CosmoLady View Post
    The US regime wants corrupt, compromised stool-pigeons who are willing to sacrifice their own countries for money,
    in pointless and unwinnable conflicts against Russia. Saakashvili and Zelensky are the models.

    There were US-backed color revolutions in the recent past in Ukraine, Georgia, Slovakia,
    and there were recent attempts in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Serbia...
    Natural partners of Georgia are Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, it's just geography. None of these three needs an American/EU powder keg next to them which is needed as a regional kamikaze provocateur, but a stable partner. Their government understands it perfectly. Normally considering South Ossetia and Abkhazia to be natural parts of Georgia, lots of Georgians see the 2008 insane war to be a pure crime of Saakashvili, an attempt of state suicide.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CosmoLady View Post
    The US regime wants corrupt, compromised stool-pigeons who are willing to sacrifice their own countries for money,
    in pointless and unwinnable conflicts against Russia. Saakashvili and Zelensky are the models.

    There were US-backed color revolutions in the recent past in Ukraine, Georgia, Slovakia,
    and there were recent attempts in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Serbia...

    Western NGOs (CIA fronts) also heavily interfere in the elections of other countries, such as Hungary, Poland, etc.
    The Bulgarian genius in the very beginning of the thread wrote something like "meh there's no need to kill PM, there are less radical ways, like the riots which are under way in Georgia" - it's a whole mindset, which normalizes removing the presidents, govts chosen by majority in other countries which are ruled by someone "wrong", being extremely hypocritical through declaring commitment to democracy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CosmoLady View Post
    No, the red pill is generic and free, the blue pill is overpriced (and may cost your life).

    Pfizer spends BILLIONS on advertising, bribes and lobbying annually.

    Anti-Pfizer heads of state keep getting killed (or almost killed), I wonder why.

    How many Pfizer products have you taken?
    That's not what I was referring to with what I said, the message was a little cryptic, but I thought you would understand it. Nevermind.

    I'm going to agree with you in what I think you are right, some conspiracies exist. Some deaths really have something more behind them than what we are shown.

    Unfortunately, neither you nor I nor any of us here can know.

    And now what I don't agree with: It is too presumptuous to assume, as you do, that any death of someone with public projection hides a murder, "sacrifice", message, etc. and that all of them are related to something called "globalist elite."

    If you didn't have the Internet in front of you, I would love to talk to you about any topic, although the language barrier would still exist. But through the internet, you will forgive me, but your online character raise to me many questions.

    As an "old man", who still has not taken the famous blue pill from Pfizer... It seems very good to me that you make an effort to project a very big ego here to denote security in what you transmit, but do not insult, if you do, what I perceive is insecurity.

    But to answer your question, I was treated with antidepressants and anxiolytics from the age of 19, some of which were from Pfizer. I had a lot of pressure at that age, I wanted to be perfect, and apparently I wasn't.

    That's all. Do not be mad at me. I am not your enemy.

    "Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas"

    "Dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet: sapere aude, incipe."

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixajo View Post
    That's not what I was referring to with what I said, the message was a little cryptic, but I thought you would understand it. Nevermind.

    I'm going to agree with you in what I think you are right, some conspiracies exist. Some deaths really have something more behind them than what we are shown.

    Unfortunately, neither you nor I nor any of us here can know.
    Exactly, these things are usually secret and stay secret,

    I am raising the possibility of a larger conspiracy, which is more likely than not, given the precedent, or recent events.

    The intelligence agencies like to contact and radicalise mentally vulnerable individuals,
    either to entrap them, or to allow them to carry out attacks. They do not have to be trained.
    For assassinations in Western countries, the intelligence agencies like patsies,
    or fully-disposable, deniable assassins with no official link to the agency.
    Often some money is involved, or mental illness, or drugs, or in this case, ideology, radicalism, activism.

    It is also possible that the leftist pro-Western media, politicians, and activists in Slovakia,
    who have relationships to the Western elite, intelligence agencies and NGOs,
    have created a tense atmosphere that supports the radicalisation of activists, and the creation of amateur assassins.

    It is not a coincidence that,
    in the US, 33% of left-wingers think that political violence is acceptable, and only 10% of right-wingers do.
    The media, universities, NGOs, and intelligence agencies have made them this way, a form of social engineering.
    This is an even more massive, long-term conspiracy, but is plain for all to see.

    The results of this are amateur assassination attempts,
    such as the leftist lunatic who shot several Republican members of Congress at the baseball game,
    or the leftist lunatic who tried to kill the Supreme Court judge,
    after a deliberate, vicious media campaign against him.

    You can dismiss these individuals are "random lone nutjobs" if you like,
    but they too were created by the media/intelligence agencies/NGOs.

    They are "home-grown assassins" if you like, they have been deliberately cultivated,
    just like Islamist groups cultivate these types of individuals to carry out terrorist attacks on their own.
    So what can the CIA do with its vast budget?

    Quote Originally Posted by gixajo View Post
    And now what I don't agree with: It is too presumptuous to assume, as you do, that any death of someone with public projection hides a murder, "sacrifice", message, etc. and that all of them are related to something called "globalist elite."
    Again, I am only raising the possibility, I am not asserting that I 100% believe it, more like 60-90% for Fico.
    The younger Soros, part of the globalist elite that you seem naive about,
    has threatened Trump's assassination with impunity,
    and his father has openly bragged about his successful past regime-change operations,
    including in Slovakia, which has seen two successful regime-change operations.
    Also some Western/globalist regime change operations are quite violent and blatant, like Ukraine in 2014,
    and involve the attempted assassination of the democratically elected leader.

    (Every fatal airplane accident and every sudden death of an important person is always somewhat suspicious,
    so I half-believe every conspiracy about them by default)

    I 100% believe that the West, the intelligence agencies, the globalist elite, and the corporations are all connected,
    and all wanted to get rid of Fico.

    Quote Originally Posted by gixajo View Post
    If you didn't have the Internet in front of you, I would love to talk to you about any topic, although the language barrier would still exist. But through the internet, you will forgive me, but your online character raise to me many questions.

    As an "old man", who still has not taken the famous blue pill from Pfizer... It seems very good to me that you make an effort to project a very big ego here to denote security in what you transmit, but do not insult, if you do, what I perceive is insecurity.
    No you are projecting insecurity not perceiving it. I have a big personality and I have been successful.

    I am self-assured but I do not force my opinion (unless someone is clearly wrong),
    I am only expressing my opinion with confidence. So what?

    And I am rarely 100% sure about the conspiracy possibilities that I raise. More like 60-90% for Fico, he fits a pattern.
    Maybe 60% for Brigitte Macron being a man, 90% for Barack Obama being a homosexual,
    50% for Michelle Obama being a man (not very certain), 100% for JFK killed by the CIA...

    Keep in mind that history is a succession of conspiracies, many of which remain secret.

    And the transnational, globalist elite is real and very powerful.
    I don't know if they control the intelligence agencies, or if the intelligence agencies control them.
    They are closely connected.
    The intelligence agencies do not necessarily work for their own country.

    The elite communicate openly with each other through media and film,
    the messages and symbols are plain to see and understand, for those who know their meaning.

    And yes, they do kill people all the time, and they make it look like an accident or something "random".
    Last edited by CosmoLady; 05-24-2024 at 06:44 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CosmoLady View Post
    Exactly, these things are usually secret and stay secret,

    I am raising the possibility of a larger conspiracy, which is more likely than not, given the precedent, or recent events.

    The intelligence agencies like to contact and radicalise mentally vulnerable individuals,
    either to entrap them, or to allow them to carry out attacks. They do not have to be trained.
    For assassinations in Western countries, the intelligence agencies like patsies,
    or fully-disposable, deniable assassins with no official link to the agency.
    Often some money is involved, or mental illness, or drugs, or in this case, ideology, radicalism, activism.

    It is also possible that the leftist pro-Western media, politicians, and activists in Slovakia,
    who have relationships to the Western elite, intelligence agencies and NGOs,
    have created a tense atmosphere that supports the radicalisation of activists, and the creation of amateur assassins.

    It is not a coincidence that,
    in the US, 33% of left-wingers think that political violence is acceptable, and only 10% of right-wingers do.
    The media, universities, NGOs, and intelligence agencies have made them this way, a form of social engineering.
    This is an even more massive, long-term conspiracy, but is plain for all to see.

    The results of this are amateur assassination attempts,
    such as the leftist lunatic who shot several Republican members of Congress at the baseball game,
    or the leftist lunatic who tried to kill the Supreme Court judge,
    after a deliberate, vicious media campaign against him.

    You can dismiss these individuals are "random lone nutjobs" if you like,
    but they too were created by the media/intelligence agencies/NGOs.

    They are "home-grown assassins" if you like, they have been deliberately cultivated,
    just like Islamist groups cultivate these types of individuals to carry out terrorist attacks on their own.
    So what can the CIA do with its vast budget?

    Again, I am only raising the possibility, I am not asserting that I 100% believe it, more like 60-90% for Fico.
    The younger Soros, part of the globalist elite that you seem naive about,
    has threatened Trump's assassination with impunity,
    and his father has openly bragged about his successful past regime-change operations,
    including in Slovakia, which has seen two successful regime-change operations.
    Also some Western/globalist regime change operations are quite violent and blatant, like Ukraine in 2014,
    and involve the attempted assassination of the democratically elected leader.

    (Every fatal airplane accident and every sudden death of an important person is always somewhat suspicious,
    so I half-believe every conspiracy about them by default)

    I 100% believe that the West, the intelligence agencies, the globalist elite, and the corporations are all connected,
    and all wanted to get rid of Fico.

    No you are projecting insecurity not perceiving it. I have a big personality and I have been successful.

    I am self-assured but I do not force my opinion (unless someone is clearly wrong),
    I am only expressing my opinion with confidence. So what?

    And I am rarely 100% sure about the conspiracy possibilities that I raise. More like 60-90% for Fico, he fits a pattern.
    Maybe 60% for Brigitte Macron being a man, 90% for Barack Obama being a homosexual,
    50% for Michelle Obama being a man (not very certain), 100% for JFK killed by the CIA...

    Keep in mind that history is a succession of conspiracies, many of which remain secret.

    And the transnational, globalist elite is real and very powerful.
    I don't know if they control the intelligence agencies, or if the intelligence agencies control them.
    They are closely connected.
    The intelligence agencies do not necessarily work for their own country.

    The elite communicate openly with each other through media and film,
    the messages and symbols are plain to see and understand, for those who know their meaning.

    And yes, they do kill people all the time, and they make it look like an accident or something "random".
    What emerges from this message is the same as always, I will not answer this because because I already did it.

    "Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas"

    "Dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet: sapere aude, incipe."

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