Many have argued, and continue to argue, that Western Civilisation is in decline. This is obvious to anyone with two, functioning eyeballs for God's sake.

What I assert is that the civilisation has already died. We can fossilise it, preserve its memory, and perhaps tell future generations about what it once was, but we cannot revive it. It has been buried underneath an impassable pile of rubble, coated in political correctness, and stuffed with the strange ideologies of Cultural Marxism, left-wingism and postmodernism. We can see it no longer, for all we have are the memories.

As a history student I can romanticise about Arthurian mythos or the Rise of Cnut, and be left with feelings of awe, but a sobering look at the latest newspaper headline leaves me dazed and confused, shattering my ivory tower. Where am I? What is this bollocks? Who are these people that claim to be the descendants of the mighty Celts, Angles, Saxons and Normans? Why are they pronouncing around like headless chickens leading meaningless, hollow lives, or, rather, why is society encouraging them to do so?

R.I.P Western Civilisation (11th century BC - sometime 20th century AD.)
ex cultu robur