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  1. A Brief History of America's Dumb Policies Towards Iran
  2. U.S. Jewish Newspaper Discussed Assassination of Obama
  3. Newt Gingrich just won South Carolina
  4. Meth epidemic gets out of control: Newt Gingrich wins South Carolina primary
  5. Pennsylvania's unemployment rate has dropped
  6. Obama's State of the Union
  7. Swiss Mitt: Mitt Romney Tax Returns Released: Paid Just 13.9% Rate In 2010, Had Swiss Bank Account
  8. Newt Gingrich has no respect for American law
  9. Obama's State Of The Union Address: Everybody Must Play By The Same Rules
  10. Ron Paul warns police state in America "growing out of control"
  11. Defend your right to carry.
  12. Who will you be voting for President?
  13. Democratic Operative's Cat Slaughtered, 'Liberal' Painted On Corpse
  14. Obama is a Scofflaw
  15. Born Fighting - How the Ulster Scots shaped America
  16. Obama Vows To Fight Holocaust Denial
  17. Santorum cancels Events
  18. US drums of war over Iran driven by Israel lobby?
  19. Nazi camp clip combats Shoah denial
  20. Anonymous attacks American Nazi Party: Operation Blitzkrieg continues
  21. How The Bank Lobby Owns Washington
  22. Pa. bill would require teaching of Holocaust
  23. Working Poor: Almost Half Of U.S. Households Live One Crisis From The Bread Line
  24. White Slavery in Chicago
  25. Confederate History Month
  26. Mitt Romney: 'I'm Not Concerned About The Very Poor'
  27. PM Erdoğan mocks Paul Auster, calls him ‘ignorant’
  28. Group discusses spike in Montana "White Supremacist" activity
  29. Occupier Firebombs Police Station
  30. News to Pres. Obama? 1.8 Million Americans With Engineering DEGREES Don't Have Engineering JOBS
  31. Made in America Again
  32. How do you react to the part of NDAA that outlaws Odinism?
  33. California's Same-Sex Marriage Ban, Declared Unconstitutional
  34. Revealed: Sexism, bigotry and suicides inside the Air Marshals 'boys' club'
  35. White Revolution Florida Deputy Governor
  36. 'Gulf Of America' Would Replace 'Gulf Of Mexico' In Bill From Mississippi State Lawmaker Steve Holla
  37. US Marine sniper unit photographed with 'Nazi SS' flag
  38. Ron Paul 2nd place ! Now at 21% among Republicans
  39. American Kids Denied Food Stamps in Alabama Under New Immigration Law
  40. Foul-mouthed teacher fired after calling student 'Jew boy' and mocking another's speech impediment
  41. Which group best personifies the United States?
  42. Should the USA become a part of Israel?
  43. Should the USA join the Commonwealth?
  44. Anti-Semitism taking new forms, ADL leader says
  45. Skraeling Tribe Suing Brewers for $500 Million
  46. Confederate History Month Honors Deadliest Traitors in U.S. History
  47. Romney's Santorum problem: no easy targets
  48. Which Republican is Most Likely to Be an Obama Plant
  49. OWS protestors at CPAC, one admits they are all getting paid
  50. Israeli judge: U.S. fugitive cannot be deported unless Florida prisons provide kosher food
  51. Proxy Baptism Seekers Eyed Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel For Posthumous Mormon Rite
  52. Soros funded Media Matters memos unearthed, tactics exposed
  53. Officer Who Arrested Gibson Settles Discrimination Case
  54. Judge Napolitano -- How to get fired in under 5 mins
  55. Pushing for Holocaust Education
  56. Cash for Class: Ohio HS Pays Students $10-$25 Per Week
  57. Interracial marriage in US hits new high: 1 in 12
  58. Nuclear Truckers: Warheads on 18 Wheels
  59. Campaign against sex trafficking launches in Montana.
  60. Military Top Brass Tell Troops Not to March in Ron Paul Rally
  61. FACT CHECK: US aid for Israel missile program
  62. Racism in US military ‘alive and well’
  63. NYPD monitored Muslim students all over Northeast America
  64. Hitler on America
  65. Woodrow Wilson on the Ku Klux Klan
  66. Who is the worst enemy of Americans through history?
  67. 9/11 not required lesson at Florida schools
  68. Jews well represented among Obama’s campaign chairs
  69. Have you ever visited America before
  70. High court torn over law banning lies about medals
  71. Holocaust Insurance Claim Advocates Hope To Get Obama's Attention In Miami
  72. (US Whites) What ethnic/ racial group do you prefer?
  73. Sen. Carl Levin speech introduces Jewish Studies Program at Eastern Michigan University
  74. USPS Closings To Lead To Tens Of Thousands Of Job Cuts
  75. TIME Magazine Cover Asserts Latinos Will Decide The Next President
  76. Senator Rand Paul Explains His Vote In Favor Of Sanctions On Iran
  77. Jeremy Lin inspired ice cream changed after racism accusations
  78. Dutch Presence in America
  79. America 'discovered by Stone Age hunters from Europe
  80. Confederate Memorial Sparks Controversy in Socorro
  81. $10 Million Anti-Semitic Bully Suit vs. School
  82. Why did the US dismantle its system of segregation?
  83. The U.S. is the Most Overworked Developed Nation in the World – When do we Draw the Line?
  84. Texas 'navy' to patrol the Rio Grande
  85. Post videos about the United States
  86. Irish-Americans' fury over 'arrogant and disrespectful' novelty St Patrick's Day T-shirts at store
  87. Are Americans culturally or mentally European?
  88. First Americans from Europe
  89. White Poverty, Mass Immigration & American Identity
  90. New pro-abortion cry, “Pregnancy is a disease”
  91. There’ll be hell to pay: Cardinal Dolan vows backlash over White House's contraception policy.
  92. George Will: Republican Leaders Are Afraid of Rush Limbaugh.
  93. Professor Kevin MacDonald is Again Today’s Guest on David Duke’s Radio Show
  94. Who are you voting for?
  95. Yelling the name of your country is Racist?
  96. Gloria Allred seeks Rush Limbaugh prosecution
  97. Towson University student group's messages spark debate over racism
  98. No to AIPAC, No to Israel, and No to War.
  99. The Zionist Attack on Western Civilization
  100. Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse investigation of Barack Hussein Obama's birth records
  101. 80% of minorities ineligible to join military
  102. Extreme Poverty In The U.S. Has Doubled In The Last 15 Years
  103. What ethnicity has done more harm to America?
  104. When General Grant Expelled the Jews
  105. Huffington Post Author: Israel must be Jewish, American must be 3rd world melting pot.
  106. America’s first slave owner was a black man
  107. The Rebel Yell
  108. Southern speech
  109. Foreign exchange students sexually abused in program overseen by State Department
  110. Dems entangled in Obama flag flap.
  111. Obamacare's Gross Costs Double to $1.76 Trillion, CBO Projects.
  112. So this is how we party in America...
  113. Post videos in tribute of Dixie
  114. "Ron Paul’s Delegate Strategy May be Working"
  115. Most Southern California cities considered multiracial, report says
  116. If America Became a Non-White Nation...
  117. Footage Shows Michelle Obama Occupying Harvard Office Advocating Raced-Based Hiring
  118. What is your opinion of Woodrow Wilson?
  119. Congress looks to extend Israel's loan guarantees
  120. Iraq Veteran speaks out for the truth and our freedom
  121. Eva Longoria: Obama Understands The Hispanic Community
  122. Census: Asians fastest growing race in US
  123. Killing Our Own
  124. Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment, fertilizer and food
  125. Afghanistan Massacre Suspect Had Prior Arrests
  126. Where could a Volkstaat for British-Americans be?
  127. Confederate Flag Back at Georgia Fort after 148 Years
  128. Federal Judge Okays Flag Desecration.
  129. Charles Lindbergh: A Courageous American’s Prophetic Voice
  130. Haitian invasion welcomed in rural America
  131. Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness
  132. 13-year-old boy was doused in gasoline and set on fire.
  133. Shithole of America?
  134. Obamacare in the Supreme Court 101: Deliberations, Rulings and Impacts.
  135. Jesse Jackson calls Trayvon Martin death a turning point.
  136. During missile defense talk, Obama tells Medvedev he'll have 'more flexibility' after election.
  137. Torture: America's Brutal Prisons
  138. 2010 Nativity data for USA
  139. Crips gang ran teen prostitution ring in Northern Virginia
  140. Another "Non" hate crime against a white girl
  141. High school allows 'black power' posters and rejects 'respect women' posters
  142. Sinister Liberal Version of “Natural Law” is a Perverse, Anti-Constitutional Hoax.
  143. Jewish Physicist busted in undercover sting after setting up sex meet with a 12 and 16 year old
  144. The Proclamation of Neutrality in the War Between France and England of 1793.
  145. Dr. Revilo P Oliver
  146. Hanging Doll in Endwell Stirs Fears of Racism
  147. Confederate History Month
  148. Three new rules for U.S. presidents
  149. Israel asks US for $700 million in military aid
  150. Jewish organization develops app to track hate websites, offers it to LA law enforcement
  151. Extreme Trains - High Speed Train
  152. Holocaust memorial dispute turns bizarre with Donald Duck comment
  153. Link Between Violent Crime, Section 8 Housing
  154. Tulsa Shooting suspect Jake England is an American Indian
  155. SG passes resolution against hate speech
  156. Who, What, Why: How many soldiers died in the US Civil War?
  157. The Definiton Of A Hate Crime - Hampton, Virginia
  158. US military using videos games to spy on people
  159. Conn. legislation will allow mezuzahs on condo doorframes
  160. Chiricahuas: Mountain Islands in the Desert
  161. Santorum Drops out of the Presidential Race
  162. White America is "Coming Apart"
  163. Ron Paul Wins Missouri Caucus
  164. Attorney General Holder and Secretary Salazar Announce $1 Billion Settlement of Tribal Trust Account
  165. Obama Trying to Start a Race War
  166. Americans - who'd you vote for?
  167. Three in elite NYPD anti-gun unit accused of treating black suspects like 'animals'
  168. White males fading among House Democrats
  169. Baby snatched from mother fatally shot at Woodlands pediatric center
  170. George W Bush
  171. The Bachelor faces lawsuit over alleged racism
  172. Occupy Wall Street Tampa Posts Heavily Anti-Semitic Cartoon on Holocaust Remembrance Day
  173. U.S. says hate crime charges OK in Amish beard-cutting case
  174. Republicans eye $680 million for Israel's "Iron Dome" shield
  175. Restaurant racism revealed as 40% of waiters admit they discriminate against black customers
  176. School newspaper lists 'why Obama should not be reelected', students apologize
  177. 25 Horrible Statistics About The U.S. Economy
  178. Pills for war thrills: 110k US troops on prescribed meds
  179. America Revealed (PBS Documentary Show)
  180. What is a hate crime?
  181. Is unemployment 32% not 8.1%?
  182. Modern Whig Party: A sensible American third party
  183. How common is the italian-irish ethnic mix in New England?
  184. The One Percent
  185. NY Top Court: Just Viewing Child Porn Not a Crime
  186. Amendment One North Carolina: Anti-Gay Marriage Measure Passes
  187. Happy mother's day! (US)
  188. Nearly 50 bodies recovered from latest Mexico massacre
  189. From first black president to 'first gay president'?
  190. Chinese Troops in Texas !
  191. Penn and Teller - War on Drugs (Full Episode)
  192. Missouri National Guard Investigates Another Soldier’s Alleged Racist Ties
  193. ‘Big brother’ lamp posts can hear, see and bark ‘Obey!’ at you
  194. US Giving Israel $70 Million More For Iron Dome
  195. Ayn Rand Pegged Hollywood Dead-on in 1947
  196. Solar Eclypse Mid-West US Sunday 20th of May
  197. Combat America
  198. The Weather Underground
  199. Arsenal of Hypocrisy
  200. America - The Vision
  201. [BBC] Abraham Lincoln Saint or Sinner
  202. [BBC] American Nomads
  203. The Art of America (BBC)
  204. Navy spends $600,000 to hide aerial view of San Diego base that resembles swastika
  205. America: Victims & Tyrants
  206. The Amish People
  207. Foundation objects to auction of purported vial of Reagan's blood
  208. POLL: The Future of USA
  209. Detroit's "New Hope"
  210. New Senate Bill Would Require Schools To Teach About The Holocaust
  211. Sherman's March
  212. Building the World Trade Center and Twin Towers (early 1970s?)
  213. Kansas governor signs 'Shariah bill' to ban Islamic law
  214. Apes Shoot at Woman for Parking Spot, Go Inside and Order Dinner
  215. Most And Least Christian States In America (PHOTOS)
  216. Indian Americans do pretty well in the United States
  217. Vietnam opens new sites for US MIA hunt
  218. Is drug "Cloud 9" behind Zombie Cannibal Attacks?
  220. Black Speaks the Truth About White Guilt and Black Slavery
  221. Apes Stab White Pizza Delivery Woman to Death
  222. Obama's and Brennan's "Kill List"
  223. U.S. military academy students cleaning Jewish cemetery near Auschwitz
  224. Jewish Power in the Republican Party
  225. Salute to the White Friends of Black Folks
  226. Obama administration to offer immunity to certain illegal immigrants
  227. Off the grid
  228. Blacks + Money = White Women
  229. Being a Good White Friend
  230. No Rush: Pioneer Town Gets Few Takers for Free Land
  231. Small Employers Welcome Work Permits for Young Immigrants
  232. TNB Fightin' Thread
  233. Obama's grandfather tortured by the British? A fantasy (like most of the President’s own memoir)
  234. The Chicago Intifada
  235. U.S., Israel developed Flame computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts, officials say
  236. The Killing Of America
  237. Talk of drones patrolling US skies spawns anxiety
  238. To: The Citizens of the United States of America
  239. Student Loan System: Should we follow Australia's model?
  240. Worsening wealth inequality by race
  241. Army Called in to Stop Puerto Rican Parade in Hartford, CT
  242. Serial child rapist/pedofile Jerry Sandusky found guilty!
  243. Obama in 2011: Inappropriate to Halt Deportations Through Executive Order
  244. My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding
  245. Romney vs Obama
  246. How Americans spend their days
  247. European Americans
  248. "To Defeat Obama in 2012, Tell the Story of Chicago's Decline"
  249. Senate passes Munich 11 moment of silence resolution
  250. Folk dance of Appalachia