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Thread: Research on Columbus' origin faces the final stretch with the study of his DNA

  1. #71
    Veteran Member wvwvw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallop View Post
    The official theory states that Columbus was a Genoese son of a family of weavers, but in recent years numerous theories have questioned his provenance. Some of them locate his provenance in various parts of Spain, but many others point to places such as Portugal, Croatia and even Poland.

    Valencian theory:
    Columbus had a dual identity: "Genoese of nation" and citizen of Valencia.
    Speaker: Francesc Albardaner i Llorens.
    Member of the Catalan Society of Historical Studies of the I.E.C.
    Member of the Catalan Institution of Genealogy and Heraldry.

    Portuguese theory:
    Columbus was actually a Portuguese privateer.
    Speaker: Fernando Branco
    Professor at the University of Lisbon (IST, Instituto de Engenharia) and Honorary Member of the Portuguese Academy of History

    Portuguese theory 2:
    Columbus, bastard son of the princess of Portugal.
    Speakers: José Mattos e Silva and Antonio Mattos e Silva

    Navarre theory:
    Columbus transferred the toponym of Ainza to America.
    Speaker: Jose Mari Ercilla
    Researcher and retired physician.

    Majorcan theory:
    Columbus was secret son of the Prince of Viana.
    Speaker: Gabriel Verd Martorell
    Historian and president of the Christopher Columbus Cultural Association.

    Galician theory:
    Columbus was of Galician origin
    Speaker: Eduardo Esteban Meruéndano
    President of the Cristóbal Colón Galego Association "Celso García de la Riega".

    Castilian theory:
    Columbus was Castilian
    Speaker: Alfonso C. Sanz Núñez
    Author of the book "Don Cristóbal Colón. Admiral of Castile".

    Portuguese theory 3:
    Columbus, bastard of the Royal House and spy in the service of the King of Portugal.
    Speaker: Carlos Evaristo
    I am surprised you left out the strong possibility he might have been Greek.

    See Christophoros Columbus: A Byzantine Prince from Chios, Greece, by Ruth G. Durlacher-Wolper

    When the Turks in 1453 invaded Constantinople and began genociding the population, over two million Greeks fled to the West taking hundreds of thousands of books in thousands of ships with them to the west. There were hundreds of thousands of Greeks living in western Europe since before the middle ages.

    There are indications that the family of Christopher Columbus were originally Greeks from the island of Chios which was part of Genoa at the time and used Byzantine maps to guide him to the Americas. He also kept a Greek journal documenting his travels.

    He signed his name Xhrisoforos which is the Greek spelling of Christopher which is Greek for "Christ Bringer". His last name was also Greek, Xaralambos meaning "Bright and Shining". The other important thing in Columbus signature is the X M Y which is a typical part of the signature of every person in the Greek Orthodox world at this era.

    At the same time he had to prove his allegiance to the Pope. The Catholic Spaniards were in the midst of an iquistion. The last thing that Columbus would do was be to admit that he was an Orthodox Christian. For the same reason the Jews also stayed silent. Orthodox Christians would get a far worse lot than any Jews would have got.

    Evidence shows that he made trips to Greece to search for Byzantine maps. One of these maps showed up in 1953, a 1503 map of a Turkish Admiral that was copied from an earlier Greek map originally made by Ptolemy.

    He kept two logs of his voyage. A fake log and the real log. He knew the journey was going to be longer than he claimed it was and that he needed to sail further south than he claimed. The only way he could have known this is if he was, following a map.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wvwvw View Post
    The Catholic Spaniards were in the midst of an iquistion. The last thing that Columbus would do was be to admit that he was an Orthodox Christian. For the same reason the Jews also stayed silent. Orthodox Christians would get a far worse lot than any Jews would have got.
    There were some Greeks in that and many other voyages.
    Spaniards did not dislike Gricos. Spaniards disliked Muslims and Protestants, period.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wvwvw View Post
    I am surprised you left out the strong possibility he might have been Greek.
    Maybe even Martian, why not? I would say that this quote sums up the "question" well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Felipe Fernández-Armesto
    The Catalan, French, Galician, Greek, Ibizan, Jewish, Majorcan, Scottish, and other Columbuses concocted by historical fantasists are agenda-driven creations, usually inspired by a desire to arrogate a supposed or confected hero to the cause of a particular nation or historic community – or, more often than not, to some immigrant group striving to establish a special place of esteem in the United States. The evidence of Columbus's origins in Genoa is overwhelming: almost no other figure of his class or designation has left so clear a paper trail in the archives.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallop View Post
    No se tarda tanto tiempo y menos si lo están tratando diferentes laboratorios de todo el mundo, sí indica que por alguna razón un resultado inesperado y que alguien no ha aceptado tiene el asunto paralizado, por ese motivo digo que es más relevante Colón para la hispanidad que el hecho que una minoría étnica italo-americana se hubiese apropiado de la figura de Colón y ese hecho ahora con resultados frustrados y frustrantes para esa minoría étnica fuesen la causa del estancamiento en que salieran los resultados.
    La única conspiración aquí es la de tve2 que tiene en propiedad los derechos de emisión de las conclusiones del estudio (porque es la principal financiadora del proyecto) y hasta que no tenga el documental terminado, no va a emitirlo.

    Los resultados digo yo que estarán ya, como tú dices, pero los conocerán los que estén metidos en el proyecto y los que hagan el documental.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ajeje Brazorf View Post
    There is no conspiracy behind it, and no one cares too much about the feelings of Italian-Americans.
    The only conspiracy that exists here is that Spanish television (tve2) has the exclusivity of the emission allowances of the results of the study, and wants to broadcast a documentary with the conclusions, avoiding spoilers before it is fully finished.

    Italian most likely, although being from any Italian coastal city, with a strong maritime trading traditions, he could have any Mediterranean and/or European admixture added to an Italian base.

    I haven't read the thread to find out what I said in the past, but that's what I think.

    "Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas"

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    Christopher Columbus a Jew? New Evidence Supports Theory

    Millions of Italians will parade to Columbus statues throughout the country and the world today. At the statues they will place expensive wreaths. Then they will make flowery speeches on the daring and the brilliance of the man they know as Christopher Columbus, the man they believe was born in Genoa, Italy, of humble weaver parents, who grew up to be a sailor and on October 12, 1492, discovered America.

    And when the fanfare and the oratory and the toasts are done with, it will be very difficult to convince even one Italian that the man to whom they have paid reverent homage is not the man they believe him to be.

    For Christopher Columbus is not Christopher Columbus at all.

    Rightfully, by documentary evidence unearthed as early as 1898 and as recently as 1929, the man is Cristobal Colon, with an “acute” accent over the second “o” in the last name.

    Rightfully, according to the same documents which were discovered after eight years of exhausting search by the noted scholar and statesman Don Celso Garcia de la Riega, the man was born in Pontavedro. And Pontavedro is in Galicia. Not the Galicia in Poland, incidentally. This one is a province in the northwestern tip of Spain.

    Rightfully, his parents were not humble weavers. They were makers and sellers of nautical maps.


    And the parents, named Domingo de Colon and Suzana de Fonterosa, were Maranos, Jews who were forced to embrace Christianity to save their lives in that day of the Inquisition terror.

    And now Christopher Columbus, or Christoforo Columbo as the Italians think of him, emerges in his true light—a Spanish Jew.

    But how, the skeptical reader will ask, does it happen that history has recorded him as an Italian, born in Genoa of weaver parents if actually he was a Spaniard born in Pontavedro of map-making parents, and a Jew to boot?

    The answer may, more accurately than historian may be willing to admit, lie in the difference in the Spanish and Italian heritage.

    Italians have always set great store by history. Spaniards have somehow lagged in this tedious pursuit. Witness the fact that there is no outstanding Spanish historian that can be compared with the Roman Tacitus.

    This may possibly account for the fact that it was an Italian historian, an obscure person with neither the talent nor literary ability of Tacitus, who got the jump on the Spaniards by claiming for the first time in a history book that Colon was a Genoese Italian.

    This historian, Casoni, wrote in the eighteenth century, the first time incidentally that the name Columbus appears in print anywhere, that Columbus was born in Genoa. Casoni based his claim on the rather skimpy evidence that there were several Colombos in Genoa and, therefore, the navigator must have been one of them. Another basis for the Casonian theory is supposed to be a statement by Colon himself that he was a Genoese by birth. That statement, however, has been heavily discounted by evidence since discovered. Evidence that he had himself thus represented because in Spain it was fatal to admit being a Jew; because there was more chance of being favorably accepted in Madrid as a foreigner rather than as a native from Galicia, which at that time was not in the good graces of the ruling provinces of Castile and Aragon.


    As opposed to this evidence which has clung persistently in the world’s school histories (historians being notorious sufferers from the malady of inertia when it comes to accepting new historical data that completely refutes the old) there is the following abundance of proof to substantiate the claim that the famous navigator was a Spanish Jew: (Most of the evidence was unearthed by la Riega and later, in 1922, sensationally supported and expanded by Otero Sanchez, a noted Spanish expert in deciphering ancient writings.)

    1.—In all the nevigator’s correspondence with his friends he always signed himself Cristobal Colon, never Christoforo Columbo, the name given him by Casoni.

    2.—All the writings of Colon were in Spanish, never in Italian.

    3.—He was supposed to have been educated in the University of Pavia in Genoa, which would have made him well grounded in Italian. Yet there is no record of his having spoken or written that language.

    4.—Improbable that the son of a weaver would become a navigator.

    5.—Highly probable that the son of a nautical map maker and himself a map maker would become navigator. His parents were also members of nautical societies in Pontavedro.

    6.—He was befriended by Fray Diego de Deza, a Marano professor at the University of Salamanca, who introduced him as a Genoese navigator, for reasons already stated above, to King Ferdinand and Isabella.

    7.—There is proof that conversations between the professor and the young navigator were conducted in the peculiar Galician dialect. It is extremely unlikely that a Genoese sailor would know that unusual language.


    8.—Colon always carried with him astronomical tables compiled by the celebrated Jewish savant, Abraham Zacuto, translated into Latin by another Jew, Joseph Vecinlo.

    9.—The help afforded him by Jewish scientists and financiers of that time can be explained only in the light that he was of the same race. In this connection, it is interesting to note the comment of Herbert B. Adams in his “Columbus and his Discovery of America.” “Not jewels,” he writes, “but Jews were the real financial basis for the first expedition of Columbus.” Furthermore, in a card he wrote to a Jewish friend, Luis de Santangel, treasurer of Aragon, Colon announced his discovery of America with a fleet manned in part by Jewish sailors.


    10.—The very names of his three first ships, the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. At first, the flagship was named by him La Gallega (Galician). It is certain that an Italian wouldn’t have called his ship after an unkown land called Galicia. The final name of the ship had no religious significance or connotation as has been erroneously supposed. It was named after Santa Maria, a beautiful spot near the mouth of the Pontavedro river.

    11.—When Colon landed in America, he named his landing place San Salvador (now Watling’s Island). The name was not a way of thanking the Saviour, as is supposed. It was named thus in honor of a small place by the same name opposite his home of Pontavedro. The same holds true for the many other places he named—Porta Santa, Punta Lanzada, Punta de la Galicia, Cap San Miguel, Cap San Nicolas, representing either spots near Pontavedro or the names of Pontavedro sailors’ societies.

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    No querido, un judío gallego no habría tenido webs de acercarse a Isabel la Católica como si no hubiese pasado nada, así tal cuál... darling se te va la perola.
    E-V22 - E-BY7449 - E-BY7566 - E-FT155550
    According to oral family tradition E-FT155550 comes from a deserter of Napoleon's troops (1808-1813) who stayed in Spain and changed his surname.

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