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  1. Rant: "Friends" and "reputations" (new hot diss track 2020) (WSHH Exclusive) (VEVO) 👏🏿

    I noticed y'all niggas got pretty messed-up priorities here. (what)

    I come to the 'pricity hood to appreciate that in-depth anthropolOGilical analysis and I ain't down with that wack fefe shit, that triflin social Succbook shit, nawmsayin? And you provocative niggas always master-baitin' around tha hood or turning them respectable whole-some threads into yo tweaker troll bando hideouts,[1] suck on my big black majestic member (wow). Or y'all banal busta-ass fools talkin shit about ...
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  2. Article: Siberian/East Asian Admixture in Ashkenazi Jews and Eastern Europeans

    Thicc hair commonly found in East Asians is also found in Ashkenazi (but not Sephardi and Mizrahi-Yemenite) niggas and Eastern Europe niggas (Hungarians, Ukrainians, Romanians, Russians).

    (This nigga is actually pseudo-Turanid* but at first glance I be like "你好,黑人" ngl)

    *Gordon-Levitt's pseudo-epicanthic ...
  3. Rant: PSA to all y'all ""Caucasian"" niggas out there

    Y'all spoiled pumpkin spice latte-sipping, old racist cracker woman-voting suburban Millennial whiteboys on anthro forums, Succbook, Plebbit, YouTube, and elsewhere, who always be like:
    "erm, I am a Caucasian American, I'm so very proudie of my 1/4 Norwegian 1/2 Russian 1/8 African American 1/1024 Cherokee Princess ancestry here to celebrate my European
    Meta shit
  4. Slideshow: Folk Costumes

    Armenian folk costumes are hands down the most beautiful and fascinating. I owe Tumblr for stumbling across traditional costume-related photos, including this one, which depicts the Armenian bridal headgear:

    Below I include more interesting trad outfits:

  5. Stupid Anthro Dogmas – #1 – Haplogroups

    "Erm, my haplogroup is Derp 2 which is associated with the ancient Hurrpians which makes me a Hurrpian. :)"

    Why can't people ever get it through their heads that non-autosomes have a negligible influence over a person's phenotype, if any at all?

    Case in point:
  6. Post #1 – Taxonomy Cat Rules (Updated)

    First-hand observations & informal impressions:
    1. No profile pic (face from the side) equals worthless taxonomy.
    2. "Some people" cannot tell Gypsies, Turks, West Asian people apart. 🤣🤣🤣
    3. Everybody hates the three Bs (Baltids, Borrebys, Brunns).
    4. "Dark" Brits (e.g. Keltic Nordid) cannot pass in Southern Europe.
    5. A Nordid Nordic person with dark features (hair, eye color) cannot pass in Southern Europe.
    6. A Dinaro-Med Southern

    Updated 12-31-2018 at 05:07 AM by KuriousKatKommittee (Update.)

  7. Post #0 – Welcome to me e-crib, now get tha fuck out nigga.

    *cocks uzi*

    Updated 12-27-2018 at 01:46 AM by KuriousKatKommittee (No reason.)

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  8. The Art Embroidery Digitizing

    [B]Embroidery[/B] is an art which is usually used to decorate fabrics with threads and yarn with needles. Sometimes designers also use other materials called beads, pearls, sequin and quills to give it more eye catching. Some of the most use stitching is running stitching, satin stitch, cross stitch etc. As the technology grows machine is also use for embroidery which is easier and cheap as compare to hand embroidery. Even now [B]embroidery digitizing[/B] designs are available to be downloading. ...
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  9. The Fallen United Kingdom

  10. The Exorcism of 'Muhammad'