It's sickening how people pad the egos of people here, legitimately deformed incels get rated 6.5345972394805723894507/10 (or whatever autistic rating) because they 'like' their worthless posts. This site is an absolute joke compared to the 2012 days which I remember vividly. We would excoriate ugly people with brutal honesty. I got ripped to shreds and I don't even look bad, and I am thankful for it. Because now I know my standing and what kind of surgical intervention Ineed to look better.

Now this is 4chan aspie nuthugging central. People ask me for ratings and I call them ugly (they are), then they get pissy and sometimes fly off the handle or even threaten to doxx. What the fuck? You're fucking UGLY you stupid cunts. But I guess we can't say that people are ugly anymore. Masterfaggot, a5'7 southeast asian deformed ape looking guy is a '6/10' to you fools. SadKuntVegeta wasa '6' even though he has a severe underbite and lazy eye. What the fuck is wrong here. What's the point in this autistic /10 scale if you say EVERYONE is a 6?

Then there are the copers that can't fully accept the reality of looks and think it's their personality, that if they take a vitamin dpill (I DO think this absolutely works for acne though and it helped in my experience, but that's pretty much it)or do blatant charlatanism like'mewing' that it will legit change their face. Lol just lol at the simpletons that think 'personality' means absolutely fucking anything. You have to be an idiot to believe it.

"but come ooooon guys, looks are important but they're only like 70% (or insert any aspie contrived number)"- no, looks and masculinity are quite literally the only things that matter when it comes to sexual attraction. It's not something you can fake. It is utterly primal and reflexive and non negotiable.

Even if a handsome man had legitimate aspergers or some abberant neurological wiring (which would be rare for someone with good genetics), he would still get laid and it would go undiagnosed his entire life because looks ARE your social prowess. They are your social capital. I've known guys that 'weren't all there', were heroin addicts, were definitely aspie- they still got laid frequently with quality girls because they had the looks to attract women. Remember, if you don't literally attract women, if they are not drawn to you, you are in no way attractive. Women will step over broken glass to fuck a goodlooking guy, even if he's a murderer, has no friends, has autism, collects toenails in a jar and brags about it, etc. Hell, it might actually make them pursue him more.

You legit autists ruined puahate once SH came around, turning this into a meme-site for sheltered aspies. You think you know about looks because you read some idiotic memeabout MUH MAXILLA and MUH LEFORT 3, this is all a meme to you. But you've only dipped your toe in the water. You still can't face the truth- you still think you're a 'strong 6', you still are in denial about your ugliness and that you have the blueprint and destiny of a cuckold handbag, never thought of as a sexual object.

Protip incels: it's your fucking face. Swallow it. Choke on it. Maybe when you become sapient and conscious enough to understand that fact then you will stop posting these asinine memes day-in-day-out and thinking pumping some weights or chewing some gum will make you a slayer- when the only thing that stands a chance at improving you even a half of a point is extremely invasive bone breaking surgeries. So done with this site.Yawn.