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Thread: Leftist psychology and pathology

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    Veteran Member Apricity Funding Member
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    Default Leftist psychology and pathology

    This is a thread exploring the psychology and pathology of genuine leftists.

    This is NOT a thread about normal people who are centre-left voters (unless they are true leftists).
    And this is NOT a thread about opportunists who attach themselves to the centre-left for practical social reasons.

    This is specifically a thread about real ideological leftists and violent coercive leftists.

    Leftism today is not merely economic (socialism, communism, Green climatism, and covidian totalitarianism),
    but is also cultural,
    involving anti-European/anti-white/pro-mass migration activism (including by white leftists),
    radical homosexual and transgender activism, radical feminism,
    radical drug legalisation activism,
    and anything else that promotes the expansion of the lumpenproletariat.

    The lumpenproletariat, along with students/intellectuals,
    are considered to be the only leftist revolutionary classes left after the Cold War,
    since workers and farmers are often prosperous in the West, and/or are becoming more anti-migration and anti-Green agenda.

    Psychological leftists seem to all have one thing in common: an INFERIORITY COMPLEX.

    I have noticed that most real leftists feel inferior about something:
    often they are sickly or physically ill or ugly or fat, or mentally ill or deranged or spiritually afflicted,
    and/or they consider themselves part of an "inferior" demographic,
    such as a certain sex, race, ethnic group, class, or sexual minority,
    even if no one ever told them that they are inferior in any way. (though they may be nagged by some petty childhood humiliation)
    Of course there is nothing wrong with being "imperfect", our imperfections make us human.

    So this inferiority complex leads to self-hate, low self-confidence, envy, and a victim mindset,
    further leading to hatred of others, cruelty, inhumanity, and nihilism.
    Often there are masochistic or sadistic themes depending on the individual.
    There is a hatred of anything that is beautiful, strong, and successful,
    as well as anything natural, traditional, conventional, or rational.
    The hatred of natural law, tradition, and conventional wisdom further leads the leftist to deny or fight against reality itself.
    The most extreme and demoralised leftists hate life itself, and become a death cult with low life expectancy.

    Thus the leftist feels miserable and powerless.
    The leftist feels powerless, and thus like many occultists is motivated by VENGEANCE and a WILL TO POWER:
    not just political power like a president or king or dictator, but total power over every aspect of the economy and life itself.
    Thus the leftist feels miserable and wants to impose his misery on others,
    the leftist feels powerless and wants to exert power over others.

    (Not surprisingly I have noticed that modern leftists often enjoy extremely violent, gory horror films,
    which are a form of torture porn, revenge fantasy, and power fantasy that gratify and embolden the leftist ego.
    Obviously not all horror fans are leftists, many are simply sadists.
    And leftists often enjoy films with victim themes to boost their own victim mindset, which also indirectly supports their will to power.)

    The leftist pretends to be compassionate and morally righteous,
    but this is only a facade, a lie to trick others as well as himself.
    Leftist speech and action is too coercive, power-hungry, hostile, intimidating, and violent to be genuinely compassionate.
    Or leftist speech and action quickly becomes coercive, power-hungry, hostile, intimidating, violent.

    In any case, leftists do not truly believe in morality,
    leftists typically reject God and all spirituality and thus the foundation of morality itself,
    and they try to invent an artificial, relativistic morality.
    This artificial morality fails because their right and wrong are always changing, because humans are inconsistent.

    And in any case,
    once successful and in power, the leftist quickly becomes proud and arrogant,
    with unlimited hubris unconstrained by God or morality:
    "I don't need God. I can play God with society and other people. I am God. I am better than God."
    Toxic unlimited envy combines with toxic unlimited pride.

    Concluding my rant, leftism is much more than an ideology;
    the leftist is a psychological type with a distinct pathology.
    There is a prominent inferiority complex,
    leading to toxic envy and a desire to rob and kill all of the successful, beautiful, intelligent, competent, and independent people.
    The ideology is merely a self-justifying facade.
    Last edited by CosmoLady; 12-01-2023 at 02:04 AM.

  2. #2
    King of Swords Apricity Funding Member
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    Meh, I've slept with leftist chicks after I told them I was a gnostic neo-nazi kabbalist.

    They're all talk and a lot of action in bed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dick View Post
    Meh, I've slept with leftist chicks after I told them I was a gnostic neo-nazi kabbalist.

    They're all talk and a lot of action in bed.
    LOL! I agree, I've been with several woke and queer girls,
    after enough love and sex they abandon their ideas and re-think their lives,
    which says a lot about their convictions and underlying issues.

    Leftism is popular with single women, but many of them are not genuine leftists.
    (unless they are antifas or hardcore activists or intellectuals)

    If they are young,
    then they are still trying to figure out what they believe, they are very impressionable and still open to change.

    Many leftist single women are leftists only because of peer pressure, environment, and upbringing,
    and the influence of society, media, and social media.

    Single women can make good leftists if they have an underlying inferiority complex.

    Unfortunately girls and young women are more impressionable and susceptible to social contagions and mass formations.
    They tend to have many insecurities that can turn into mental illnesses,
    which can be manipulated and weaponised as leftist politics.

    This thread is specifically about genuine leftists (true believers) and violent coercive leftists (such as antifas),
    not normal centre-leftists or trendy leftists or opportunistic/insincere leftists.
    Last edited by CosmoLady; 12-01-2023 at 02:08 AM.

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