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Thread: 10 of the Most Dangerous Religious Cults

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    Branch CoVidians

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    by religious cults did you mean "official religions" and sects? or just wacko(minut soup) sects because for wacko sects,well there are some who are vey fucking famous like AUM,Ordo Templis Solaris,the wac(k)o community,tabitha's place is famous too,a true sect is also, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,they are worse than the jehovah's witnesses even than the jehovas are clearly brainwashed too, they are not very dangerous on a terrorism/violence field,Aum Shinrikyō the japanese sect have spread SARIN gaz in the tube of tokyo,and that, it's fucking nasty and nuts,it's maybe one of the most dangerous on earth ,now they became Aleph and have broken with their past,but in the 90's they were flirting with bio-terrorism
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    I thought the third last one was 'Branch Dravidians', and I was happy that they are finally standing up to their Brahmin overlords lol...

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    No Jehovah's Witnesses? They should be added to the list.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Calcifer View Post
    10 of the Most Dangerous Religious Cults


    What are the most dangerous cults in the world? Before we get to that, let’s start with the basics. A cult is defined as a system which venerates one particular individual, ideal or object. They can be a select group of fanatics, or a group of misguided outsiders whose ideals have segmented them from the norm. Many cults don’t begin as dangerous sects – and in fact, if asked, those involved with them wouldn’t describe their group as a cult at all. However, many cults have sinister or extreme agendas that are so far outside they norm they become dangerous. This manifests in mass-suicides, brainwashing, extremist behavior, attacks, abductions, extortion and vandalism. Here are 10 of the most dangerous religious cults of all time.


    Scientologists are not your typical doomsday cult grabbing headlines with graphic or shocking religious doctrines and actions. Those who’ve escaped from this cult speak of brainwashing, fraud, and attempts at financial ruin. They talk of open threats and other dangerous methods which cult leaders use to ensure loyalty. The basis of the cult is a confusing mess of alien influence and the human psyche. But at the core, Scientology seems to be about a lot of money. They sue the pants off anyone who speaks ill of them. They seem to act at times like a massive global corporation, and not a religious organization. Famously there are several highly-paid actors who’ve become members, including Tom Cruise among others.

    The Unification Church

    They are called “Moonies” and they are the followers of Sun Myung Moon. They also believe Moon to be a divine being worthy of worship. Moon’s cult was so damning that Germany banned him from the country as it was deemed he was a danger to the people – especially easily influenced youth. Since the Unification Church believes Moon to be God, he is fully supported by his church in every sense of the word. The cult itself has been accused of luring young members into the fold and actively working to separate them from their families or support systems. Moon constantly speaks out against the Christian church, claims that Korea is the chosen realm, and openly expects to be treated as a deity by his followers.

    The Ku Klux Klan

    The KKK is famous for their white robes, pointed hoods and their stance on white supremacy. Lost in this history is the fact that at its core the KKK is, or at least was, a religious sect of extremist Christians. Formed initially after the Civil War, the KKK once boasted nearly four million members. Their terror tactics and stance on blacks, Jews, Catholics and other minorities certainly didn’t win them any favors, but it was the fear tactics and murders which made them exceedingly dangerous. The anonymity of the clan was another contributing factor. Members could live in open society and participate robed and hidden if they desired. They clan lives on today, and while their influence has dwindled considerably they still remain a rather secretive and dangerous cult.

    The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God

    Based in Uganda, this cult believed that the end of the world was inevitable and would take place on January 1st, 2000. They strictly adhered to the Ten Commandments. In fact, they were so reverent to the word of God that they went to unusual lengths to not break it. They rarely spoke to one another and many even used sign language so that they wouldn’t bear false witness and break the ninth commandment. They refrained from sexual relations and fasted regularly. When January 1st, 2000 passed without incident the cult began to lose followers whose faith was suddenly shattered. As a result, the cult leaders predicted a new apocalypse in March that year. When 500 followers gathered at a church prior to the end times, it exploded. There were accusations of mass suicide, but most of the victims were strangled or poisoned and it was believed murder was the primary cause of death.

    Aum Shinrikyo

    This Japanese cult translates to the “Supreme Truth” and it was founded by Shoko Asahara in 1984. Under the cover of a yoga and meditation cult, this group was granted religious status and eventually became increasingly dangerous. In the decade that passed Asahara and his followers were accused of forced donations, fraud, and even murder. In 1995 the police began to take a serious look at Asahara and these accusations. So much so that Asahara ordered the release of sarin gas in the subway system hoping to distract the authorities. While the resulting fallout was devastating, the police did manage to capture Asahara and discovered a massive stockpile of weapons, explosives and even live captives. Among the materials the police discovered was enough poisonous gas to kill four million people, a Russian helicopter, drugs (including LSD), and chemical weapons like anthrax. Asahara was imprisoned and his cult disbanded, but some variation of his ideals lives on today in another cult, though the leader has distanced himself from this new sect.

    Children of God

    Few cults are as creepy as those that call themselves the Children of God which was founded by David Berg. The primary belief practiced by followers of this organization is that sex with children is not only ok, but a divine right. Needless to say, there was an extensive history of sexual abuse within this cult. Young women were turned towards prostitution and used to lure new members into the fold. There was an entire system in place for recruitment. Two rather famous actors grew up inside this cult, Rose McGowan and River Phoenix were raised in this “family,” though both eventually escaped and went on to better things.

    Order of the Solar Temple

    This strange cult is based upon the ancient belief that the Knights Templar still exist and that salvation is only available to converted worshippers who would ascend into heaven. It was founded in 1984 by Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret. The group’s activities are extremely secretive, but in 1994 cultists brutally murdered an infant because they believed it to be the anti-Christ. What followed was a series of mass suicides (including one in Switzerland, where inner-circle members were poisoned to death, and second one in Canada.) Cultists were shot, poisoned, burned, and suffocated. In the end over 100 people died, mostly by their own hand or at the hands of their leaders.

    Branch Davidians

    David Koresh convinced his followers that anyone not aligned with him, and particularly the United States, were enemies of God. This was the stereotypical apocalyptic doomsday cult built on a foundation of lies, terror and blind faith. Koresh himself claimed he was a voice of a God and even the Messiah and he used his power to regularly engage in sexual relations with his female followers. He moved his followers into a massive compound outside Waco, Texas. Eventually the authorities investigated the compound after accusations of sexual abuse and child molestation were leveled at Koresh and his cult. In a famous standoff in 1994 the ATF fired teargas into the compound. Fires erupted from the building, though no one was certain who started them or if they were a result of law enforcement. In the end 76 people died in the ensuing chaos.

    The People’s Temple

    This sect of religious fanatics was led by Jim Jones, a former Marxist and communist supporter turned Methodist priest. Jones was extremely popular and charismatic. He was also outspoken, particularly against the social elite. Poor and downtrodden members flocked to him in droves and he fully supported their plight. But what started innocently eventually morphed into a strange cult as Jones became more outspoken against the bible and more paranoid about a nuclear catastrophe. Jones was forced to flee the United States for Guyana where persistent sexual abuse was reported. Jones’ congregation took matters into their own hands and assassinated a US Congressman. Eventually, on the orders of their leader, over 900 people committed the largest mass suicide in history by drinking poison-laced Kool Aid, thus coining the term “drinking the Kool Aid.”

    Heaven’s Gate

    Followers of this cult believe that enlightenment and salvation can only be achieved by fleeing Earth before the “great recycling.” Since leaving Earth is somewhat problematic, the leaders of this cult preached suicide as the answer to leaving your body and reaching enlightenment. Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles were the leaders behind this strange cult. They prepared videos on how to leave your earthly flesh behind and distributed them to members. Then, in 1997, Haley’s Comet arrived and Applewhite convinced his followers a spaceship was trailing the comet and those who followed him into death would be saved. Applewhite then ordered 38 people to commit suicide in San Diego when he claimed Haley’s Comet was the sign they’d been waiting for.
    Branch Davidians aren't solely the Koresh folk, David Koresh's group was more of a splinter organization although it had the majority of the members. The KKK is not a religious cult either, it's a white separatist organization with some religious elements to it, also the KKK is many different groups none of which are good, but none of which are really religious organizations.

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    Why is the KKK a religious cult?

    It has some things in common with religious cults but....

    If anything its more something like a secret society
    The Talmud tells us that the only language the Torah could be translated into elegantly is Greek.

    Quote Originally Posted by catgeorge View Post
    Demons don't scare me.
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    The list should include Order of the Nine Angels, a secret satanist society. They practice real human sacrifice and such, but reject the use of innocents for that purpose. One of the few cults to pioneer the distributed cell structure, making it hard for governments to take them down despite several known murders. Reportedly they have infiltrated the millitary and police to carry out killings easier. Angels are a concept originating with Zoroastrianism, yet the O9A uses Jewish demonology.

    Not to mention, The Family International, also known as The Children of God, a pedophile sex cult that was started by a man (David Berg), but is currently run by a female pedo. Initially, the followers were drawn into the cult in the spirit of communal living and the free love movement.

    The cult believes that humans are meant to serve Jesus as a wife serves a husband, and yes, that extends to sexually and includes the men of the cult, although they are required to imagine themselves as women.

    Berg was a charismatic leader who seemed kind, knowledgeable, and on a higher spiritual level than most. Eventually, his status became so exalted that he was considered the second coming of Christ. His followers started calling him Moses David.

    Berg circulated the "Mo Letters" to his followers outlining the rules that the cult members were to live by. Rules including flirty fishing, incest, the sexual exploitation of minors, and worse. They have had members from all over Hollywood, among the ex members born into the cult are the Phoenix siblings (Rain, River, Joaquin, and Summer) and Rose McGowan.

    The cult is also, unsurprisingly, known for rampant child abuse, and former members have released books and statements, as well as collectively running a website dedicated to finding, connecting with, and sharing experiences as ex members to shed light on the horrors of being a child within this cult.

    However, a lot of the sexual abuse is done by women, in fact the son of the current leader was molested by his nanny to take pictures for literally an instructional manual on how to molest kids and he murdered her as an adult. He was planning to kill the rest of the cult but he topped himself after killing the nanny, shame.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorian View Post
    We GrecoRomansIberians once did the mistake of civilizing these cave-dwellers ,I suggest we make an alliance with muslims to accelerate their takeover
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    Scandinavia is not Europe
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    It's OK to date girls 16+ they are not children remember the old song 'sweet sixteen'
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    Whites are often jealous of Blacks for their athleticism, creative talent and sexual prowess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sean View Post
    The list should include Order of the Nine Angels, a secret satanist society.
    This is where vicious BBC Crook Jimmy Savile has been member isn't it!
    The Talmud tells us that the only language the Torah could be translated into elegantly is Greek.

    Quote Originally Posted by catgeorge View Post
    Demons don't scare me.
    Quote Originally Posted by catgeorge View Post
    They should be scared of me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDorian View Post
    This is where vicious BBC Crook Jimmy Savile has been member isn't it!
    Some online blogs seem to imply Jimmy Saville was a founding member, having been in one of the orders that came together to form O9A (though, to be fair, I got pics related from the David Icke forum, so I'd imagine a large pinch of salt is required here).

    Last edited by sean; 04-03-2020 at 04:45 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorian View Post
    We GrecoRomansIberians once did the mistake of civilizing these cave-dwellers ,I suggest we make an alliance with muslims to accelerate their takeover
    Quote Originally Posted by renaissance12 View Post
    Scandinavia is not Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortimer View Post
    It's OK to date girls 16+ they are not children remember the old song 'sweet sixteen'
    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Carmen View Post
    Whites are often jealous of Blacks for their athleticism, creative talent and sexual prowess.

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