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Thread: Integration failure: Austria (Vienna) Doomed! 51% people speak foreign language

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pribislav View Post
    Serbian spekars is not same as ethnic Serbs.
    Vlachs from eastern Serbia are mostly bilngual, they speak Serbian and Romanian. Younger generations tend to speak only Serbian.
    When they speak Serbian they have weird accent, they speak throught the nose. I know very well who are Vlajna from eastern Serbia. My ex gf. was a Vlach from eastern Serbia.
    But the main point is that, contrary to the hysterical propaganda, a very big chunk of the immigrants in Vienna (and Austria in general) are Eastern Europeans.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pribislav View Post
    Serbian spekars is not same as ethnic Serbs.
    Vlachs from eastern Serbia are mostly bilngual, they speak Serbian and Romanian. Younger generations tend to speak only Serbian.
    When they speak Serbian they have weird accent, they speak throught the nose. I know very well who are Vlajna from eastern Serbia. My ex gf. was a Vlach from eastern Serbia.
    why don't they speak Romanian in Austria ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jana View Post
    why don't they speak Romanian in Austria ?
    Look at the videos up which I put, they singing on Vlach/Romanian.

    There are a lot of Vlachs in Austria who were born there, and who don't speak Vlach/Romanian neither Serbian, but only German.

    Vlachs who migrated to Austria were bilingual (Serbian and Romanian speakers in the same time).

    Vlachs are integrated in Serbia society since 19th century. Most of them today declared themselves as Serbs.
    Vlachs who declared themselves as Vlachs have schools on Vlacho-Romanian language.
    Example of attending of school on Vlacho-Romanian language for Vlach children in eastern Serbia

  4. #24
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    This is the result of decades of failed multiculturalism. For decades, foreigners were encouraged to come as temporary workers. Nobody expected them to stay, and yet they did. And when they did, nobody asked them to leave, including those who came illegally. As one British immigration minister put it, "Removal takes too long, and it's emotional." No politician liked to dirty their hands with such business, and risk being accused of racism, intolerance and whatnot. Even less so in Austria, which is constantly criticized for "not doing enough" about those "right-wing extremists" and the like. And why would any of them entertain the idea of leaving anyway? The economic opportunities were far greater in Europe than in the countries they came from, and if the work happened to dry up, there were generous welfare benefits available. Now for a while, thanks to the commitment to "multiculturalism", they were allowed - even actually encouraged - to pursue whatever culture they wanted. That was the era of "cultural enrichment".

    But that didn't work out too well. Their culture and customs clashed with the Western ones, and as a result we have this increase in crime, or as the authorities would put it, "cultural misunderstandings". The situation has become particularly dire since the European refugee crisis and more and more people have become personally affected. Rapes and sex crimes in particular have soared in Austria; between 2015 and 2016, during the height of the migrant crisis, sex crimes went up 26.18%; last year also registered a 25% rise in sex crimes compared to the previous one. Individuals of foreign background were also responsible for more than half of all thefts in the country. As a result, people have started to feel more and more unsafe, and the cultural enrichment propaganda no longer had an effect.

    Even politicians like Merkel admitted that the dream of achieving a multicultural society has failed: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality. And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed." So they started demanding that immigrants do more to integrate, like learning German, passing "democracy tests" and so on, to show that they can adapt to and function in a Western setting. The latest burqa bans were another desperate measure in this direction.

    But integration too is failing, for several reasons. The political correctness advocates and SJWs will point their fingers at "right-wing extremists", "xenophobes" and so forth as the main cause. However, it is not that simple. For one, integration gives the best results when people belong to similar or kindred cultures, or they are alone or scattered throughout society; it doesn't work with mini Turkeys or Chinatowns. There is, as some would put it, a cultural gulf between liberal, modern, secular Europe and some of the countries from which these migrants come, particularly the Muslim ones. There have been some studies comparing the integration of Muslim and Christian refugees; Christians tend to integrate with more ease. Muslims express less attachment to their host country, and exhibit greater attachment to their country of origin than do their Christian counterparts. These patterns do not improve in subsequent generations.

    Muslims generally view their culture and value system as vastly superior to those of the "infidels" (aka European society). They have little inclination to integrate in the first place and actually prefer a system of parallel societies, which has led to Islamized neighborhoods where it is not Western customs and values, but rather Sharia which reigns. Such neighborhoods are usually "no go" areas for Westerners. Anyway, many people won't mind a Chinatown here and there. To many, it is actually preferable to integration. No matter how dangerous or unwelcoming these areas may be to a Westerner, at least one knows where they are and can consequently avoid the most notorious areas, avoid placing their children into those schools, etc. And to be fair, a certain "them" and "us" attitude is natural and people will generally want to preserve their ancestral cultures and languages. However, in the meantime, as the number of non-Western migrants has substantially grown, so have those mini Turkeys. And now there is not just one mini Turkey, but dozens of them, and also mini Syrias, Afghanistans, and so on and so forth. As a consequence, the likelihood that they will come in contact with each other at some point increases. Of course holding on to diametrically opposed sets of values will result in a clash. Take all these swimming pool incidents for example. Often, trips to the swimming pool are organized or encouraged as parts of public integration efforts. But these integration efforts have been largely unsuccessful, in the worst cases ending in violence, confrontations, sexual assault or rape (e.g. the 2015 Vienna swimming pool rape). Public places such as swimming pools have become venues where Western women are groped and sexually assaulted. Sexual incidents have lead several swimming pools, discos, bars, etc. to banning entry to refugees. The measure aimed at "making it clear to the men that the rights of women are inviolable". Others have issued leaflets with simple pictorial instructions on behaviour for migrants. Particular emphasis was placed on stopping physical and verbal harassment of women, with images showing a red "no" symbol over an outstretched hand reaching for a woman in a bikini.

    Before, crime and particularly violent crime was a thing of the papers, restricted to those notorious ghettoes; one would occasionally read about a shocking story of murder, sexual assault or robbery; at present however, many people know someone who was a victim of such crimes, if they themselves had been lucky enough to avoid it so far. Before, concepts like the rape epidemic and public unsafety were also a foreign matter, plaguing countries like Sweden, who not surprisingly also has a socialist government like Austria had for decades, but people didn't believe it could get to that because Austrian society was much more tolerant and accommodating towards the refugees, and expected them to integrate with much more ease. But now it has reached Austria and made women and children become vulnerable, particularly easy targets of oversexed males who left their girlfriends, wives and children back in their home countries. Cases like the Vienna subway sex monster shocked and shook society's feelings of safety. There was another famous case about two years ago where a convicted rapist openly bragged about coming to Austria "to f*ck the women". More and more people are becoming distrusting towards the way politicians have handled the refugee crisis and fear a time when Sharia, etc. becomes the norm. In other words, they fear that the situation becomes reversed and it is they who will have to integrate - in their own countries to boot. It is already happening to a certain degree: European women who are attacked or fall victim to harassment are advised by the police to dye their hair darker, wear baggy clothes and veils or head coverings to hide themselves. In other words, adhere to Muslim cultural standards and maybe they leave you alone.

    Rising support for parties like the FPÖ and electing a conservative government has been an expression of the uneasiness many Austrians show when they think about the way society may change due to the huge influx of non-Western immigrants. But to be fair, integration politics is just dealing with the symptoms, while ignoring the root of the cause. Taking away their veils and dressing them up as Westerners, teaching them to speak German and date Western women will not change their mentality and allegiance. An example of this is "Austroturk" Inan Türkmen who was born in Austria and speaks fluent German, has only had European girlfriends, in other words the politicians' perfect integration dream, at least on paper. Yet where does his allegiance lay? Türkmen wrote a provocative book called "We are Coming", in which he argues that Europe's future is Turkish, whether Europeans like it or not.

    And in the end, can one really blame the immigrant for wanting to preserve his culture and customs, and feeling a sense of loyalty towards his home country? Especially when he was initially encouraged to do so, in the name of multiculturalism? Also, most migrants are economic, they did not migrate because of their love for Europe or believing in the "superiority" of its culture. Politicians will justify their commitment to mass, non-Western immigration with anti-racist rhetoric, as if it were not a double standard to force foreigners to exchange their own culture for another, while at the same time reciting mantras about equality. One doesn't preserve one's culture by enforcing it upon others. Also, culture is a product of the people, every people has its own, specific culture. If one rejects other cultures and regards them as incompatible with one's own, why open the door to the bearers of these cultures and ask them to enter en masse in the first place? Then we cry that the immigrants have not integrated enough. It would be much more honest and lucrative, not to mention less "racist" and what have you, to control immigration from the outset and to select the immigrants. This has been the norm for a long time, and still is in many countries. You don't see Muslim countries taking in droves of Christian migrants, for example. The responsibility lays with politicians and lawmakers. Europe's role in accepting refugees should be proportionate, sustainable and in line with the interest and the rights of the domestic population of Europe. When the interests of its native population become secondary, the streets and public spaces become unsafe and Europeans are told to leave their own countries if they don't like the situation, something is not quite right.

    The situation has somewhat improved since the election of the conservative government. ÖVP and FPÖ have agreed on a coalition agreement that focuses on measures to reduce immigration. Because of the massive misuse of asylum since the refugee crisis, the new government has introduced tighter measures, such as seizing mobile phones to help establish their identity and trace their itinerary (as well as to pay for their asylum application, etc.), sending criminals to detention centers for deportation after they serve prison sentences, the deportation of minors who commit crimes, placing movement restrictions on rejected asylum seekers, etc. Funding for integration measures has also been reduced. Kurz and Strache have also emphasized that they will put the protection of the EU's external border at the center of their presidency – a goal that they share with other governments. And after six months in charge, poll numbers indicate stability for the new government. One reason for the persistence its popularity is its ownership of the immigration issue. Leftist parties have failed to tackle the issue and provide a solution. However, one must keep in mind that the mainstream media tends to exacerbate the situation and use big words like "far right" or "radical right". In Austria itself, the media is pretty much left-leaning, so they will dramatize any politically incorrect measure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thordis View Post
    This is the result of decades of failed multiculturalism. For decades, foreigners were encouraged to come as temporary workers. Nobody expected them to stay, and yet they did. And when they did, nobody asked them to leave, including those who came illegally. As one British immigration minister put it, "Removal takes too long, and it's emotional." No politician liked to dirty their hands with such business, and risk being accused of racism, intolerance and whatnot. Even less so in Austria, which is constantly criticized for "not doing enough" about those "right-wing extremists" and the like. And why would any of them entertain the idea of leaving anyway? The economic opportunities were far greater in Europe than in the countries they came from, and if the work happened to dry up, there were generous welfare benefits available. Now for a while, thanks to the commitment to "multiculturalism", they were allowed - even actually encouraged - to pursue whatever culture they wanted. That was the era of "cultural enrichment".

    But that didn't work out too well. Their culture and customs clashed with the Western ones, and as a result we have this increase in crime, or as the authorities would put it, "cultural misunderstandings". The situation has become particularly dire since the European refugee crisis and more and more people have become personally affected. Rapes and sex crimes in particular have soared in Austria; between 2015 and 2016, during the height of the migrant crisis, sex crimes went up 26.18%; last year also registered a 25% rise in sex crimes compared to the previous one. Individuals of foreign background were also responsible for more than half of all thefts in the country. As a result, people have started to feel more and more unsafe, and the cultural enrichment propaganda no longer had an effect.

    Even politicians like Merkel admitted that the dream of achieving a multicultural society has failed: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality. And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed." So they started demanding that immigrants do more to integrate, like learning German, passing "democracy tests" and so on, to show that they can adapt to and function in a Western setting. The latest burqa bans were another desperate measure in this direction.

    But integration too is failing, for several reasons. The political correctness advocates and SJWs will point their fingers at "right-wing extremists", "xenophobes" and so forth as the main cause. However, it is not that simple. For one, integration gives the best results when people belong to similar or kindred cultures, or they are alone or scattered throughout society; it doesn't work with mini Turkeys or Chinatowns. There is, as some would put it, a cultural gulf between liberal, modern, secular Europe and some of the countries from which these migrants come, particularly the Muslim ones. There have been some studies comparing the integration of Muslim and Christian refugees; Christians tend to integrate with more ease. Muslims express less attachment to their host country, and exhibit greater attachment to their country of origin than do their Christian counterparts. These patterns do not improve in subsequent generations.

    Muslims generally view their culture and value system as vastly superior to those of the "infidels" (aka European society). They have little inclination to integrate in the first place and actually prefer a system of parallel societies, which has led to Islamized neighborhoods where it is not Western customs and values, but rather Sharia which reigns. Such neighborhoods are usually "no go" areas for Westerners. Anyway, many people won't mind a Chinatown here and there. To many, it is actually preferable to integration. No matter how dangerous or unwelcoming these areas may be to a Westerner, at least one knows where they are and can consequently avoid the most notorious areas, avoid placing their children into those schools, etc. And to be fair, a certain "them" and "us" attitude is natural and people will generally want to preserve their ancestral cultures and languages. However, in the meantime, as the number of non-Western migrants has substantially grown, so have those mini Turkeys. And now there is not just one mini Turkey, but dozens of them, and also mini Syrias, Afghanistans, and so on and so forth. As a consequence, the likelihood that they will come in contact with each other at some point increases. Of course holding on to diametrically opposed sets of values will result in a clash. Take all these swimming pool incidents for example. Often, trips to the swimming pool are organized or encouraged as parts of public integration efforts. But these integration efforts have been largely unsuccessful, in the worst cases ending in violence, confrontations, sexual assault or rape (e.g. the 2015 Vienna swimming pool rape). Public places such as swimming pools have become venues where Western women are groped and sexually assaulted. Sexual incidents have lead several swimming pools, discos, bars, etc. to banning entry to refugees. The measure aimed at "making it clear to the men that the rights of women are inviolable". Others have issued leaflets with simple pictorial instructions on behaviour for migrants. Particular emphasis was placed on stopping physical and verbal harassment of women, with images showing a red "no" symbol over an outstretched hand reaching for a woman in a bikini.

    Before, crime and particularly violent crime was a thing of the papers, restricted to those notorious ghettoes; one would occasionally read about a shocking story of murder, sexual assault or robbery; at present however, many people know someone who was a victim of such crimes, if they themselves had been lucky enough to avoid it so far. Before, concepts like the rape epidemic and public unsafety were also a foreign matter, plaguing countries like Sweden, who not surprisingly also has a socialist government like Austria had for decades, but people didn't believe it could get to that because Austrian society was much more tolerant and accommodating towards the refugees, and expected them to integrate with much more ease. But now it has reached Austria and made women and children become vulnerable, particularly easy targets of oversexed males who left their girlfriends, wives and children back in their home countries. Cases like the Vienna subway sex monster shocked and shook society's feelings of safety. There was another famous case about two years ago where a convicted rapist openly bragged about coming to Austria "to f*ck the women". More and more people are becoming distrusting towards the way politicians have handled the refugee crisis and fear a time when Sharia, etc. becomes the norm. In other words, they fear that the situation becomes reversed and it is they who will have to integrate - in their own countries to boot. It is already happening to a certain degree: European women who are attacked or fall victim to harassment are advised by the police to dye their hair darker, wear baggy clothes and veils or head coverings to hide themselves. In other words, adhere to Muslim cultural standards and maybe they leave you alone.

    Rising support for parties like the FPÖ and electing a conservative government has been an expression of the uneasiness many Austrians show when they think about the way society may change due to the huge influx of non-Western immigrants. But to be fair, integration politics is just dealing with the symptoms, while ignoring the root of the cause. Taking away their veils and dressing them up as Westerners, teaching them to speak German and date Western women will not change their mentality and allegiance. An example of this is "Austroturk" Inan Türkmen who was born in Austria and speaks fluent German, has only had European girlfriends, in other words the politicians' perfect integration dream, at least on paper. Yet where does his allegiance lay? Türkmen wrote a provocative book called "We are Coming", in which he argues that Europe's future is Turkish, whether Europeans like it or not.

    And in the end, can one really blame the immigrant for wanting to preserve his culture and customs, and feeling a sense of loyalty towards his home country? Especially when he was initially encouraged to do so, in the name of multiculturalism? Also, most migrants are economic, they did not migrate because of their love for Europe or believing in the "superiority" of its culture. Politicians will justify their commitment to mass, non-Western immigration with anti-racist rhetoric, as if it were not a double standard to force foreigners to exchange their own culture for another, while at the same time reciting mantras about equality. One doesn't preserve one's culture by enforcing it upon others. Also, culture is a product of the people, every people has its own, specific culture. If one rejects other cultures and regards them as incompatible with one's own, why open the door to the bearers of these cultures and ask them to enter en masse in the first place? Then we cry that the immigrants have not integrated enough. It would be much more honest and lucrative, not to mention less "racist" and what have you, to control immigration from the outset and to select the immigrants. This has been the norm for a long time, and still is in many countries. You don't see Muslim countries taking in droves of Christian migrants, for example. The responsibility lays with politicians and lawmakers. Europe's role in accepting refugees should be proportionate, sustainable and in line with the interest and the rights of the domestic population of Europe. When the interests of its native population become secondary, the streets and public spaces become unsafe and Europeans are told to leave their own countries if they don't like the situation, something is not quite right.

    The situation has somewhat improved since the election of the conservative government. ÖVP and FPÖ have agreed on a coalition agreement that focuses on measures to reduce immigration. Because of the massive misuse of asylum since the refugee crisis, the new government has introduced tighter measures, such as seizing mobile phones to help establish their identity and trace their itinerary (as well as to pay for their asylum application, etc.), sending criminals to detention centers for deportation after they serve prison sentences, the deportation of minors who commit crimes, placing movement restrictions on rejected asylum seekers, etc. Funding for integration measures has also been reduced. Kurz and Strache have also emphasized that they will put the protection of the EU's external border at the center of their presidency – a goal that they share with other governments. And after six months in charge, poll numbers indicate stability for the new government. One reason for the persistence its popularity is its ownership of the immigration issue. Leftist parties have failed to tackle the issue and provide a solution. However, one must keep in mind that the mainstream media tends to exacerbate the situation and use big words like "far right" or "radical right". In Austria itself, the media is pretty much left-leaning, so they will dramatize any politically incorrect measure.
    Was ein Text

    Österreich ist auf den besten Weg aller Westeuropäer, die FPÖ und auch ÖVP sind sehr wichtig für den gesamten deutschen Sprach- und Kulturraum.

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    Outlaw people from speaking foreign languages other than English in your country (except for tourists, ofc).

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