
Type: Posts; User: crazyladybutterfly; Keyword(s):

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  1. No but he can pass

    No but he can pass
  2. Poll: A triracial Latino can be mostly west/south...

    A triracial Latino can be mostly west/south African by genetics and be like 7% iberian and 4% native american , biologically he is still triracial but he would most likely look unmixed black.
  3. Most of those south italians dont look much...

    Most of those south italians dont look much different from the Iberians actually, I am not saying the average south italian looks Iberian but I'm saying those south italians look the more similar to...
  4. Most of those south italians dont look much...

    Most of those south italians dont look much different from the Iberians actually, I am not saying the average south italian looks Iberian but I'm saying those south italians look the more similar to...
  5. In my eyes people who grow in the west are...

    In my eyes people who grow in the west are westerners even if not mixed, but you are also 50%/dutch considering you a turk is a stretch in my eyes .
  6. Aren't you a western ? Dont you live in...

    Aren't you a western ? Dont you live in Netherlands ?
  7. Turks look the most varied in my eyes while...

    Turks look the most varied in my eyes
    while Iberians look the most homogenous , they have all identical colors, these valencians and Neapolitans look very alike .
  8. For europeans Christian Lebanese and Armenians...

    For europeans Christian Lebanese and Armenians are closer to Europe than turks who are in majority still muslim ... It s an old dichotomy existing since the religious conflict between these two...
  9. Notice how in Scandinavia and France it s the...

    Notice how in Scandinavia and France it s the regions with most immigrants which are right wing
  10. Replies

    Poll: The Anglo anthem wins because the last part is...

    The Anglo anthem wins because the last part is hilarious.
  11. Ethnicity calculators aren't accurate for small...

    Ethnicity calculators aren't accurate for small admixtures. A Portuguese also scored dinka and that wasn't from slavery.
  12. None xD

    None xD
  13. Honestly I dont think you have really dinka from...

    Honestly I dont think you have really dinka from the slave trade, they didn't take slaves from what is modern south Sudan . it s probably just ancestral SSA all human have.
  14. Distance to: Claudia_scaled 0.02502220 Greek...

    Distance to: Claudia_scaled
    0.02502220 Greek
    0.03045960 South_Italy
    0.03255430 Central_Italy
    0.06540043 North_Italy
    0.07625307 Balkan
    0.08387601 Iberian
    0.08469603 West_Levant...
  15. south sudanese ethnicity, one of the darkest...

    south sudanese ethnicity, one of the darkest skinned africans
  16. yes i look like only a minority of my dna.

    yes i look like only a minority of my dna.
  17. there isnt a huge difference between the two but...

    there isnt a huge difference between the two but sicilians are genetically "more european" than turks at least.
  18. thank you, i have always had the suspicion about...

    thank you, i have always had the suspicion about its validity with distant relatives matches , i think most of my matches could be "false positives" (especially under 20 cM) but the gedmatch crowd...
  19. thank you :) on gedmatch i have supposedly...

    thank you :)

    on gedmatch i have supposedly cousins from northern europe /scotland who do not appear to have south italian admixture, i have actually spent a great deal of time trying to detect it...
  20. i honestly thought it came from roman...

    i honestly thought it came from roman slavery/foreign immigration
    imperial romans weren't the same romans who founded rome. at least talking about the common residents, i think the patricians...
  21. honestly i think i have some more recent greek...

    honestly i think i have some more recent greek ancestry, after ottoman expansion greek and albanians immigrated in south italy as refugees and they lived isolated for some time, the greeks now are...
  22. I am actually apulian but these are my results...

    I am actually apulian but these are my results using only italian regions.
  23. but isnt west asia more like anatolia + caucasus...

    but isnt west asia more like anatolia + caucasus rather than the levant?
  24. south italian g25 with ancient populations

    Target: Claudia_scaled
    Distance: 2.3273% / 0.02327277
    32.4 Anatolia_Barcin_N
    29.2 Anatolia_Tepecik_Ciftlik_N
    26.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
    6.4 IRN_Ganj_Dareh_N
    5.4 Levant_PPNB
    0.4 WHG
  25. considering the european is a male i find it less...

    considering the european is a male i find it less odd, but apparently mixes of east european female and mena male are more common than i previously thought it to be an not isolated only with bosnians.
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