Classified documents found at Biden’s namesake think tank

“During a “60 Minutes” interview with Scott Pelley in September of last year, Biden ripped Trump as “totally irresponsible” for keeping classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago club and residence. “When you saw the photograph of the top-secret documents laid out on the floor at Mar-a-Lago, what did you think to yourself? Looking at that image,” Pelley asked Biden.“How that could possibly happen,” the president answered. “How one – anyone could be that irresponsible. And I thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods? By that I mean names of people who helped or – et cetera. And it just – totally irresponsible.”“

Impeach that bumbling buffoon and send that joke of a VP Harris to the southern border to supervise construction of the border wall and place somebody competent in the White House. Likely a non-politician. Perhaps select a name at random and interview that person. Continue until an able-minded citizen patriot is found willing to perform a task where far-too-often the president is beholden to the elite class and corporate USA.

Heck . . . Commander Goforth is presidential material!!! Perhaps he would volunteer but nobody that knows him would hold any negative thoughts against him if he declined. It takes a true punishment glutton to take on that thankless job. Fail to please the ruling elite class that owns the mainstream media and the lambasting, smears and character assassinations would be endless and relentless. Strive to do what is best for the USA as a whole and, at the least, consider the vast majority of common folks in your thoughts, ideas and planning, and the elite class will drag you through the mud at the very least. The elite's politician minions, cohorts and lackeys will strive to make you an imprisoned felon.

Is there ANYBODY in their right mind who is a true patriot that would take the task of being president of the USA? I doubt it. Nowadays it takes a lesser person to actually want that job . . . especially after seeing and hearing what Mr. Trump has gone through.