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Thread: Celts a Mediterranean people?

  1. #121
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    Don Pelayo
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    google translation:

    The only indisputable facts (for now) are:

    1. Only in the ancient region of Tartessos and Turdetania, and around or border regions, territories have names or Celtici Keltikę, Celtis, Celtica, referenced with these variants in different sources.

    2. Only in the ancient region of Tartessos and Turdetania in the current Peńaflor (Sevilla), we have a city that minted its own coins with the name of Celtitania, ie "Country / nation of the Celts".

    3. Only in the ancient region of Tartessos and Turdetania, and around or border regions, the earliest known Celtic languages ​​are. According to philologists, derived directly from the old Indo-European.

    When the ancient authors said what the country or the lands of a particular nation, were precise, and no archaeologist doubt that the Etruscans were not the Etruria, the Phoenicians were not from Phoenicia, which the Carthaginians were not of Carthage, the Greeks were not Greek, and the Egyptians were not of Egypt, that the Germans were not Germania, Gaul the Gauls and the Romans in Rome ... So, why this would not be the same for the Celtic ?.

    For the same reason, then, the Celts can only be natives of the country or Celtic nation, in the same way that the Phoenicians were the Phoenician, Roman Rome, the Germans of Germany, and the Gauls of Gaul.

    So if the Celts were native (indigenous) Celtic, and the oldest authors place in the Celtic Iberia and Aquitaine (between Kynesios Narbonensse and Lusitania). Then the Celts were mainly mayoritariamente--and Iberia. What it is confirmed by additional data that Iberia retains the ancient Celtic language known in the West (structurally more than one or two thousand years earlier than any known in the rest of Western Europe and insular Celtic languages, and with unquestionable exitencia test in Iberia (specifically in the ancient region of Tartessos and Turdetania, and around) as the Celtici name, Keltikë and Celtitania, all translatable as "nation or country of the Celts.

    So we ethnonyms Celtic in full Turdetania Area, and knowing that the oldest sources claim that CILBICENI were tartessios leads me to consider the hypothesis that the true indigenous substratum of all this turdetano-tartésica region was Celtic, and therefore the Celtic same tartessios be at least mostly ethnic component.

    As can be seen, support this hypothesis about the possible Celtic origin (or at least an important component in Celtic the dominant ethnic group of taertessio world) and numismatic true written primary sources, and none of them allows me to hold another ethnic affiliation for old tartessios. My hypothesis is integrated into a theory that I have been advocating for more than fifteen years, which aims to identify the "Land of the Celts" or "nation of the Celts" or "region of the Celts" with Iberia, and in particular with the former ago Tartessos and Turdetania region, and around) is much documented (in terms of primary sources) established that the traditional theory that places the cradle of the Celts out of Iberia, based primarily on highly speculative archaeological criteria, and especially in the argument of force, but that force of argument.

    Photo: CELTITANIA currency (written in Latin: Celtitan), "The state or nation of the Celts". The coin, a Celtic symbol, boar. Under a spearhead (Peńaflor, Sevilla)

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    Still believe that Bell Beaker to be linked with the proto-celtic(Language) & the oldest pottery is found in Portugal.

  3. #123
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    google translation:

    The origin of the Celts in Iberia asserted by the ancient

    The early writings of both the classical world as Celtic scribes tell us that the early Celts lived in the Iberian Peninsula, in the confines of the known world where the sun was setting, predominantly in three main areas: southwestern Iberia (Tartessos), Galicia and center of the Iberian peninsula. In one verse of his poem 'Catalogs', the Greek Hesiod, s. VIII. C., located in the westernmost part of the world, Iberia, Great Liguria (Hesiod, 55). Centuries later in the Great Liguria the Greek writer also Ephorus (s. IV a. C.), places the great country of the Celts. It s also another historian. IV. C. Sicilian Timaeus tells us that the rivers that flow into the Atlantic through the territory of the Celts (Huber, 14).
    In the Geography of Spanish-Roman writer Pomponio Mela (s. I d. C.) and the History of Pliny (s. I. d. C.) we are told that the western shores of Galicia were inhabited by celtici (keltikoi in Greek), people who are also located in the area centuries before the Guadalquivir by Herodotus (s. V a. C.). So it is logical to think of a Celtic migration from south to north. On the map of the Greek historian and geographer Strabo (s. I a. C.), we can see how the celtici or appear keltikoi located in the southwest of the peninsula and in the region of Galicia (northwest). [Mapa1; upper left]

    The situation of keltikoi Strabo offers us on the map is the same or very similar to what we offer regarding the settlement of Scots (escolotos or Scythians) in the Iberian peninsula would be those who would create the city of Brigantia and Celtic manuscripts the Tower of Breogán in the area of ​​the current A Coruna eteniéndonos the primitive annals and chronicles of Ireland. A clan of these Scots, originating from the Greek Scythia, sailing through the Mediterranean is set in the area of ​​Tartessos die shortly after their last king, about s. Goes. C. (see Annals of Clonmacnoise). There will increase considerably in population and then proceed to the area of ​​Galicia where they will found the Kingdom of Brigantia and subject the rest of the Spanish tribes. [Mapa2; upper right]

    But possibly the most important thing is that Herodotus in his history offers us to say that the oldest known Celts lived in the area southwest of the Iberian peninsula next to the Riders, the keltikoi. Living Herodotus in the s. Goes. C. and make this statement without mentioning the focus Celtic Hallstatt, s. VII. C., considered the world's oldest, having him much closer to his country, Greece, we find a statement that can be of great historical value. [MAPA3; left bottom]

    Caro Baroja discovered by researchers and other proto-Celtic place names and in the Cantabrian precélticos a time between 2000 and 1000. C., indicating a previous to the oldest known early settlement of the Celtic world. The settlements of the early Celtic culture in Austria Hallsttat (s. VII a. C.) and La Tene in Switzerland (s. IV a.) All of the above would be more modern than the Celtic settlements in the Iberian Peninsula. [MAPA4; lower right]

    These explanations appear later classics, more or less contaminated with fanciful stories, chronicles and annals, written in Latin and Celtic, scribes Britain (Gildas, Nenius, Geoffrey of Monmouth, etc.) and Ireland (Book of Cuana, Book of Invasions, Book of Leinster, etc.). Yet it appears a new way forward in the search for the origins of the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula and Galicia. A research conducted in this field, many of them magnificent, I think the time has come, without denying the validity of these previous works, adding a new field of research in this section was considered pure mythology before.

    the appropriate question is: Celts are atlantic people?

  4. #124
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    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
    I. Donnelly:Iberians(Basques) were the original settlers of Italy
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    The Basques/Catalans are the celts/real germanics and therefore the envy of the world, because we are the cradle of civilization and therefore the chosen ones that blessed the world.We are the builders and founders and our enemies the destroyers(pseudo germanics/nazis and jews/crypto pharisees)

    Much more info here.

  5. #125
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    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
    I. Donnelly:Iberians(Basques) were the original settlers of Italy
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    Jose Manuel Gomez Vega delves into the mysteries of our ancestors to discover the identity of the builders of the great megalithic monuments like Stonehenge. The conclusion is devastating: the Atlanteans were the proto Iberian sailors (Basques) who planted civilization throughout the world, in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, America,etc.

    Scientist and monk, Jose Manuel Gomez Vega now delves into the mysteries of our prehistoric ancestors to discover the identity of the builders of the great megalithic monuments like Stonehenge, Carnac, Avebury, Newgrange or Almendres, an intellectual adventure in which he reviews the oldest such as Jason and the Argonauts classical myths, the twelve labors of Hercules, Hyperborea, and even the legends of Atlantis and king Arthur. He also explores the cosmic roots of our ancestors, clarifies the mystery of Guanche and Basque, and ultimately we discovered the cosmic origin of Christianity and Western civilization. Mariners of stone contains more than a hundred illustrations
    "Gomez Vega has written an extraordinary book that revolutionized the history." Gavin Menzies, author of 1421 and The Lost Empire of Atlantis"Frankly well written ... a treasure trove of well-argued information." -ND Wiseman, critic for The Megalithic Portal"A magnificent work that every student of the megalithic civilization should read carefully". -Manel Sancho, editor of Old Civilizations' Blog"The story of the exciting adventure that marked the origins of civilization." Anna Ntinti, historian"Gomez Vega today is the most prominent representative of archaeoastronomy". -Dr. Reinoud de Jonge, author of How the sungod Reached America"Full of original ideas ... Strongly recommended." Sergeant Eric & Mike Haigh, Northern Earth Newsletter

    Archaeologists excavate the ancient monuments and preserve them for the future, take photos of hidden carvings on the nearby stones, collect the artifacts and display them in museums in chronological sequence, but they mostly fail to reconstruct the past and to provide answers to the basic questions of why, what happened, what was their meaning? And this is precisely what Manuel Vega answers in Sailors of Stonehenge.

    Dr. Vega is a scientist, a writer and a spiritual seeker that has studied in depth the Megalithic Culture of Western Europe (a culture that lasted several millennia from 5,000 to 1,000 BC), in particular its most important monuments: the Alignments of Carnac in Brittany, Avebury and Stonehenge in the downs of England, the Neolithic sites on the Scottish islands, Newgrange (a huge mound-cairn) in Ireland

    The author understands these monuments as architectural manifestations of European peoples ruled by Kings along many generations. He describes the roots of their religion and the important function the sky (Sun, Moon, planets and stars) played in its development. In fact, this book provides a very accurate analysis of this kind of theories, which is rare in the field. Vega's vast knowledge on the subject is proved in thoughtful footnotes. In my opinion, he is the most important representative of the 'Celestial School'.

    As an up-to-date writer, Vega recognizes the importance of sailing the oceans in antiquity (a feature of the Megalithic Culture denied until recently), and makes use of this new knowledge to support the 'Celestial School' of thought. The power of the book becomes fully manifest when he combines his research with the Classical Myths preserved in the Greek literature of the first millennium BC, especially with the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, because each of his hypotheses is confirmed by these ancient stories (he even finishes the book with a new view over the legendary Atlantis, based on the descriptions of Plato).

    In summary, Manuel Vega wrote a convincing book, well illustrated and easily read by the general, educated public. My only question is: How come nobody thought of this before!

    -Reinoud de Jonge, Ph.D., Netherlands

    The author was very kind and sent me a copy to help edit. I greatly appreciated the gift.

    I have read the book and I find the following things.

    1. Intensive research on mythology, star charts, megaliths and ancient builder theories.

    2. A great stretch about the "megalith builder" society. I realize that the documentation is not there, but suggesting the the Jason and the Argonaut story reflects a true procession by ancient seafarers who preformed a religious cermony to extend the "kingship" of 10 kingdoms is a large leap of faith

    3. Suffers the typical view that all "main-stream" history is just covering up the past.

    I do belive that the ancients were more sophiscated than traditional history suggests. I think Phillip Coppins (rip) has some good points, as did Dr. Vega in his book.

    - David M. Elkin

    What do Stonehenge, Iberia, the voyage of Jason in search of the Golden Fleece and the lost Atlantis have to do with the Milky Way? How can we read the megalithic art in a way that could offer us a meaningful insight into human past? What do we really know about the prehistory of our civilization?

    Manuel Vega undertakes a courageous task: he attempts to answer such challenging questions by exploring how the Megalith Builders developed into a geopolitical entity with a solar-cosmic religion and spread all over Western Europe and Northern Africa. The book demonstrates how the religious and social structure of the Megalith Builders was determined by the cycles of the sky and produced an advanced technology, resulting into the well-known megalithic monuments and long maritime expeditions to unknown territories. Megalithic constructions are shown to represent the primal need to reconcile celestial with human laws by regulating political and religious life according to planetary motion. The author makes fascinating connections between various manifestations of megalithic art by placing them into the context of a common solar culture, whose knowledge survived and reached us through fragments of mythical narrations, ritual practices and the symbolic language of classical tradition.

    Manuel Vega brings together pieces of an unsolved puzzle, which for the most part had resisted an overall convincing interpretation. In doing so, he exploits the findings of such diverse areas of knowledge such as history, astronomy, mythology, archaeology and navigation. The author is careful enough to prepare his readers for controversial evidence and various disagreements between scholars over the interpretation of the megalithic phenomenon. Still, one of the great merits of the book is that it manages to escape pedantic style and dogmatism and instead reads like a vivid narration of an enthralling adventure, which marked the origins of western civilization to a far higher degree than currently regarded. The numerous pictures and figures that it contains also serve as a useful tool for the reader who is not well acquainted with astronomical observations or archaeological surveys. And although experts in such fields would certainly benefit from reading it, the book itself does not presuppose any specialized knowledge; instead, reading the "Sailors of Stonehenge" challenges a lot of our preconceived ideas about the past and inspires us to gaze anew at the sky in search of our own roots and identity.

    -Anna Ntinti, Classicist, MA History and Philosophy of Science, University of Athens, PhD candidate History of Ancient Philosophy, Utrecht University

    This is a must have book for any person or student with innate interest in history, anthropology, mythology, or the celestial and Atlantic origins. "Sailors of Stonehenge" could act as a standalone college history course. Society has long been intrigued with the various historical monuments such as Stonehenge, Avebury, and Carnac and as technology advances; some light is being shed upon these mysteries and altering history as we know it. This book dives into the some of the world's oldest mysteries where Vega has spent a lot of time piecing the science with the stories and creating a well-grounded theory as to who, what, and how these megalithic masterpieces were created and why and the importance of archeoastronomy utilized by these civilizations

    Vega's writing is anything but dull, packing this quick yet powerful read with a virtual array of maps, pictures, and various other forms of visual aids to grasp the reader and pull them in, leaving them longing for more. His style of writing is refreshing, keeping the pace moving steadily and providing just enough information on each topic to understand the basis for even those readers lacking background knowledge. I truly look forward to any future writings Mr. Vega publishes and can't wait to utilize this piece in my own Master's studies.

    - Kim Heimbuch

  6. #126
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    01-09-2021 @ 01:02 AM
    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
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    "The Catalan countries refers to those territories where the Catalan language, or a variant of it, is spoken. They include the regions of Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands(Majorca(Mallorca),Minorca(Menorca),Ibiza,F ormentera) and parts of Aragon, as well as Roussillon in France, the Principality of Andorra, and the city of Alghero in Sardinia (Italy)"

  7. #127
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    01-09-2021 @ 01:02 AM
    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
    I. Donnelly:Iberians(Basques) were the original settlers of Italy
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    Berengaria of Navarre,1165-1228.Queen of England, 1191-1199
    "From unsung queen to beloved Dame of LeMans" From Basque princess to queen of England was a long leap for Berengaria, daughter of King Sancho the Wise of Navarre. And not only queen of England, but wife of the most famous warrior of the age, Richard the Lionheart.

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    Nearly all linguists associate celtic language with italic, and some with Greek too, not even one separates celtic language from them to associate it with germanic

    Of course we can't associate modern celtic survivors with the south, in spite of many mainly mental similarities, but the only sure is that in antiquity the only difference between celts and South Europeans was the barbarous way of life

    No comment for that ignorant associating basque and catalans with celts, they are the only people in Iberia with zero celtic roots

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by brennus dux gallorum View Post
    Nearly all linguists associate celtic language with italic, and some with Greek too, not even one separates celtic language from them to associate it with germanic

    Of course we can't associate modern celtic survivors with the south, in spite of many mainly mental similarities, but the only sure is that in antiquity the only difference between celts and South Europeans was the barbarous way of life

    No comment for that ignorant associating basque and catalans with celts, they are the only people in Iberia with zero celtic roots
    Your Celtic wannabism gives me cringe to be honest. Greeks have nothing to do with them, get real.

  10. #130
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    01-09-2021 @ 01:02 AM
    Garden of Eden/Hesperia."Spain in that day was the land of the Iberians, the Basques; that is to say, the Atlanteans"- Ignatius Donnelly
    True Greco-Roman.
    Basque/Minoan=Goths/Phoenicians/Trojans/Sumerians / Scythians/Stuarts/Bavarian Kings=Cromagnons
    Research on Wielbark Culture shows Goths were not nordics
    United States
    Real cherokees were racially Basque.Top secret tho
    Spanish=supplanted Navarro Romance
    "Navarre shall be the wonder of the world" -Shakespeare.
    I. Donnelly:Iberians(Basques) were the original settlers of Italy
    R1b Celtic Tudors shaped Great Britain & USA
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    Blood of the Irish is a two-part documentary miniseries broadcast on RTÉ One and presented by the professional gardener Diarmuid Gavin. It commenced airing on 5 January 2009 and completed broadcasting seven days later. Gavin sought 'the truth' about Irish genealogy.

    The programme examined the previously claimed notion that one fifth of the modern male population living in the north-west counties are direct descendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages, the legendary high king who allegedly kidnapped the young Saint Patrick and led him to Ireland. This was found to be particularly the case in County Donegal where it was discovered that five inter-county footballers out of the entire panel of thirty carried the relevant gene. Daniel O'Donnell, an internationally renowned Irish singer and entertainer, submitted himself to for testing and it was discovered that he too was one of these descendants.[citation needed]

    Gavin also explored a cave in Northern Spain while trying to link Ireland with migrants from the Basque country. He was surprised at similarities between Irish and people in Bermeo. He later extracted saliva samples containing DNA from people living in the West of Ireland and sent them for analysis. Bear DNA from old bones in an Irish cave was also found to be closely related to DNA from Spanish bears leading to the conclusion that the human immigrants must have carried the bears to Ireland in their skin-covered currach-type craft as domesticated animals. No other possibility was offered for this unusual finding.

    Trinity College, Dublin and EthnoAncestry undertook research. An attempt was made to extract ancient DNA from some of the oldest human remains found within the boundaries of Ireland. The Basques-to-Ireland theory was based on an earlier paper, "Y-chromosome variation and Irish origins" published in 2000, which examined 5 markers per sample. By 2009, further research in greater detail had suggested a much more complicated and layered origin for Irish male lineages, with private tests typically examining over 60 markers, which the programme makers ignored.

    In 2010, Blood of the Irish won Best Documentary Series at the 7th Annual Irish Film and Television Awards (IFTA)

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