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Thread: The Free Press - Hilaire Belloc

  1. #21
    Veteran Member Murphy's Avatar
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    But there is a last factor in this progressive advance of the free
    Press towards success which I think the most important of all. It is
    the factor of time in the process of human generations.

    It is an old tag that the paradox of one age is the commonplace of the
    next, and that tag is true. It is true, because young men are doubly
    formed. First, by the reality and freshness of their own experience,
    and next, by the authority of their elders.

    You see the thing in the reputation of poets. For instance, when A is
    20, B 40, and C 60, a new poet appears, and is, perhaps, thought an
    eccentric. "A" cannot help recognizing the new note and admiring it,
    but he is a little ashamed of what may turn out to be an immature
    opinion, and he holds his tongue, "B" is too busy in middle life and
    already too hardened to feel the force of the new note and the
    authority he has over "A" renders "A" still more doubtful of his own
    judgment. "C" is frankly contemptuous of the new note. He has sunk
    into the groove of old age.

    Now let twenty years pass, and things will have changed in this
    fashion. "C" is dead. "B" has grown old, and is of less effect as an
    authority. "A" is himself in middle age, and is sure of his own taste
    and not prepared to take that of elders. He has already long expressed
    his admiration for the new poet, who is, indeed, not a "new poet" any
    longer, but, perhaps, already an established classic.

    We are all witnesses to this phenomenon in the realm of literature. I
    believe that the same thing goes on with even more force in the realm
    of political ideas.

    Can any one conceive the men who were just leaving the University five
    or six years ago returning from the war and still taking the House of
    Commons seriously? I cannot conceive it. As undergraduates they would
    already have heard of its breakdown; as young men they knew that the
    expression of this truth was annoying to their elders, and they always
    felt when they expressed it--perhaps they enjoyed feeling--that there
    was something impertinent and odd, and possibly exaggerated in their
    attitude. But when they are men between 30 and 40 they will take so
    simple a truth for granted. There will be no elders for them to fear,
    and they will be in no doubt upon judgments maturely formed. Unless
    something like a revolution occurs in the habits and personal
    constitution of the House of Commons it will by that time be a joke
    and let us hope already a partly innocuous joke.

    With this increasing and cumulative effect of truth-telling, even when
    that truth is marred or distorted by enthusiasm, all the disabilities
    under which it has suffered will coincidently weaken. The strongest
    force of all against people's hearing the truth--the arbitrary power
    still used by the political lawyers to suppress Free writing--will, I
    think, weaken.

    The Courts, after all, depend largely upon the mass of opinion. Twenty
    years ago, for instance, an accusation of bribery brought against some
    professional politician would have been thought a monstrosity, and,
    however true, would nearly always have given the political lawyers,
    his colleagues, occasion for violent repression. To-day the thing has
    become so much a commonplace that all appeals to the old illusion
    would fall flat. The presiding lawyer could not put on an air of
    shocked incredulity at hearing that such-and-such a Minister had been
    mixed up in such-and-such a financial scandal. We take such things
    for granted nowadays.

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    Veteran Member Murphy's Avatar
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    What I do doubt in the approaching and already apparent success of the
    Free Press is its power to effect democratic reform.

    It will succeed at last in getting the truth told pretty openly and
    pretty thoroughly. It will break down the barrier between the little
    governing clique in which the truth is cynically admitted and the bulk
    of educated men and women who cannot get the truth by word of mouth
    but depend upon the printed word. We shall, I believe, even within the
    lifetime of those who have taken part in the struggle; have all the
    great problems of our time, particularly the Economic problems,
    honestly debated. But what I do not see is the avenue whereby the
    great mass of the people can now be restored to an interest in the way
    in which they are governed, or even in the re-establishment of their
    own economic independence.

    So far as I can gather from the life around me, the popular appetite
    for freedom and even for criticism has disappeared. The wage-earner
    demands sufficient and regular subsistence, including a system of
    pensions, and, as part of his definition of subsistence and
    sufficiency, a due portion of leisure. That he demands a property in
    the means of production, I can see no sign whatever. It may come; but
    all the evidence is the other way. And as for a general public
    indignation against corrupt government, there is (below the few in the
    know who either share the swag or shrug their shoulders) no sign that
    it will be strong enough to have any effect.

    All we can hope to do is, for the moment, negative: in my view, at
    least. We can undermine the power of the Capitalist Press. We can
    expose it as we have exposed the Politicians. It is very powerful but
    very vulnerable--as are all human things that repose on a lie. We may
    expect, in a delay perhaps as brief as that which was required to
    pillory, and, therefore, to hamstring the miserable falsehood and
    ineptitude called the Party System (that is, in some ten years or
    less), to reduce the Official Press to the same plight. In some ways
    the danger of failure is less, for our opponent is certainly less
    well-organized. But beyond that--beyond these limits--we shall not
    attain. We shall enlighten, and by enlightening, destroy. We shall not
    provoke public action, for the methods and instincts of corporate
    civic action have disappeared.

    Such a conclusion might seem to imply that the deliberate and
    continued labour of truth-telling without reward, and always in some
    peril, is useless; and that those who have for now so many years given
    their best work freely for the establishment of a Free Press have
    toiled in vain, I intend no such implication: I intend its very

    I shall myself continue in the future, as I have in the past, to write
    and publish in that Press without regard to the Boycott in publicity
    and in advertisement subsidy which is intended to destroy it and to
    make all our effort of no effect. I shall continue to do so, although
    I know that in "The New Age" or the "New Witness" I have but one
    reader, where in the "Weekly Dispatch" or the "Times" I should have a

    I shall do so, and the others who continue in like service will do so,
    _first_, because, though the work is so far negative only, there is
    (and we all instinctively feel it), a _Vis Medicatrix Naturć_: merely
    in weakening an evil you may soon be, you ultimately will surely be,
    creating a good: _secondly_, because self-respect and honour demand
    it. No man who has the truth to tell and the power to tell it can long
    remain hiding it from fear or even from despair without ignominy. To
    release the truth against whatever odds, even if so doing can no
    longer help the Commonwealth, is a necessity for the soul.

    We have also this last consolation, that those who leave us and attach
    themselves from fear or greed to the stronger party of dissemblers
    gradually lose thereby their chance of fame in letters. Sound writing
    cannot survive in the air of mechanical hypocrisy. They with their
    enormous modern audiences are the hacks doomed to oblivion. We, under
    the modern silence, are the inheritors of those who built up the
    political greatness of England upon a foundation of free speech, and
    of the prose which it begets. Those who prefer to sell themselves or
    to be cowed gain, as a rule, not even that ephemeral security for
    which they betrayed their fellows; meanwhile, they leave to us the
    only solid and permanent form of political power, which is the gift of
    mastery through persuasion.

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