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Thread: The Biological Affinities of the ancient Egyptians

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    Default The Biological Affinities of the ancient Egyptians

    There is currently a thread which ask for the opinions of people, in regard to which populations the ancient Egyptians shared the closest biological affinities towards. The poll numbers suggest that the participants are uninformed about the subject. Therefore I will present peer reviewed evidence to inform them of the real facts.

    Professor S.O.Y. Keita
    Department of Biological Anthropology
    Oxford University

    Professor A. J. Boyce
    University Reader in Human Population
    Oxford University

    What was the primary geographical source for the peopling of the Egyptian Nile Valley? Were the creators of the fundamental culture of southern predynastic Egypt—which led to the dynastic culture—migrants and colonists from Europe or the Near East? Or were they predominantly African variant populations?

    These questions can be addressed using data from studies of biology and culture, and evolutionary interpretive models. Archaeological and linguistic data indicate an origin in Africa. Biological data from living Egyptians and from skeletons of ancient Egyptians may also shed light on these questions. It is important to keep in mind the long presence of humans in Africa, and that there should be a great range of biological variation in indigenous "authentic" Africans.

    Scientists have been studying remains from the Egyptian Nile Valley for years. Analysis of crania is the traditional approach to assessing ancient population origins, relationships, and diversity. In studies based on anatomical traits and measurements of crania, similarities have been found between Nile Valley crania from 30,000, 20,000 and 12,000 years ago and various African remains from more recent times (see Thoma 1984; Brauer and Rimbach 1990; Angel and Kelley 1986; Keita 1993). Studies of crania from southern predynastic Egypt, from the formative period (4000-3100 B.C.), show them usually to be more similar to the crania of ancient Nubians, Kushites, Saharans, or modern groups from the Horn of Africa than to those of dynastic northern Egyptians or ancient or modern southern Europeans.

    Another source of skeletal data is limb proportions, which generally vary with different climatic belts. In general, the early Nile Valley remains have the proportions of more tropical populations, which is noteworthy since Egypt is not in the tropics. This suggests that the Egyptian Nile Valley was not primarily settled by cold-adapted peoples, such as Europeans.

    Art objects are not generally used by biological anthropologists. They are suspect as data and their interpretation highly dependent on stereotyped thinking. However, because art has often been used to comment on the physiognomies of ancient Egyptians, a few remarks are in order. A review of literature and the sculpture indicates characteristics that also can be found in the Horn of (East) Africa (see, e.g., Petrie 1939; Drake 1987; Keita 1993). Old and Middle Kingdom statuary shows a range of characteristics; many, if not most, individuals depicted in the art have variations on the narrow-nosed, narrow-faced morphology also seen in various East Africans. This East African anatomy, once seen as being the result of a mixture of different "races," is better understood as being part of the range of indigenous African variation.

    The descriptions and terms of ancient Greek writers have sometimes been used to comment on Egyptian origins. This is problematic since the ancient writers were not doing population biology. However, we can examine one issue. The Greeks called all groups south of Egypt "Ethiopians." Were the Egyptians more related to any of these "Ethiopians" than to the Greeks? As noted, cranial and limb studies have indicated greater similarity to Somalis, Ku****es and Nubians, all "Ethiopians" in ancient Greek terms.

    There are few studies of ancient DNA from Egyptian remains and none so far of southern predynastic skeletons. A study of 12th Dynasty DNA shows that the remains evaluated had multiple lines of descent, including not surprisingly some from "sub-Saharan" Africa (Paabo and Di Rienzo 1993). The other lineages were not identified, but may be African in origin. More work is needed. In the future, early remains from the Nile Valley and the rest of Africa will have to be studied in this manner in order to establish the early baseline range of genetic variation of all Africa. The data are important to avoid stereotyped ideas about the DNA of African peoples.

    The information from the living Egyptian population may not be as useful because historical records indicate substantial immigration into Egypt over the last several millennia, and it seems to have been far greater from the Near East and Europe than from areas far south of Egypt. "Substantial immigration" can actually mean a relatively small number of people in terms of population genetics theory. It has been determined that an average migration rate of one percent per generation into a region could result in a great change of the original gene frequencies in only several thousand years. (This assumes that all migrants marry natives and that all native-migrant offspring remain in the region.) It is obvious then that an ethnic group or nationality can change in average gene frequencies or physiognomy by intermarriage, unless social rules exclude the products of "mixed" unions from membership in the receiving group. More abstractly this means that geographically defined populations can undergo significant genetic change with a small percentage of steady assimilation of "foreign" genes. This is true even if natural selection does not favor the genes (and does not eliminate them).

    Examples of regions that have biologically absorbed genetically different immigrants are Sicily, Portugal, and Greece, where the frequencies of various genetic markers (and historical records) indicate sub-Saharan and supra-Saharan African migrants.

    This scenario is different from one in which a different population replaces another via colonization. Native Egyptians were variable. Foreigners added to this variability.

    The genetic data on the recent Egyptian population is fairly sparse. There has not been systematic research on large samples from the numerous regions of Egypt. Taken collectively, the results of various analyses suggest that modern Egyptians have ties with various African regions, as well as with Near Easterners and Europeans. Egyptian gene frequencies are between those of Europeans and some sub-Saharan Africans. This is not surprising. The studies have used various kinds of data: standard blood groups and proteins, mitochondrial DNA, and the Y chromosome. The gene frequencies and variants of the "original" population, or of one of early high density, cannot be deduced without a theoretical model based on archaeological and "historical" data, including the aforementioned DNA from ancient skeletons. (It must be noted that it is not yet clear how useful ancient DNA will be in most historical genetic research.) It is not clear to what degree certain genetic systems usually interpreted as non-African may in fact be native to Africa. Much depends on how "African" is defined and the model of interpretation.

    The various genetic studies usually suffer from what is called categorical thinking, specifically, racial thinking. Many investigators still think of "African" in a stereotyped, nonscientific (nonevolutionary) fashion, not acknowledging a range of genetic variants or traits as equally African. The definition of "African" that would be most appropriate should encompass variants that arose in Africa. Given that this is not the orientation of many scholars, who work from outmoded racial perspectives, the presence of "stereotypical" African genes so far from the "African heartland" is noteworthy. These genes have always been in the valley in any reasonable interpretation of the data. As a team of Egyptian geneticists stated recently, "During this long history and besides these Asiatic influences, Egypt maintained its African identity . . ." (Mahmoud et al. 1987). This statement is even more true in a wider evolutionary interpretation, since some of the "Asian" genes may be African in origin. Modern data and improved theoretical approaches extend and validate this conclusion.

    In summary, various kinds of data and the evolutionary approach indicate that the Nile Valley populations had greater ties with other African populations in the early ancient period. Early Nile Valley populations were primarily coextensive with indigenous African populations. Linguistic and archaeological data provide key supporting evidence for a primarily African origin.

    References Cited:

    Angel, J. L., and J. O. Kelley, Description and comparison of the skeleton. In The Wadi Kubbaniya Skeleton: A Late Paleolithic
    Burial from Southern Egypt. E Wendorf and R. Schild. pp. 53-70. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press. 1986

    Brauer, G., and K. Rimbach, Late archaic and modern Homo sapiens from Europe, Africa, and Southwest Asia: Craniometric comparisons and phylogenetic implications, Journal of Human Evolution 19:789-807. 1990

    Drake, St. C., Black Folk Here and There, vol 1. Los Angeles: University of California. 1987

    Keita, S.O.Y., Studies and comments on ancient Egyptian biological relationships. History in Africa 20:129-154. 1993

    Mahmoud, L. et. al, Human blood groups in Dakhlaya. Egypt. Annuals of Human Biology. 14(6):487-493. 1987

    Paabo, S., and A. Di Rienzo, A molecular approach to the study of Egyptian history. In Biological Anthropology and the Study
    of Ancient Egypt. V. Davies and R. Walker, eds. pp. 86-90. London: British Museum Press. 1993

    Petrie, W.M., F. The Making of Egypt. London: Sheldon Press. 1984

    Thoma, A., Morphology and affinities of the Nazlet Khaterman. Journal of Human Evolution 13:287-296. 1984
    More recent genetic evidence confirms the fact that the ancient Egyptians were originally an African people most closely related to more southerly Northeast African populations (i.e Nubians, Ethiopians, Somalis, Nilotes), before Mediterranean populations invaded the Nile Valley:

    "The question of the genetic origins of ancient Egyptians, particularly those during the Dynastic period, is relevant to the current study. Modern interpretations of Egyptian state formation propose an indigenous origin of the Dynastic civilization (Hassan, 1988). Early Egyptologists considered Upper and Lower Egyptians to be genetically distinct populations, and viewed the Dynastic period as characterized by a conquest of Upper Egypt by the Lower Egyptians. More recent interpretations contend that Egyptians from the south actually expanded into the northern regions during the Dynastic state unification (Hassan, 1988; Savage, 2001), and that the Predynastic populations of Upper and Lower Egypt are morphologically distinct from one another, but not sufficiently distinct to consider either non-indigenous (Zakrzewski, 2007). The Predynastic populations studied here, from Naqada and Badari, are both Upper Egyptian samples, while the Dynastic Egyptian sample (Tarkhan) is from Lower Egypt. The Dynastic Nubian sample is from Upper Nubia (Kerma). Previous analyses of cranial variation found the Badari and Early Predynastic Egyptians to be more similar to other African groups than to Mediterranean or European populations (Keita, 1990; Zakrzewski, 2002). In addition, the Badarians have been described as near the centroid of cranial and dental variation among Predynastic and Dynastic populations studied (Irish, 2006; Zakrzewski, 2007). This suggests that, at least through the Early Dynastic period, the inhabitants of the Nile valley were a continuous population of local origin, and no major migration or replacement events occurred during this time.

    Studies of cranial morphology also support the use of a Nubian (Kerma) population for a comparison of the Dynastic period, as this group is likely to be more closely genetically related to the early Nile valley inhabitants than would be the Late Dynastic Egyptians, who likely experienced significant mixing with other Mediterranean populations (Zakrzewski, 2002). A craniometric study found the Naqada and Kerma populations to be morphologically similar (Keita, 1990). Given these and other prior studies suggesting continuity (Berry et al., 1967; Berry and Berry, 1972), and the lack of archaeological evidence of major migration or population replacement during the Neolithic transition in the Nile valley, we may cautiously interpret the dental health changes over time as primarily due to ecological, subsistence, and demographic changes experienced throughout the Nile valley region."

    -- AP Starling, JT Stock. (2007). Dental Indicators of Health and Stress in Early Egyptian and Nubian Agriculturalists: A Difficult Transition and Gradual Recovery. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 134:520–528
    The notion/lie that ancient Egypt was not originally a black civilization, is a relatively recent one which was promoted at height of black African enslavement during colonialism. The idea that "Negroes" are incapable of creating civilization was created to help justify their inhumane treatment (money money money) so that human morality would not get in the way of the slave trade. The entire history of the lie is detailed brilliantly by the narrator of this youtube series (He really goes in on "white Egypt" in 2nd video down):



    Historian Basil Davidson details the same thing, in his documentary on African history. In the second clip he travels to a Nilotic tribe in Ethiopia and states that those populations are the one's whose cultures are most closely related that of old Egypt and Nubia:




    The encyclopedic reference below pretty much confirms the view of the second video that Nilotic tribes of Northeast Africa still retain the culture of ancient Egyptians.

    "A large number of gods go back to prehistoric times. The images of a cow and star goddess (Hathor), the falcon (Horus), and the human-shaped figures of the fertility god (Min) can be traced back to that period. Some rites, such as the "running of the Apil-bull," the "hoeing of the ground," and other fertility and hunting rites (e.g., the hippopotamus hunt) presumably date from early times.. Connections with the religions in southwest Asia cannot be traced with certainty."

    "It is doubtful whether Osiris can be regarded as equal to Tammuz or Adonis, or whether Hathor is related to the "Great Mother." There are closer relations with northeast African religions. The numerous animal cults (especially bovine cults and panther gods) and details of ritual dresses (animal tails, masks, grass aprons, etc) probably are of African origin. The kinship in particular shows some African elements, such as the king as the head ritualist (i.e., medicine man), the limitations and renewal of the reign (jubilees, regicide), and the position of the king's mother (a matriarchal element). Some of them can be found among the Ethiopians in Napata and Meroe, others among the Prenilotic tribes (Shilluk)."(Encyclopedia Britannica 1984 ed. Macropedia Article, Vol 6: "Egyptian Religion" , pg 506-508)
    Modern Egyptians say the same thing:



    Last edited by Taharqa; 01-28-2012 at 11:37 AM.

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    A genetic study conducted by dnatribes used the same STR markers which were used to determine the relationship between Amarna period pharaohs and compared their relatedness to every world population.

    Geographical analysis of the Amarna mummies was performed using their autosomal STR profiles based on 8 tested loci. 4

    Results are summarized in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 1. Maps for
    individual Amarna mummies
    are included in Figures 2-8 in the Appendix.

    Discussion: Average MLI scores in Table 1 indicate the STR profiles of the Amarna mummies would be most frequent in present day populations of several African regions: including the Southern African (average MLI 326.94), African Great Lakes (average MLI 323.76), and Tropical West African (average MLI 83.74) regions.

    These regional matches do not necessarily indicate an exclusively African ancestry for the Amarna pharaonic family. However, results indicate these ancient individuals inherited some alleles that today are more frequent in populations of Africa than in other parts of the world (such as D18S51=19 and D21S11=34).

    Link to study

    It surprised me to see how low in comparison the Horn African samples came in compared to other inner African regions. This findings of Southern African genetic affinity however is not entire out of place as many scholars have postulated based on mounds of archaeological evidence that the ancient Egyptians were came from the southern regions of Africa:

    On this basis, many have postulated that the Badarians are relatives to South African populations (Morant, 1935 G. Morant, A study of predynastic Egyptian skulls from Badari based on measurements taken by Miss BN Stoessiger and Professor DE Derry, Biometrika 27 (1935), pp. 293–309.Morant, 1935; Mukherjee et al., 1955; Irish and Konigsberg, 2007). The archaeological evidence points to this relationship as well. (Hassan, 1986) and (Hassan, 1988) noted similarities between Badarian pottery and the Neolithic Khartoum type, indicating an archaeological affinity among Badarians and Africans from more southern regions. Furthermore, like the Badarians, Naqada has also been classified with other African groups, namely the Teita (Crichton, 1996; Keita, 1990).

    Nutter (1958) noted affinities between the Badarian and Naqada samples, a feature that Strouhal (1971) attributed to their skulls possessing “Negroid” traits. Keita (1992), using craniometrics, discovered that the Badarian series is distinctly different from the later Egyptian series, a conclusion that is mostly confirmed here. In the current analysis, the Badari sample more closely clusters with the Naqada sample and the Kerma sample. However, it also groups with the later pooled sample from Dynasties XVIII–XXV. -- Godde K. (2009) An Examination of Nubian and Egyptian biological distances: Support for biological diffusion or in situ development? Homo. 2009;60(5):389-404.

    I think that this affinity comes most from the Nilotic origins that many people seem to neglect. I can't lie though, the finding of close affinity to the given regions have really the shocked the Hell out of me. The close West African affinity of these populations is not too far fetched when one considered the fact that King Tut died of sickle Cell Anemia (which came from West Africa):

    IMO more work should be done with the full availability of alleles, to really test this out. The fact that each mummy closed closest affinity towards inner African populations, absolutely refutes the Eurocentric notion that the ancient Egyptians were not black Africans. One of the most popular Eurocentric myths spread across the internet within the past year was that King Tut (one of the mummies tested in this study) was of Western European origin. This lie was based on misinformed opportunistic Eurocentric bloggers, who maintained this lie without ever providing an actual study confirming it.

    Amarna period pharaohs

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    I guess my biggest question to the people of Apricity is what in the Hell would lead you all to believe that the ancient Egyptians were a non black African "Mediterranean" populations? Some people even voted for NORDIC! The former notion has only been promoted by Stormfront junkies, which theory is based completely by the fact that the post mortem appearance of severely chemically altered corpses. The case is also weak in the fact that they essentially assert that Nordic populations somehow have a monopoly on blond hair:

    Non European tropical populations with blond hair.

    Where is the linguistic, cultural, archaeological evidence indicating an invasion from outside of Africa into the Nile Valley during Pre-Dynastic times? Does the evidence above convince some of you a non black African origin for ancient Egypt is based on nothing more anti black racist bunk?

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    Bush is a chimpanzee in disguise!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vasconcelos View Post
    Bush is a chimpanzee in disguise!
    If the pictorial evidence will not suffice, then what do you have to say about the consistent biological and cultural evidence confirming that the ancient Egyptians were originally a Nilotic and Afrasian population mix? What evidence proves that they were Mediterranean?

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    Some others are often mislead to believe based entire on only ONE of a handful of bust of Nerfertiti that the ancient Egyptians were Mediterranean:

    Her daughter:

    Compared to the Nazi Germany Berlin bust remake:

    Which depiction stands out the most in terms of facial features?

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    One last piece of pictorial evidence (unless requested)


    Keep in mind that the documentary above was made in the early 1990's before much research had been done exposing the non existent scientific foundation for a non black African Egypt for the load BS that it was.

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    Ban this troll!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Svartálfar View Post
    Ban this troll!
    Rather than debate my stance with your own sources (if you have any), you plead to the moderators for them to BAN ME! Is the truth really that much for you to handle? WHO DOES THAT?

    Banning me would only confirm that people on forums like this are seeking refuge from serious opposition challenging some of their views. By the way isn't this a "free speech" forum? WTF!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Taharqa View Post
    Compared to the Nazi Germany Berlin bust remake:

    Nefertiti was Mittanean, so sorry for telling you the Truth, but she had very Nazy look !

    And your comparative images have nothing to do with the skull structure, it's shameful & pretty laughable !

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