Quote Originally Posted by Dick View Post
The judgement card in tarot is Pluto. 12th house; Your spiritual awakening and/or enlightenment will probably come or came at a high "price".

Plutus/Pluto/Pluton/Hades the unseen etc...Plutocrat/Plutocracy/Plutonomics...giver of wealth from the earth...gold, diamonds, oil etc

Lord of the dead/"underworld" or under the earth. Ancient Greeks would bury their dead with a coin placed in their mouths for Pluto.
In 'Evolutionary Astrology' Pluto is seen as representing the soul or the wound in your soul, which is interesting.

I only studied Astrology a little bit, because my friend was so into it – to find out if there was any truth to it.
Turned out, there was.
Once I learned the influence of the planets, I learned to intuitively detect the transits quite well. Yet my friend couldn’t, which I found puzzling.
Now that I know she is an Aspie missing social cues, Astrology for her became an important backdoor in trying to figure out what makes people tick.