The USA legal system is warped and perverted. It is owned and operated by lawyers who police themselves with their self-serving Bar system. Judges are but lawyers on the public payroll who watch over the antics of their fellow lawyers.

Adding to the madness is the input by politicians who make the laws and statutes. Are you aware that the most common profession among politicians is lawyer? Lawyer/politicians appear to take great effort to assist their fellow lawyers still in practice. When the lawyer/politicians leaves office, if they ever do, they seem to do all they can to ensure that they assisted their profession in any way possible by the laws/statutes they enact.

The USA legal system is sometimes referred to as a “justice system”. HAH!!!!! Many books have been written over the decades describing the atrocities and horrors inherent within our crappy legal system. Our indoctrination from an early age has a multitude of brainwashed buffoons spewing that oft-heard implanted phrase “The USA has the best justice system in the world!!!” For every million idiots making that declaration I will guess that perhaps, one of them, has made an actual comparison between the legal systems of various countries. It is in the interests of the USA elite class, theeir minions, cohorts and lackeys and our judges and lawyers to hoodwink as many of us as possible into believing we can trust and rely upon our “best justice system in the world”. What a bunch of crap.

Here is but one of innumerable examples of why the USA “justice” system is broken beyond repair. Tear the whole damn thing down and get systems analysts assembled to create a new legal system that actually protects We, the People and does not mainly serve the interests of the USA elite class and our corporate systems.

“Kenneth Allen McDuff (March 21, 1946 – November 17, 1998) was an American serial killer. He was convicted in 1966 of murdering 16-year-old Edna Sullivan, her boyfriend, 17-year-old Robert Brand, and Brand's cousin, 15-year-old Mark Dunnam, who was visiting from California. They were all strangers whom McDuff abducted after noticing Sullivan. McDuff repeatedly raped her before breaking her neck with a broomstick.

McDuff was given three death sentences that were reduced to life imprisonment consequently to the 1972 U.S. Supreme Court ruling Furman v. Georgia. He was paroled in 1989 and went on to kill again. He was executed in 1998, and is suspected to have been responsible for many other killings.” image for larger version. 

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