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Thread: Ottoman Register 1571 - Western Kosovo

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    In Western Kosova especially, (and some of the larger towns in Eastern Kosovo prior to expulsion of Albanians from other areas), you will find far more native Albanian families than any Serbian gypsies in Kosovo whom most of them are actually Ottoman settlers that settled there after Austrian-Ottoman wars 1690. And good chunk were also settled during 1912-1939 colonization of Kosovo.
    Last edited by Brave; 09-02-2023 at 05:36 AM.

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    Also since people here support Serbs then I guess you have no problem giving up your countries to Muslim immigrants in Europe too since you say this is what Albanians should do ? You're claiming some 13th century tribe that invaded these areas are the original inhabitants ? I guess Muslims in Western Europe are the original inhabitants of Europe ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brave View Post
    Just to show you an example here.

    Let's use the village Mazrek in Kosovo as an example from 1452 they bore Albanian names like Gjon, Gjin, Mazrek, Bardo, Progon, Lesh and some Christian names:


    Then in 1571 they bore other type of Albanian names such as in the OP:


    Now this is a common thing that happened
    since most villages didn't have the same names for generations and this happened in villages
    and some towns that had Slavic names too so how
    the fuck aren't those villages Albanians who just formerly bore
    Slavic names ??? That's exactly what they are. In many cases people also switched
    over to Muslim names. Any thing else you claim is just a bunch of pseudo science that has no evidence.
    Especially claiming everybody with Slavic or Christian names as Serbs who were then supposedly replaced by newcomers

    As for Decan-Gjakove-Prizren-Has area, Serbs certainly never
    made the majority here. This territory in the 15th-16th
    century was inhabited by an Albanian population which
    is what these registers show. We got 16th century
    for Opoje and Prizren area that show it was mostly inhabited
    by Albanians too except for some pockets. The Peja region had more Slavic names compared to these areas
    but that was also the seat of the Orthodox church. It was inhabited by Orthodox Albanians who then became Islamized.

    This explains of how I am not claiming everyone with a Slavic name as an Albanian right out of the blue and some other things

    Also , In a territory of the Peja region from 1485 where 14 villages had majority Albanian names or Albanian-Slavic names and 96 villages so and so contained people with Albanian names you have to be naive to think that zero of those people with Orthodox Slavic names were Albanian. But I guess it's just Albanian objectivity

    In some cases we even know they were Albanian based on the placename and they had Orthodox Slavic names.

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    We don't go around randomly claiming every person with a Slavic name as an Albanian. You should be careful to open your mouth about Albanian objectivity as it's clear you're the one who is not objective here. Claiming all the Orthodox people as Slavs and then when they changed names pull some theory out of your ass how they were genocided or replaced like these Serbs. It is logical that in these territories Albanians also bore Slavic names and were Orthodox which there is plenty of evidence for or they bore a mixture of names.

    The river Lumbardh which flows next to the town of Peja is an Albanian toponym and most of the people in the town were Islamised by 1582:


    None of the people are recorded as being new to the area except for one, few came from neighboring villages. Most of the Islamised people and Christians in this town were Albanians.

    Ottomans also recorded areas that were displaced and nothing suggests any massive abandonment in Kosova during these periods of the 15th-16th century nor any massive movements into the territory yet shows Albanians as one of the largest populations. Then you have the nerve to talk about Albanian objectivity ?

    I don't know how the OP even puts up with you or has nerves.

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    The Ottoman registers of 16th century make Serbs pretty much look like a minority in many parts of Kosova . Lots of villages and areas that have not been posted I see but why bother.

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    Pretty funny how this Greek in this thread talks about Albanian objectivity.
    These registers are inconsistent but I mean these registers of Kosova and Dardania even from 1571-1591
    shows it was inhabited by Albanians, the evidence indicates these were people that were there even in the 15th century and earlier for example. Even the 15th century and other documents shows it had a significant Albanian population, especially the western part and the towns. Or why all these linguists claim the Albanian language was spoken here. Also the Turkish traveller Evliya Celebi travelling Kosova in the 1660s described it as inhabited by Albanians:

    In 1660 Çelebi went to Kosovo and referred to the central part of the region as Arnavud (آرناوود) and noted that in Vushtrri its inhabitants were speakers of Albanian or Turkish and few spoke Bosnian.[18] The highlands around the Tetovo, Peja and Prizren areas Çelebi considered as being the "mountains of Arnavudluk".[18] Çelebi referred to the "mountains of Peja" as being in Arnavudluk (آرناوودلق) and considered the Ibar river that converged in Mitrovica as forming Kosovo's border with Bosnia.[18] He viewed the "Kılab" or Llapi river as having its source in Arnavudluk (Albania) and by extension the Sitnica as being part of that river.[18] Çelebi also included the central mountains of Kosovo within Arnavudluk.[18]

    There is a reason this terriotry is demographically dominated by us. Medieval sources show there were even Albanians in the Nish area and even in the town of Shkupi / Skopje.

    Yet these people have depicted Albanians as the invaders and manipulated the facts, this is what you call
    objectivity, Greek ???? People like you have been brainwashed by these people to believe this narrative is true which is why
    you talk about Albanian objectivity, it is interesting how you don't bring up these peoples false theories or aggressive propaganda. These people invading these terrotories is something very well documented yet interesting how you did not bring that up, but yes it must be totally the Albanian objectivity. Also claiming everyone with a Slavic name as a Slav is definitely a no brainer , that is not objectivty, especially not claiming they were genocided or all kind of nuts theorie such as people from outside being encouraged to settle by the Ottomans. What these people tell is not science, Greek. And is definitely not objectivity. Especially not when even among majority Slavic names you have people that still appear with Albanian names, or you have villages with Albanian toponyms but with Slavic names etc etc.

    But what does one expect from a Greek. Even more laughable, using movements that occurred in the 17th-18th century and project them as a constant massive occurrence even in the past when we can see there were people there from before and there was a ''demographic growth'' of people that already were there and not from people that constantly supposedly came into the area. Toponyms such as Dukagjin, Shulla, Has for some regions of Kosova etc these are Albanian. Some of the town names aren't Slavic either. You forgot that part Mr.Grek. Yes, it must totally be the Albanian objectivity. Hahaha.

    How on earth can someone spread such incredibly aggressive propaganda towards another population is beyond me, i'd trust these people as much as i'd trust a mentally unstable junkie , same thing for their so called ''ethnic breakdown'' of the region. Or how they supposedly claim the Muslims in the 16th century as ''unknown origin'' when most of them were in fact Albanians that converted. They were specifically mentioned as Albanian or many of them bore Islamised Albanian names is a pretty good evidence these Muslims weren't of unknown origin. Of course some were also Slavs. Not to mention that whole 1690 thing which is another manipulation of history that these people did. Not to mention these registers are inconsistent and unreliable anyway.

    Or how they claim they have been living there since 600 AD when they are some tribe that invaded this territory no earlier than the 12th-13th century. It's also funny they claim Albanians aren't native to this territory when most of them, especially in the north, are actually planters. They settled there in the 18th century or they came after the occupation in 1912 as colonists from areas like Montenegro, Serbia etc. and many of them trace their origin to Montenegro.

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