Bristol wants to become only the second City of Sanctuary in the UK.

If successful, it would mean a more hospitable welcome and better support for asylum seekers and refugees dispersed across the city.
Faith and community organisations, as well as charities, are working towards attaining the status in the New Year, to join Sheffield as an official City.

But the movement needs the support of the city council, which will vote on the measure on 19 January.
Forward Maisokwadzo, development worker for the City of Sanctuary Bristol, explained: "This is a movement of local organisations, individuals and faith groups, to make sure that those people seeking sanctuary get the hospitality they deserve."
Any organisation in the city can pledge their support, providing they then take action to help asylum seekers and refugees in key areas such as health and education.

Thousands of people apply for asylum in the UK every year.
Hundreds are housed and supported in Bristol.
They are already welcome at some drop-in centres, like the Welcome Centre in Lawrence Hill.
Manager Caroline Beatty said the need for more joined-up support is crucial.
"I know people feel dreadfully humiliated and they lose dignity and a sense of identity," she said.
"And I think that's true for lots and lots of people. They become nothing more than a number."

The bid to become an official City of Sanctuary must be backed by the city council, where there is already cross-party support.
Liberal Democrat councillor Sue O'Donnell, for Lawrence Hill, said it would pay for itself in the long run.
"If the investment is targeted correctly and we take guidance from the professionals then we can get real tangible benefits for everyone in the community out of this."
If the measure is voted through, supporters say it would be a great start to the New Year for hundreds of people in the city.

I fail to see what benefits this can give to Bristol on the whole, and the specific community of Lawrence Hill (even though it is already a shithole).

I would like to see this ethnic and cultural altering decision being given over to the vote of the people of Bristol. I wonder how much support it would have then.