Since there's a few threads here about the Holocaust being a hoax, I figure I'll ask a couple of question I'm curious about.
I'm really not interested in a flame war. So if you think I'm trolling, please make another thread devoted to flaming me.

First, how do you explain Heinrich Himmler's Posen speeches? So far the only explanation I've seen on websites is that the translation is wrong, and Himmler is actually talking about evacuation the Jews to Eastern Europe.
I speak enough German to know that the translations are correct.

"...wir hatten die Pflicht unserem Volk gegenüber das zu tun, dieses Volk, das uns umbringen wollte, umzubringen"

We have the duty to our people to do this, to kill the people who wanted to kill us.
"Umbringen" does mean to kill. There's a few other lines I have no problem posting and translating if this isn't enough.

David Irving believes that while the Holocaust did happen, Adolf Hitler didn't know it was going on. Which really isn't too far out there. Hitler was concerned with the war, and never visited the concentration camps. Also, his plan was always to deport the Jews to Madagascar. So if Himmler just decided to start killing Jews, I could believe this happened without Hitler knowing.
However, I still don't know how one can say the SS didn't commit genocide against the Jews at all after the Posen speeches.

The second question is about the gas chambers.
If these never existed, how come Adolf Eichmann said they did?

"I never had anything directly to do with the gas chambers, which evolved from early measures like those at Litzmannstadt. But I did visit Auschwitz repeatedly. It had an unpleasant smell. Even today I do not know how the gassing was carried out. I never watched the entire process. Even a man like Hoess, the commandant at Auschwitz, described the matter to me in a rather rose-colored way."

This quote by Eichmann was recorded by a journalist, and later printed in Life Magazine. Eichmann did not say this during his show trial in Israel, where it would have made sense for him to say whatever they wanted. Rather, he said it when he was safely hidden in Argentina, to a journalist whom he trusted.