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Thread: Spanish history's photostream

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    Default Spanish history's photostream

    This is the supposed Corocotta, leader of the celtic tribes of Cantabria who fought along with the Astures of Gausón in the wars against Roma (Astur-Cantabrian wars) in the years 29 BC - 19 BC

    Monument in Santander, Cantabria, Spain.

    Are well known the names of other celtic leaders in the wars against Roma ("Astur-Cantabrian wars" 29 BC - 19 BC) in the Iberian peninsula. Corocotta in Cantabria and the lusitanic (portuguese) Viriato (139 BC), but one of the most active leaders of these wars was the Astur leader Gausón.

    The first King of Asturias and Spain, and medieval hero. The person who defeated the muslim troops of Al Qama, and began the reconquer of Spain in Covadonga's battle in 722

    The statue is located in Cangas de Onís (Asturias) Spain

    Are still kept in the mausoleum of the Catholic Monarchs in the Royal Chapel in Granada

    Madrid in XVIII century.

    Artist: Antonio Joli, date of the paint: around 1750

    View of Ceuta, XVI century

    View of Toledo, XVI century

    The last reduct of the moors in the Iberian Peninsula after the fall of Granada in 1492

    16th of November of 1532, Don Francisco Pizarro attacked by surprise the mayor square of Cajamarca and captured their emperor Atahualpa. In this attack only one spanish soldier was wounded, while the Incas lost
    thousands of their men.

    Conquistador. He participated in the conquest of Cuba, later assigned by Cortés as his captain entered in the domains of Moctezuma and the Aztecs (he was nicknamed: Tonatiuh "The sun" because he was tall and blonde) and fought in the siege and fall of Tenochtitlan with Cortés.

    Later he commanded a small army and conquest Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. In Spain the emperor Carlos V assigned Alvarado as Governor, and captain general of Guatemala

    After the death of his father Fernando VII and the defeat of the absolutists (carlists) in the first Carlist War, Isabel was crowned as Queen of Spain in 1833 with only 3 years old.

    Artist: Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz. Date of the paint: 1846

    The famous couple what united the Kingdom of Castile and the Crown of Aragón

    A beautiful landscape of Seville (Sevilla in spanish) in its golden years.

    Artist: Anonymous. Date of the paint: unknown

    A beautiful landscape of Saragossa (Zaragoza in spanish) in the year 1647, from the son-in-law of Diego Velázquez: Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo. Another great Baroque painter from the Golden Age.

    "Corral de comedias" were the spanish words for the squares where the people were going to view the theatrical plays of the moment. This one, located in Almagro, Ciudad Real, still play comedies 400 years later of its construction in 1628

    In the ilustration, the interior of a "Venta" of the XVII century. A tavern in the outskirts of the great cities where travelers could eat, drink and rest.

    "Mentidero" is the word for the squares and another places where the people were going to talk about everything and everyone, the social relations of the Golden Age were fluid in these places.

    This allegoric paint was an order of Felipe II to Tiziano for the commemoration of the victory over the Ottoman Empire in Lepanto.

    Artist: Tiziano. Date of the paint: between 1566/1575

    Santiago, Alcántara, Calatrava, Montesa

    In 1797 the British tried to attack and denigrate Spain. This time Horatio Nelson tried to attack the isle of Teneriffe to take possession of it. Of course this was settled with spanish victory. Nelson was wounded and carried back to England, and he and his troops humiliated again.

    Artist: Richard Westall. Date of the paint: 1806

    Engraved of Alfonso VIII of Castile arming knight to your cousin Alfonso IX of León. At the right a portrait of the monarch of Castile.

    First spanish governor of Florida, and founder of the city of San Agustín also was governor of the isle of Cuba. As "Hidalgo" (noblemen) he was knight of the order of Santiago.

    Artist: Mark Menendez Andrews, based in a lost one from Tiziano

    After the siege and the battle in the capital of the Aztec Empire, the great Tenochtitlan (in the actual Mexico), the last emperor Cuauhtémoc surrendered the city and the Empire to Don Hernán Cortés the 13th of August of 1521

    The 12th of Febraury of 1541 Don Pedro de Valdivia founds the city of Santiago de Chile, he designed the new city, and later became the first governor of Chile.

    Artist: Pedro Lira. Date of the paint: 1858

    The battle of Las Navas de Tolosa supposed the beginning of the end of the Almohad Empire. The Kingdom of Castile, the Kingdom of Navarre and the Crown of Aragon joined forces, and helped by the Pope Innocent III who met a lot of crusaders from different european countries. The military orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Temple and Malta also fought in the christian side together with the knights of the Kingdom of Portugal and some volunteers from Leon.

    Artist: Francisco De Paula Van Halen. Date of the paint (1887)

    Bailén supposed the first defeat of the unbeaten forces of Napoleón. 19th of July of 1808

    Artist: Augusto Ferrer Dalmau

    Heroin of the Independence war during the sieges of Saragossa. She is remembered for her valor and courage. During the defence of the gate of the "portillo", Agustina caught the cannon's wick from the hands of a dead body and shot against the frenchmen. She became captain of the Spanish army.

    This paint commemorates the victory of Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba (not the Great Captain) and his Tercios against the protestant german armies near Fleurus (Belgium) in 1622, during the Thirty years' war.

    Artist: Vincenzo Carducci. Date of the paint: 1622

    Son of Carlos V and Brother of Felipe II. The leader of the fleet what defeated the Ottoman Empire in Lepanto, he also was Captain General in the Eighty years' war before the death of Luís de Requesens.

    Quevedo was one of the most important writers of the Golden Age along with Cervantes, Calderón de la Barca, Lope de Vega and his most important rival: Góngora, among others. Quevedo was nobleman, also was member of the knights of the order of Santiago: a military religious order (see the detail of the red emblem in his doublet).

    Artist: Velázquez

    The battle of Lepanto was a naval battle (7th of october of 1571) what confronted the Holy League: Spain, the Republic of Venice, the Papacy, the Republic of Genoa, the Duchy of Savoy, the Knights Hospitaller and others against the Ottoman Empire (El turco). The Fleet was commanded by the brother of Felipe II: Don Juan de Austria. At the end, the Holy league won the battle. In this battle Miguel de Cervantes was shooted two times, one in the chest, and another in the arm, he lost the movility of his left arm.

    Artist: Juan Luna y Novicio (detail). Date of the paint: 1887

    After the war of the spanish succession the Habsburg dinasty will fall, and a new dinasty will be instaured in Spain: The Bourbons. Felipe V is the first of this new Dinasty.

    Artist: Joseph Vivien

    After the siege and battle of Pavia. The King of France: François I was captured and sent to Madrid, to speak to Carlos V.

    Artist: Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench. Date of the paint: 1876

    Muhammad XII (Boabdil "el chico", in spanish), surrender Granada to the Catholic Monarchs: Isabel and Fernando. Officially 6th of January of 1492

    Artist: Francisco Pradilla Y Ortiz. Date of the paint: 1882

    In 1625 the british King Charles I, supported by his chief minister Duke of Buckingham and the rebel territories of Flanders declare the war to Spain. The fleet anglo-dutch try to attack the port of Cadiz to take the ships with the gold from the american colonies.

    But the governor of Cadiz: Fernando Girón and the Captain General of Andalucía: Juan Manuel Pérez de Guzmán y Silva, Duke of Medina Sidonia, leads the counterattack succesfully, and the Anglo-dutch fleet escapes.

    Artist: Francisco de Zurbarán. Date of the paint: 1634

    Spanish Tercios in the period of the Emperor Carlos V.

    1. Shield bearers "Sword and buckler men"
    2. Arquebusier
    3. Pikemen

    4th of May of 1589 the corsair Francis Drake was trying to break the defence of La Coruña. They broke the defensive wall and an second lieutenant with his flag climbed to the top of the wall, María Pita killed the second lieutenant, grabbed his musket and she screamed: "The one who had honor, which follows me" after the battle, 20.000 british were beaten in retreat.

    Monument in La Coruña (Galicia)

    Son of Juana I of Castile and Felipe I of Castile. One of the three rulers of Spain in the XVI Century

    The paint is a copy of Juan Pantoja de la Cruz from a lost one from Tiziano

    Conquistador, He defeated the Inca Empire and founded Lima (now Perú). and was governor of New Castile.

    Monument to Pizarro in Lima, there are two more, another in Cáceres (Spain) and another in Buffalo (U.S.A.) made by the north american: Charles Cary Rumsey

    He was the chief minister of Felipe III

    Artist: Rubens. Date of the paint: 1603

    This type of weapon was used during XVI and XVII centuries in Spain, and in the rest of Europe with the name of Rapier. These models were used for military and civil use.

    King of Spain and Portugal. One of the called "Austrias (Spanish for Habsburg) menores" together with his son Felipe IV and his niece Carlos II

    A spanish national hero. Medieval "Hidalgo" (a nobiliary title) and legendary Knight who fought in the "Reconquista" against the moorish troops. In the photo, a monument in Burgos, his natal city

    Some times were compared with the Macedonian phalanx or the Roman legions, the spanish "Tercios" ruled the battlefields of Europe for two centuries. These units were created by Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba (The great captain) in the XV century, later established by Carlos V as elite units into his multi-national armies.

    "España, mi natura. Italia, mi ventura. Flandes, mi sepultura"

    Caption from the movie: "Captain Alatriste"

    The famous picture of Goya about the uprising of Madrid against napoleonic troops.

    One of the most known artists of the Golden Age.

    Artist: Himself, from the paint "Las Meninas". Date of the paint: 1656

    Cervantes is the most important writer of the hispanic language, autor of "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha" among others.

    Artist: Eduardo Balaca
    Last edited by Radojica; 02-10-2010 at 04:18 PM.

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    Veteran Member Amapola's Avatar
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    José Antonio Primo de Rivera
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    Fuck! Rado, your best post ever
    5 stars for this.
    You even included Agustina de Aragón, amazing!

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    That was my little homage to you, nothing else, i didn't even sweated while trying to make it . For you, nothing is too hard to do

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    Veteran Member Amapola's Avatar
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    La Rendición de Bailén by Casado del Alisal.

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