The romanian Doina,a proof of dacian continuity:
Doina is a term used in romanian to name a song for longing (dor) sadness/grief/melancholy (jale) or other melacholic/sad ocasions.
It have as cognate the lithuanian daina:|en|daina
Which shows is taken from dacian language (which very likely was not very different from current romanian language).
"Doina is a poetic or instrumental creation, specific to Romanian people, in which the interpreter is directly expressing feelings of longing, of sorrow/grief/sadness, alienation, rebellion, sorrow, love, hatred against the oppressors, regret, etc..
The words "dor" and "jale" from romanian are not encountered so often in the folklore of other nations but they have a correspondent in any other language,for example "dor" in english being longing or in german "sensucht" and for jale in english being "dreariness" or "grief".
(whatever I am translating as sadness but my english is not great)

Characteristics of doina:
-it has an anonymous character - that is the composer is not known
-have an oral character - that is is transmited from "mouth to mouth"
-has a collective character (is the work of several anonymous authors );
-it has a syncretic character (combine music, poetry and dance).


-is expressing directly, deeply and intensely a variety of feelings, ideas, aspirations;
-topics are varied;
- is inspired from the life of the Romanian people, reflects the communion of man and nature, human attitude towards life, death and the passage of time etc

Types of doina

Depending on the sentiments expressed, doinas can be:

-of longing
-of mourning
-of Love
-of alienation
- about outlaws/haiducs (some kind of romanian Robin Hoods)
-of shepherding
- composed about the people taken into army