
Is Jared Taylor an ADL agent?

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Quote Originally Posted by euro-nationalist View Post
Originally Posted by Aristocrat View Post
The Jews who attend Amren only support racialism because, according to their theories, Jews are superior to all races including Whites. These Jews believe that because of their supposed intelligence, they somehow have the right to inhabit (and control) a nation build by Whites. In that respect, they are no different from Mexicans or other immigrants. As far as I know, Jared Taylor accepts the idea that Jews are the most intelligent race on the planet while, at the same time, claiming that they are White. How can one endorse the Bell Curve thesis which claims that Jews are a seperate race with a higher IQ than Whites while simultaneously asserting that Jews are White? Amren also heavily promotes philosemite and racemixer Charles Murray, who regulary writes articles touting Jewish superiority for neocon Podhoretz's magazine.

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