Joe Biden you weak-minded aged lackey of your elite class and corporate masters . . . go for it. Emulate what you THINK Patriot President Trump would do if in your position. However, you are not a hundredth of the man that Patriot Trump is. You have been a servile Yes Boy your entire life as you served moneyed masters.

The USA is surely doomed no matter what you do Traitor Biden. Either we have a slow death via the horrors of the New World Order taking total control of the USA or we perish in a blaze of nuclear fires detonating across the USA. Either one destroys us. Such a shame that the elites had proceeded so far with that scam of theirs; that diversity and multicultural crap that divides and conquers people, cultures, society and entire countries.

Oh well . . . Ben Franklin said we had a republic, if we could make it last. Looks like just a few folks with riches beyond anything the Founders could envision have done what the Axis and the Warsaw Pact could not do. If the Founders had envisioned the rise of monolithic corporations and the evils those would convey upon the masses by the evil traitor filth controlling those corporate entities I believe they would have taken steps to control those dangers via the Constitution. Our present politicians and those of the recent past could have taken measures but to many traitor politicians reveled in the wealth those entities legally bestowed upon them.

So here we are. Currently, only a successful military coup by patriot officers can save the USA from the enemies within. Will that happen? What will happen. Does life in the New World Order appeal to you? If so, beg your master Biden to back off. He might, if HIS masters allow him to.

Biden bomb shelter.jpg