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Thread: World War II Mass Grave Unearthed in Poland

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    Default World War II Mass Grave Unearthed in Poland

    World War II Mass Grave Unearthed in Poland

    The Polish city of Malbork has found a mass grave with the remains of some 1,800 people, thought to be former German residents of the town. They apparently died as the Red Army marched through Poland -- and some of them appear to have been executed.
    The first skeletons were unearthed by construction workers last October. A pit dug for the foundation of a new hotel in the Polish city of Malbork revealed the remains of dozens of corpses, all heaped together in what was apparently a World War II-era mass grave. But plenty of questions remained, and investigators began taking a closer look.

    The remains were found not far from the famous Malbork Castle.

    This week, Piotr Szwedowski, a Malbork city official, revealed what they found. "Since then, we have exhumed around 1,800 corpses," he told the news agency AFP. "We are pretty sure that they were former residents of Malbork." City officials are also pretty sure that they were victims of a massacre. Szwedowski said that one in 10 of the corpses had been shot in the head. All of them, furthermore, had been buried naked, "without shoes, without clothes, without personal items," he said. "The metal detectors used during the excavations found no metal, not even a false tooth."
    Malbork is located in a region that only became part of Poland after World War II. Prior to that, the city was German and was called Marienburg. City officials presume that the remains are of former German citizens of the town, killed during the Russian advance in 1945. Szwedowski told AFP that some of the victims may have died in the cold winter weather that year or were killed by artillery. They were buried in a bomb crater.

    Because some of the victims appear to have been murdered, Polish officials have launched an investigation, according to German tabloid Bild. Malbork is home to Malbork Castle, one of Poland's most famous tourist attractions. The castle was founded in the 13th century by Teutonic Knights and is the world's largest fortress made of bricks. For most of its history, the town was part of German East Prussia, but became part of Poland when that country's borders were shifted westwards following the war. The Germans then living in the areas that became Poland were forced to leave.
    In 1945, Malbork was the site of heavy fighting between the retreating Germans and the advancing Russians. Since the end of the war, 1,840 former residents of Marienburg were classified as missing.

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    Victims of the Commies?. That would explain why it hasn't been reported here.

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    Imagine it the other way round. They found mass burial of Nazi victims!

    This story will no doubt be turned completely on its head. The Germans blamed for having initiated the war which eventually ended with these people dying, instead of being the victims of a unnecessary war started by the Allies.

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    One of the skeletons discovered...

    Cause of death: Skull smashed by communists; possibly after repeated sadistic torture; If belonging to female between ages 8 and 80 then likely after repeated rape.


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    The German side of my family fled from Poland.

    Stories like this have just been buried under the continuing capitalist and communist propaganda.

    I maintain that the holocaust has been politicised in favour of the allies to an extraordinary degree, and to the founding Marxist-Zionists as well, but I am not a denier... I think that it might have been far worse, and that the British, in particular, were more responsible than they want to admit.

    Why is this story not part of the holocaust mythos:

    Chaim Weizmann was the President of the so-called World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency. Prior to the Nazi Holocaust, Weizmann frequently expressed the view that it would be better if millions of Eastern European Jews were murdered rather than to have them emigrate to the Holy Land, where they would "ruin Israel."

    "Millions of Jews are dust on the wheels of history that will have to be blown away. They must accept their fate. We do not want them crowding into our Tel Aviv, turning it into a low-grade ghetto," Weizmann told the New Judea magazine in its Fall 1937 issue.

    This self-hating serpent, along with other vile traitors like David Ben-Gurion, worked together with the
    British to prevent Jews from entering the Land of Israel in the 1940s to escape Hitler's inferno in Europe.

    At a time when the Germans were murdering 12,000 Jewish men, women and children every day in the gas chambers of just one of their death camps, Auschwitz, Weizmann and the other Jewish establishment leaders organized Jewish traitor patrols on the coastline of Israel to assist the British in keeping out "illegal" Jewish men, women and children who sought refuge from the claws of the Nazis.

    Last edited by Fortis in Arduis; 01-14-2009 at 11:38 PM.

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    In the old days [pre-1990 or so], these discoveries would either be blamed on "the Nazis" (as Moscow did with Katyn was for so long), or, if that were not possible, they would simply be swept under the rug.

    Soviet soldiers from 1944 onward (when Stalin began in-earnest his long-dreamed-of conquest of half of Europe) were encouraged by their leaders to use the "tactics" of of summary killings and mass-rape to shatter the morale of conquered populations. A true terror tactic of unrivalled barbarity. (Compare to Wehmacht and especially Waffen-SS standards, who actually held trials for and executed their own men for inhuman behavior like rape or mistreatment of prisoners, even up to the fatalistic final days of the Goetterdaemmerung in Berlin).

    In 1945, these inhuman savages under their Red Star swept across eastern Germany. There was nothing to stop them; all local authority was either on the ropes before 8th May or totally gone after 8th May. The result: It is said that in 1945 and 1946, the number of young German women across eastern [Soviet-controlled] Germany who hanged or poisoned themselves after being raped by Soviet soldiers likely broke into 6-digits. (This is not the number raped, just the number who committed suicide).

    German women break their silence on the rape of Berlin

    In Berlin stood a charity institution, the Haus Dehlem, an orphanage, maternity hospital, and foundling home. Soviet soldiers entered the home, and repeatedly raped pregnant women and women who had just given birth. This was not an isolated incident.

    A Lutheran pastor in Germany, in a letter of August 7, 1945, to the Bishop of Chichester, England, describes how a fellow pastor's "two daughters and a grandchild (ten years of age) suffer from gonorrhea, [as a] result of rape" and how "Mrs. N. was killed when she resisted an attempt to rape her," while her daughter was "raped and deported, allegedly to Omsk, Siberia, for indoctrination."

    The Most Reverend Bernard Griffin, British Archbishop, made a tour of Europe to study conditions there, and reported, "In Vienna alone they raped 100,000 women, not once but many times, including girls not yet in their teens, and aged women."

    Large-scale murder was Soviet state policy too, of course. The result was the deaths of more than a million German civilians in eastern-Germany while the Red Army was pushing westward from mid1944-May 1945, and more than 2 million more after the war in the portion of Germany that fell under Soviet domination. (See here).

    [Any other populations considered by the sex-pervert Stalin and his mentally-diseased henchmen to have been "collaborationist" were also targetted. Why do Chechens hate Russians so much? Because Stalin accused the entire Chechen Nation of "collaborating with the Nazis" when the German military was on its ill-fated drive to Baku in 1942, so he deported the entire nation to Siberia, confiscated their possessions and ancient tribal lands, and handed over all their property to Russian settlers. Perhaps a third of the Chechen people died during the ordeal of their brutal relocation in 1944. (They were pardoned by Khruschev and returned home in 1957 or so, but as landless serfs since their land had been given to Russians). The fanatical hatred that this Bolshevik barbarity inspired in the Chechen psyche explains the viciousness of 1990s war, the truly shocking degree of fanaticism and fatalism among the Chechen fighters.]

    Mass-death, mass-rape, enslavement, genocide. That is the legacy of communism and of Stalin.

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    Another story from last month:
    Town wants Russian help with WWII killings

    For over 50 years, the inhabitants of Treuenbrietzen, a small eastern German town, kept quiet about a World War II massacre that happened in the final days of the war.

    The long-forgotten slaughter of some 1,000 German civilians occurred shortly after Russian Red Army soldiers occupied the town, some 25 miles south-west of Berlin, in April 1945. Under East German communist rule, it would have been unwise to mention the matter, but in the wake of German reunification, a local historian has sought to unravel the truth behind the killings, and the prosecutor's office has now been pressed to investigate the case.

    Most of the dead are buried in six large rectangular pits in the town and a nearby memorial now preserves their names. "The bodies were buried in layers, 12 atop one another. Those who helped bury them kept a secret tally, but gave up counting after 721," according to local historian Wolfgang Ucksche.

    On the 50th anniversary of the end of the war, Ucksche, a former petrol station attendant who now runs the town museum, asked citizens to write down what they remembered of the times. Russian troops occupied Treuenbrietzen on Saturday, April 21, 1945.

    According to witnesses, the massacre took place two days later, possibly because a Soviet officer had been shot dead in the town. Men were gathered together, taken to nearby woods, and shot. A number of women were also raped and killed. Ucksche believes nearly every family in the town lost relatives.
    Perhaps as much as 15% of the eastern-German population that fell into Soviet hands was killed off by Soviet terror (Either directly like the victims in the OP and the above story, or indirectly by artificial starvation, extreme hardship on the forced westward march after their homes were confiscated, suicide induced by rape, etc.), so these corpses are by no means an anomaly. Most of the land of eastern-Germany itself was confiscated and given by Stalin to communist-Poland [compare maps of Germany from any date pre-1945 to those of today], its Germans never allowed to return, nor have they ever received any compensation-- unlike the millions of Jews who get huge reparations payouts for their quite-similar hardship during the same era.

    Relatively few common people in the West know about these communist genocides and atrocities, whereas everyone is very familiar with the narrative of the Jewish suffering during the 1940s (including belief in many of its now-discredited facets like "human soap", "human lampshades", "mass gassings"). They are far more familiar with the narrative of Jewish suffering than they are with anything else about that era. Far and away.

    History has been dumbed down so much that "WWII" has been recast in the following way: It was a war fought by an insane monster named Hitler who invaded countries solely to kill their Jews, then the American and British governments courageously said 'No!', and fought long and hard to stop him from killing Jews, along with their worldwide allies. This is basically the narrative of WWII that the common person "knows".

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    Some truly disgusting and harrowing accounts there, Lenny. It does make you open your eyes to what has been, and continues to be taught in schools all the more shocking to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lenny View Post
    History has been dumbed down so much that "WWII" has been recast in the following way: It was a war fought by an insane monster named Hitler who invaded countries solely to kill their Jews, then the American and British governments courageously said 'No!', and fought long and hard to stop him from killing Jews, along with their worldwide allies. This is basically the narrative of WWII that the common person "knows".

    You summed up what was taught to me and my generation, at least!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lenny View Post
    Another story from last month:

    Perhaps as much as 15% of the eastern-German population that fell into Soviet hands was killed off by Soviet terror (Either directly like the victims in the OP and the above story, or indirectly by artificial starvation, extreme hardship on the forced westward march after their homes were confiscated, suicide induced by rape, etc.), so these corpses are by no means an anomaly. Most of the land of eastern-Germany itself was confiscated and given by Stalin to communist-Poland [compare maps of Germany from any date pre-1945 to those of today], its Germans never allowed to return, nor have they ever received any compensation-- unlike the millions of Jews who get huge reparations payouts for their quite-similar hardship during the same era.

    Relatively few common people in the West know about these communist genocides and atrocities, whereas everyone is very familiar with the narrative of the Jewish suffering during the 1940s (including belief in many of its now-discredited facets like "human soap", "human lampshades", "mass gassings"). They are far more familiar with the narrative of Jewish suffering than they are with anything else about that era. Far and away.

    History has been dumbed down so much that "WWII" has been recast in the following way: It was a war fought by an insane monster named Hitler who invaded countries solely to kill their Jews, then the American and British governments courageously said 'No!', and fought long and hard to stop him from killing Jews, along with their worldwide allies. This is basically the narrative of WWII that the common person "knows".

    WW2 has become a sideshow to the Holocaust. Most University courses will mainly ignore the WW2, or supplant it with a rant against "Whites" (I.E. British = Nazi; because of the appeasement policy ) or semester long lecture on the phlight of Jewish peoples...

    It makes me cringe to think that we have people graduating with masters in history who can't even place locations on maps and struggle with identifying the major equipment and weapons of both world wars...

    I know this first hand. The system rewards people who write papers on the suffering of Jews and other minorities. I've received A's for handing in horrible papers regarding the Jews... And I've received C's (and F's) for writing good papers on controversial topics.

    Though I think that's the lesson that most students learn... You either kiss the Professor's ass or GTFO

    The ironic thing is that if a Professor was known for being a ''Neo-Nazi", all the people that were singing bells, whistle and rainbows, would turn double-faced and pretend to be a Nazi... All for the grade... Though I think we call that the sheeple effect. Anyway I'm done for tonight
    Last edited by TheGreatest; 01-15-2009 at 12:28 AM.

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