
My Response to Magister Eckhart's Lies

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Quote Originally Posted by Magister Eckhart View Post
The best he can often come up with is name-calling, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to him.The fact that the best he has with which to attack me in this thread is calling me a "Jew-baiter" because I don't like the ADL ...
You're being disingenuous. Show me a single quote where I said this. Don't bother, we both know you can't. I couldn't care less if you approve or disapprove of the ADL (or the Jews for that matter, see here). I never "attacked" you because you "don't like the ADL". Stop misrepresenting what I said. I stated (here) that

" "Marxist" and "ADL" are the Jew-baiters favorite codewords for "Jews". It always comes back around to the Jews with him. He's got the "Jew thing" big time."

I presented evidence to prove my claims. When I challenged you to present your evidence to back up your claims, you could not do so. Failing to prove your claims or disprove mine, you pathetically resorted to Jew-baiting. That is why I called you a Jew-baiter. That's not name calling, that is descriptive. Deal with it.

Quote Originally Posted by Magister Eckhart View Post
... and "pseudo-intellectual" because I'm not godless like he is testifies to the amount of time he spends pontificating in a coffee-shop to fellow 16-year-olds.
More disingenuousness on your part. I never said you were a pseudo-intellectual because you were godless. That's stupid. Produce a single quote where I said this. You can't because you are a liar. I called you a pseudo-intellectual because you failed to provide any evidence to prove your arguments or refute mine and instead resorted to Jew-baiting.

Quote Originally Posted by Magister Eckhart View Post
At any rate, what we're seeing here is simply an effort to discredit everything I say by hurling epithets like "Jew-baiter" at me.
I don't have to discredit you. You've done that all by yourself. Show me where you have provided any evidence to prove your arguments or refute mine. Don't bother, because we both know you can't. When cornered you resort to Jew-baiting and misrepresenting the arguments of your opponents. Below are two good examples (from here) of your bullshit pseudo-intellectualism:

"The evidence you provided was compiled by an atheist Jew and only quoted public statements Hitler made. It's completely misleading and serves only the purpose of damning Christianity."


"This Cline fellow, being a Jew, is well-acquainted with the methods Hitler employed and with the difference between Hitler as he was and Hitler as he was perceived. This is true of any victim of the Nazi regime; this particular Jew also happens to be a journalist and atheist, so of course he will exploit the knowledge and experience of his people to advance his personal cause."

Quote Originally Posted by Magister Eckhart View Post
It's quite a tired method, as anyone who has been on these boards more than two weeks will readily agree, by the left to silence anyone holding views not conforming to the mainstream - especially against those who dare to criticise the great defenders of justice in the ACLU, ADL, NAACP, and SPLC. The slightest critique of any of these easily calls down wrath and accusations of racism and anti-Semitism.
You're so full of shit it's hard to know where to begin. Produce the quote where I said any of this. You can't because it's not true. I couldn't care less about the ACLU, ADL, NAACP, and SPLC; you can criticize these groups to your heart's content (I've already dealt with this lie above). But what you can't do is declare something to be true and, when challenged to present your evidence, resort to Jew baiting. That is your modus operandi. That is not intellectual criticism, that is pseudo-intellectual posturing.

Quote Originally Posted by Magister Eckhart View Post
I find it especially amusing considering the number of times I have come to the defence of the international Jewish diaspora - something that got me driven off the Skadi boards. In fact, I have to notice that my comment regarding innocent Jews suffering because of the likes of Abraham Foxman being completely ignored. It seems strange that a notorious Jew-baiter and anti-Semite like myself should care in the least what happens to Jews, or would ever use such a word as "innocent" in reference to their population.
Yeah, I'm sure some of your best friends are Jews. This is beside the point anyway, since you used the Jewishness of a writer to try to discredit him instead of trying to present evidence to prove the ideas of this particular writer, who happens to be Jewish, were wrong. That is why it is Jew-baiting.

Quote Originally Posted by Magister Eckhart View Post
However, this is of little concern to the child, whose sole end seems to be to annoy me. I would not have responded, but for the fact that I am hoping some moderator sees this exchange and recognises the trolling and flame-baiting that typically destroys environments like that created here and deals puts the child straight before he diminishes the overall quality of the board.
I hope that others on this board, who are intellectually honest and welcome open and frank debate, will join me in denouncing Magister Eckhart for the pseudo-intellectual poser that he is, and condemn this transparent attempt to silence any criticism of himself. I welcome criticism. It is a shame that Magister Eckhart does not.

Quote Originally Posted by Magister Eckhart View Post
You are quite right to recognise the feud that was started elsewhere, when he attempted to use poor logic to damn Christianity using a cliche reductio ad Hitlerum.
This is one more example of Magister Eckhart's disingenuousness. Provide a quote to prove I said this. Don't bother, we both know you can't. I never stated that Christianity should be condemned because Hitler was a Christian. That is stupid. The debate was over whether Hitler was or was not a Catholic/Christian/theist or atheist. Another poster tried to associate atheism with Hitler's policies and I responded by stating (here) that

Antisemitism is the Christian prejudice par excellence. Hitler's anti-Jewish policies and the Holocaust are inconceivable without Christianity and Christianity informed and shaped his policies as he himself stated.

Nothing in this statement is a reductio ad Hitlerum fallacy (and I suspect that Magister Eckhart doesn't even know what a fallacy is). It is a historical fact that Hitler was a Christian (if a lapsed Catholic) and that he believed in the Christian god and was shaped and influenced by Christianity. I provided quotes from cited sources as evidence of Christianity's influence on Hitler's policies. Magister Eckhart provided absolutely no evidence whatsoever to refute any of my claims.

I invite everyone to read the thread for themselves, and decide for themselves which of us is telling the truth: Where do atheists come from?

Quote Originally Posted by Magister Eckhart View Post
Because I trust intelligent people who still remain here will recognise the idiocy of this child's trolling against my posts, I don't see a need to defend my statements. However, given that you are a new member to me (I don't recall having much interaction before this, despite your join-date) I welcome your questioning of my position and I will happily expound. I appreciate your defence of my position against the provocative attacks of this child.
We end where we began. You've learned nothing and I fear you will never learn. Let me state my position clearly, so even someone of lowly intellectual ability such as yourself may understand: When you make an assertion, you must provide evidence to prove that assertion. This is intellectual honesty. It is the basis of honest debate. When you resort to things like Jew-baiting, you undermine the process of intellectual discussion. I am surprised you have gone through life this long and not have had anyone explain this to you.

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