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Thread: If China becomes the global superpower, will non-Asians have surgery to make themselves look Asian?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Incal View Post
    In any case, western looks will become even more desired if asians expand their influence.
    How so?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Carmen View Post
    How so?
    When something becomes common, people get bored of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mixdguy17 View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incal View Post
    When something becomes common, people get bored of it.
    I don't entirely agree with that assessment. Just looking at Latin America, I don't think that Argentines and Uruguayans valorise Western looks any less than Peruvians and Bolivians, despite being far more prevalent in the first two than latter two countries. There are other factors at play too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Carmen View Post
    I don't entirely agree with that assessment. Just looking at Latin America, I don't think that Argentines and Uruguayans valorise Western looks any less than Peruvians and Bolivians, despite being far more prevalent in the first two than latter two countries. There are other factors at play too.
    That's correct and that's because argies and urus know their looks are exclusive in the region and are becoming rarer and rarer by the day. There are other reasons too but exclusivity is one of the strongest ones.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mixdguy17 View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incal View Post
    That's correct and that's because argies and urus know their looks are exclusive in the region and are becoming rarer and rarer by the day. There are other reasons too but exclusivity is one of the strongest ones.
    While I can see the logic, this doesn't always work. After all, outside the Caribbean and some Pacific coastal regions of Latin America, Black African looks are also pretty 'exclusive', yet that doesn't make them particularly prestigious or desired, either among White(ish) Argentines and Uruguayans or among Indo-Mestizo and Amerindian Peruvians and Bolivians.

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    No, I think the future world will be either bipolar or multipolar - certainly not unipolar.

    People often debate on social media whether the world will soon become bipolar or multipolar, but many of us agree that it won't be unipolar.

    A lot of westerners fail to understand China, or they think of it from a western mentality, and so they mistakenly assume that China wants to "take over" the world and be just like the U.S.

    I've listened to lots of long discussions by Chinese people on Rumble, You Tube, Twitter, and also I've frequently listened to westerners in video discussions who've actually happily lived in China for many decades, discussing China, western misconceptions, and geopolitics. (I don't listen to any so-called Chinese "experts" who live in the west, and who've never even visited China.) I also follow some Chinese officials and members of the public on Twitter and learn each day from their posts too.

    The Chinese have a very different mentality to westerners.

    China is a peaceful nation with thousands of years of wisdom and civilisation - unlike the U.S. and UK. It's an extremely advanced nation and the cities, public transport, and technology there are out of this world, and have to be seen to be believed. Many of their people are highly educated. China has a much larger manufacturing capacity than the collective west. More engineers graduate each year in China than the U.S. and Europe combined. Chinese people have good access to healthcare and education facilities. There's also a large variety of cultures within China that not many westerners are aware of.

    There's a lot of Russophobic and Sinophobic fearmongering in the western media, but much of it has been debunked as western ignorance and proven as lies.

    Chinese people just want a peaceful and fulfilling life, like all other humans. Chinese people frequently say that they're extremely proud of their impressive nation and all of China's hard work and economic achievements... such as the eradication of poverty, having mega-fast trains, having their own space station, etc.

    China has cancelled African nations debt to China, and the Chinese are building lots of railways and other important structures in Africa, although the CIA has funded terrorist groups in Africa who've shot and killed groups of Chinese workers, as the U.S. still wants to exploit Africa's vast wealth of resources and doesn't want African nations becoming economically developed and in control of their own destiny.

    Russian, Indian, and Chinese officials frequently call for a multipolar world during the BRICS+ summits. They're not seeking to replace one hegemonic system with another hegemonic system. They want something new and different from the fading U.S. empire and the old unipolar model.

    History has taught the world that empires always collapse upon themselves at some point. The Roman Empire, Spanish Empire, Dutch Empire, British Empire, etc, all collapsed... and now we're living through the days of the collapse of the U.S. empire as dedollarisation continues to accelerate.

    Unfortunately the U.S. neocons / globalists / imperialists will not accept it's over and just go gracefully as BRICS+ and a multipolar world are rapidly rising, which threatens the U.S. globalist hegemony.

    The collapse of the U.S. empire and the U.S. dollar hegemony makes the warmongering western globalists very dangerous, because the western elites are spoilt brats who want everything their own way all the time - otherwise they'll lash out and do desperate things that could hurt many people.

    The U.S. has already sacrificed its "allies" (vassals) in European nations by blowing-up Nord Stream and destroying European economies to hold on to the U.S. hegemony. They've used Ukrainians as a battering ram against Russia.

    "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." Kissinger.

    The neocons are losing their 9 year proxy war against Russia that the U.S. started following the violent Maidan coup in 2014, and of which the U.S. has heavily invested much money and weapons into their Ukraine project.

    The European economies are sinking from the economic fallout of their sanctions to appease Washington, which have heavily backfired on Europe.

    And at the same time, the U.S. neocons are trying to provoke another proxy war against China (another nuclear superpower,) using the Taiwanese as disposable pawns in their next U.S. proxy war.

    A lot of people fear that Washington's neocons will push Russia and China into nuclear wars in a last ditch attempt to try to cling to the dying USD hegemony and unipolar order.

    Geopolitical experts have stated that the neocons globalist ideology is like their gospel, and ardent neocons such as Victoria Nuland, George Soros, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton, etc, have a cult-like devotion to their ideology. The neocons would even provoke WW3 (nuclear war) with Russia and China in order to try to preserve their U.S. globalist project and their western so-called "rules-based international order."

    They've invested a lot of western taxpayers money into funding NGO projects around the world, and the Biden administration allegedly gave billions in tax money to U.S. media companies to promote Sinophobic and Russophobic rhetoric.

    The BRICS members want multipolarity and the respect of all nations sovereignties. They oppose the western misuse and abuse of economic sanctions to bully nations around the world into total compliance with U.S. globalist orders, which the U.S. will use to bully other nations even in relation to their own domestic policies, on issues such as LGBT propaganda in other nations school education, green policies, etc.

    The western globalist elites believe that their culture and values are "superior" to others, and they arrogantly try to impose their unwanted so-called "values" onto all other nations - which is neocolonialism.

    The BRICS+ nations (especially Russian and Chinese officials) frequently mock the so-called and non-existent "rules-based international order" on social media, that's often parroted in speeches by western leaders, such as Biden, Trudeau, Ursula von der Leyen, etc.

    Nobody can even clarify what the rules are supposed to be in the "rules-based international order" when asked at the UN by Russian and Chinese officials. But everyone knows it's corrupt and the U.S. gets to make and break the international rules at a whim in their so-called "rules-based international order" to always suit themselves. It's American exceptionalism, which is why the U.S. can invade and bomb many nations, fund riots and cause plenty of coups around the world, fund foreign election interference in over 50 nations, etc, and always get away with it.

    Instead of the non-existent "rules-based international order" that western leaders call for upholding in speeches, of which many people around the world are laughing at, Russia and China call for upholding international law and the UN Charter. This is frequently emphasised during BRICS+ and SCO summits.

    The western globalists (such as Bush and Blair) are well-known for wanting to get rid of the UN Charter and replace international law with their so-called western "rules-based international order" - which most nations reject.

    A lot of people around the world are tired of the old and oppressive unipolar system, endless U.S. sanctions and wars, where one single country (the U.S.) gets to dominate, bully, and manipulate the rest of the world.

    People want something new. More and more nations are applying to join BRICS+ and are dumping the dollar in trade to protect themselves against sanctions, after the dollar was weaponised with threats of sanctions and theft of assets.

    The BRICS members aren't seeking to replace the current abusive and hegemonic system with another abusive unipolar order. They want multipolarity.

    A bipolar world is just two poles or centres of power (which would most likely be the US and China,) whilst a multipolar world is a healthy and equal balance where all nations are sovereign from external interference, all nations are economically developed and free from exploitation, (including the global south,) and no single nation gets to bully the rest of the world.
    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 07-05-2023 at 08:11 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Carmen View Post
    While I can see the logic, this doesn't always work. After all, outside the Caribbean and some Pacific coastal regions of Latin America, Black African looks are also pretty 'exclusive', yet that doesn't make them particularly prestigious or desired, either among White(ish) Argentines and Uruguayans or among Indo-Mestizo and Amerindian Peruvians and Bolivians.
    lol with the exception of Bolivia and Paraguay, there are blacks everywhere.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incal View Post
    lol with the exception of Bolivia and Paraguay, there are blacks everywhere.
    No more so than there are "Whites everywhere". In most Latin American countries, both "extremes" are very much a minority.

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    It sounds weird but who knows, maybe. There was that one dude who got surgery to try and look Korean (Oli London) so whose to say it can't happen. But from what I read China has significant population decline incoming which may stop them from becoming the dominant force you're saying they might become.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Carmen View Post
    No more so than there are "Whites everywhere". In most Latin American countries, both "extremes" are very much a minority.
    Here blacks are way more common than whites (specially the blonde blue eyed whites most racialists love), don't play naïve.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mixdguy17 View Post
    No hay como razonar contigo, estas consumido por tu OWD

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