U.S. President Barack Obama’s scheduled visit may be stirring militant groups’ anger, but a survey showed that Filipinos still have the highest regard for Americans globally.

More than four out of five Filipinos (85 percent) view Americans favorably, recently circulated 2013 data from Washington-based think tank Pew Research Center showed.

It would even seem that Filipinos like Americans more than Americans do, as esteem for U.S. citizens is higher in the Philippines than in the U.S. itself (84 percent).

The global data was generated by asking respondents from 44 countries the question “Do you have a favorable or unfavorable view of Americans?”

Americans are also highly regarded in Ghana (84 percent); South Korea and Israel (80 percent); Senegal and Kenya (79 percent); and El Salvador (75 percent).

The Philippines also topped the list when it comes to views on the U.S. as a country. Some 85 percent of Pinoy respondents said they have a favorable view of the U.S.

In this area, the Philippines was followed by Israel and Ghana (83 percent); U.S., Senegal and Kenya (81 percent); El Salvador (79 percent); South Korea (78 percent) and Italy (76 percent).

But when it comes to confidence in the U.S. President, the Philippines, with a ratio of 84 percent, was only ranked second to Germany, where confidence is at 88 percent.

Also with high confidence in Obama were France (83 percent); Kenya and Canada (81 percent); Senegal (78 percent); South Korea and Australia (77 percent); Italy (76 percent) and Czech Republic (75 percent).

Obama is set to visit the Philippines, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia late April. The tour is expected to send a strong message about the U.S. decision to “pivot” to Asia.

His trip also comes as the region struggles to manage threats from China, whose broad sea claims are disputed by its neighbors, and tensions between North and South Korea.

North Korea has recently warned that Obama’s Asia trip may “escalate confrontation and bring dark clouds of a nuclear arms race” in the Korean peninsula.

Filipino leftists have meanwhile protested the U.S. leader’s visit and slammed the new defense deal aimed at increasing U.S. military presence in the Philippines.

Pew Research data showed that some nine out of 10 Filipinos (90 percent) think the U.S. has fair to a great amount of influence on the way things are going in the Philippines.

The Philippines topped the global list of countries where respondents admit to feeling U.S. influence, followed by Kenya (85 percent), Brazil (83 percent), South Africa (77 percent) and El Salvador (76 percent).

Almost nine out of 10 Filipinos (85 percent) also believe the U.S. highly considers the Philippines’ interest. Highly expressing the same belief was Kenya at 79 percent.

SOURCE: https://ph.news.yahoo.com/filipinos-...043406785.html