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Thread: Trump threatens tariffs against 'foolish' Macron

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    Default Trump threatens tariffs against 'foolish' Macron

    Trump threatens tariffs against 'foolish' Macron

    26th July 2019

    1 hour ago

    US President Donald Trump has accused French President Emmanuel Macron of "foolishness" over a digital services tax, and hinted that he would tax French wine in retaliation.

    Mr Trump voiced his anger in a Tweet on Friday, in response to French plans to tax multinational firms like Google.

    French authorities argue that the firms pay little or no corporate tax in countries where they are not based.

    The Trump administration has said the tax unfairly targets US tech giants.

    "France just put a digital tax on our great American technology companies. If anybody taxes them, it should be their home Country, the US," Mr Trump wrote on Twitter.

    "We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron's foolishness shortly. I've always said American wine is better than French wine!"

    See more:
    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 07-26-2019 at 10:24 PM.
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    Climate change and very high temperatures in Europe is affecting their vineyards and olive oil.

    5th March 2019

    Italy faces the indignity of importing large quantities of foreign olive oil after a combination of climate change, disease and insect pests reduced its production of homegrown oil by a record 57%.

    Unusual spring frosts, extreme summer drought and a rainy autumn – all phenomena blamed on climate change by scientists - played havoc with last year’s olive harvest.

    Northen Europe is the future for vineyards, wines, and olive oil production:

    According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in less than forty years, three-quarters of the wine producing areas on Earth will not be suitable for vine farming due to the effects of climate change. In the Mediterranean region where the climate change impact is expected to be heavy, vineyard areas may shrink up to 68 percent and similar reductions are anticipated for Australia, Chile, South Africa and California.

    The study predicts that soon enough those vineyards will move to other territories that will have the conditions to grow the grapes, like northern Europe, northwestern America and areas of central China.

    Similarly, the weather alterations could heavily affect olive oil producing areas, especially in the Mediterranean basin. Olive trees are tougher than vines and can thrive on many different terrains and under various weather conditions. They give olive oil with little effort and care throughout the year, often without much watering. This is why countries like India, Libya and Australia are planting more olive trees; it is relatively easy to grow them and they can yield a profit. In India for example, olive trees can be three times more profitable than wheat.

    Nevertheless, with the weather becoming warmer and warmer, olive groves on high hills or slopes will probably suffer less, but groves located on low altitude areas or plains could become totally unproductive. There are already signs of the oncoming change, with this year’s harvest in Spain crippled by the drought and the phenomenal weather variations.

    So as the southern territories of Europe become warmer will they still be able to retain their olive trees? Will olive oils produced there carry the same attributes and be of the same quality as they do today? Will northern areas step into their shoes and be the olive oil producers of the near future?

    Either way, getting a high quality olive oil requires that several different factors are present at the same time: good trees, mild weather, and proper farming. Also the ground morphology and the moisture levels of the area play an important role in shaping the oil characteristics.

    However, European olive oils in fifty years from now could be very different in terms of their qualities and organoleptic characteristics, and also of their places of origin. Emerging players of the industry like China and India with vast lands for cultivating olive trees could challenge European producers, let alone if they find an unexpected ally in the rapidly changing weather. Traditional olive oil powerhouses such as Spain, Italy and Greece take note; change is on the way.
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    Also Macron has received a hardline phonecall from the new UK leader and polyglot Boris Johnson - who speaks fluent English, fluent French, fluent Latin, fluent Italian, and he also has a good grasp on speaking Spanish and German and he can also speak some Russian.

    We're not going to put up with Macron's crap any longer. (The French people hate Macron too... look at all the yellow vest protests in France. Macron's approval ratings are very low in France.)

    Also Boris has made it clear that if illegal migrants from Calais enter the UK, then 'we'll send them straight back to France!' Also we want our fishing waters and fishing laws back.
    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 07-27-2019 at 02:40 PM.
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    Tbh, these US companies do profit from France amongst others and as long as the country can quantify the figure fairly clearly, it seems quite fair they pay taxes in those countries.

    The same goes for local value added or goods and services taxes.

    The way some companies regional headquarters are in low tax nation such as Ireland is a form of tax evasion.

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    europe is dying.

    desperatly clawing for any purchase of ground to claw their way out of the globalist quagmire.

    taxing successful US business is just a symptom of their despair.

    i predict it will only hurt them more than help...which is typical of europe for the last 103 years.

    its sad to watch but what can a poor American do? Not my problem.

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