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Thread: Immoral life of Josip Broz Tito

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    Default Immoral life of Josip Broz Tito

    Josip Broz Tito was a Yugoslav Marshall and founder of non-aligned movement, one of rare dictators that enjoyed huge popularity in the west. His funeral was one of largest in history, attended by all big names from east and west. Tito owes his cult of personality and popularity to the fact he was only European leader able to free his country from the Axis without Americans or Soviets, and he kept the warring Balkan "tribes" together by rulling with iron fist and quickly industrializing his backward agrarian nation, chosing the third position between east and west. He had courage to say no to Stalin.

    Who was Tito really? His opponents accuse him of being a war criminal, mass murderer and perpetrator of heinous crimes commited in post-war Yugoslavia. He was rumored to be merciless towards his subordinates and even his numerous lovers.

    Tito's private life, which was kept secret in his Yugoslav-era official biographies, helps to shed shocking light on Yugoslav dictator who posessed personality of unscrupulous chameleon, which shatters his image as benevolent ruler and essentialy "good guy".

    Josip Broz, a locksmith apprentice by trade, found his way to Bohemia, at that time part of Austro-Hungarian Empire Tito himself belonged. On arriving at his new workplace, he discovered that the employer was trying to bring in cheaper labour to replace the local Czech workers. Josip and others joined successful strike action to force the employer to back down.

    Josip Broz Tito was a great seducer, and his first love was Marusa Novakova, well-known to biographers, high school student, daughter of general medicine doctor Franjo Novak. Although only a locksmith, Josip introduced himself to the girl and her father as a graduate engineer from poor Croatia. According to some claims, he promised her marriage, but due to moving to Maruša's aunt's house, which came about because of her problems with her ex-fiancé and his affair with former bourgeois Clara, they had to postpone the wedding, but there was never a better time for that opportunity.

    In front of the entrance to the company building where he was employed for a short time, there is still an inscription: Josip Broz Tito, Marshall of Yugoslavia, worked in this factory in 1912. In Plzen, he got a job at Škoda and rented a room in a hotel where he brought his lovers, while his pregnant fiancee Marusa was staying with her aunt and planning a wedding at which he did not show up. Their son Leopold, born in March 1913, lived and worked as an economist in Prague, but was never in contact with his father.

    Tito left the new family for Lisa Špuner, a clothier ten years his senior, with whom he fled to Vienna. He went into business with her and proved to be a good merchant, earning his new lover a lot of money. He lived in Lisa's house and slept with her maids while she was on a business trips. However, he also escaped from her when she fell pregnant. In 1914, Liza gave birth to a son, Hans, who was killed in the fighting near Kozara in 1943, where he was together with his father, but defending the interests of the Germans. After that failed relationship, Tito returned to Zagreb and began a romance with Tereza Štacner, the daughter of a banker, whom he met in Vienna. Their short-lived romance was interrupted by Austria-Hungary's attack on Serbia and Russia. Tito became a soldier in the 25th Home Guard Regiment commanded by a close friend of Terez's father, so Broz had a privileged position.

    Due to the simulation of deafness, since the army wanted to release him completely, Josip Broz was sentenced to death, but thanks to the influence of Teresa's father, he was still only imprisoned in the Petrovaradin Fortress. They released him after twenty days and sent him to fight in Serbia and then in Russia. He never saw Tereza again, even though she gave birth to his twins Paula and Gabriela. The daughter died after two months, and the son lived in Paris, where he designed bridges.

    After surviving the Russian winter with the regiment in battle, Tito deserted from the army. After a long wandering, he came to the estate of Mihail Sedlovski Baćuška in the village of Korutov and got a job as an auxiliary worker shoeing horses. He progressed very quickly, but, unfortunately, he also seduced the owner's wife, Luca. Baćuška caught them in the act, wounded Tito with a shot from a pistol, and drove Ljusa out of the house. In the same year, she gave birth to a son, Kiril, whom Tito never saw. Kirill later became a veterinarian, but never got in touch with his father.

    Some historians claim that Broz was wounded during the war in the Carpathians on May 25, 1915, and that he spent thirteen months in the hospital, where he passed the time by learning the Russian language and reading Russian literature. The wounded Josip Broz, in the hospital in nearby Svijažensk, was treated by Ira Gligorijevska, whom he married after leaving the hospital on July 17, 1915, which was his first marriage, which he later did not recognize. They lived in a rented apartment, and he got a job as a technical supervisor at the hospital.

    He soon met Irina's friend, veterinarian Darja Andirelova, a woman from a rich Moscow family of distinguished doctors. After their separation, Ira gave birth to his son Serjoža in 1915, whom he never saw, and his mother died during childbirth. At that time, he was already living on the property of a well-situated female veterinarian and taking care of the affairs in her stable of Arabian horses. When she fell pregnant, they moved to her parents' mansion in Moscow, but the romance, like everything before, failed after she gave birth and the arrival of her son Alexander, who died in 1944, as an officer in the Red Army.

    However, Tito already had a new love, Olja Kutina, a student of economics and the daughter of a large Russian middleman in the fur trade. He spent several months with her, and during their joint winter vacation he met Nina Bažan from Petrograd. A disappointed Olja returned to Moscow from a love vacation, and the future president returned to Petrograd with a new girlfriend. Her parents accepted him because Nina explained to them that she would marry him. To make the soap opera complete, Tito cheated on Nina with her own sister Svetlana. Due to parallel relationships and the almost simultaneous pregnancy of his sisters, Josip intended to escape, but by chance the plan was foiled by the army, which arrested him because he did not have documents, so he was sent to Siberia. Near Omsk, he jumped off the train and shaved in the Russian steppe. He never saw Nina and Svetlana again. In 1918, Nina gave birth to his son Vladimir, a future Leningrad doctor, while Svetlana claimed that the child was not his.

    At the foot of the Han-Tengri mountain, where the Kyrgyz live, he ran into nomad shepherds, and after getting into the family of the richest Kyrgyz herdsman Zalid Baldahur, he conquered his daughter Zuhra. Of course, he soon got married, which was his second unofficial marriage. However, after a few months, he slipped out of the marital bed one evening, and in 1918, Zuhra gave birth to his legitimate son, Kadi, who lived as a petrochemical engineer in Baku.

    In the spring of 1918, Tito requested admission to the Russian Communist Party, and upon his return to Omsk, he became a member of the Yugoslav section of the Russian Communist Party. At that time, affectionately called Joža, he was having fun with Pelagia Denisovna Belousova – Polka. During the several months that the relationship with Polka lasted before the wedding, only one of his affairs with professor Ana Ivanović was recorded. Nevertheless, he married Pelagia on June 19, 1919, in front of the registrar, and they celebrated the wedding in a canteen. At the time of the wedding, Pelagia was 13 years old, and Josip Broz was 24. Although it was Josip's third marriage, in his biographies Pelagia is listed as his first official wife.

    Not long after, the revolution took off and Broz, then already thirty years old, calmed down a bit with emotional trips. Polka bore him three children, the first son Hinko died eight days after birth, and the daughter Zlatica lived only seventeen months. Tito's son Žarko, born in 1924, a former Red Army officer and national hero of the USSR, was the first child that Tito officialy recognized, and Pelagia took care of during his lifetime.

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    At the beginning of 1929, Tito was brought to Lepoglava prison to serve his sentence. After his release from prison, he stayed with Bishop Rozman in Medvode, where he met Viennese student Vida Kogej, with whom he came illegally across the border to the capital of Austria. He left her pregnant and went to Moscow, and she ended up undergoing psychiatric treatment and soon gave birth to her son Dimitri, a music professor in Vienna. With his first officially recognized legal wife, Pelagia, who died in 1967, Joža met again only in 1935, while in Moscow he was trying to find his son Žarko, who spent his childhood and early youth in the Russian capital and was terribly troubled.

    Trying to restrain his son Žarko, Tito lived in Moscow in the second half of the thirties of the last century and worked in the Comintern together with the communist activist Elsa Gerlach, a dignified woman whom he married, which was his fourth visit to the registrar. . The newlywed husband could not escape from himself, so he cheated on her with a mediocre actress, but a beautiful woman, Vasilisa Koveshnikov. The marriage with Elsa ended when she was arrested on suspicion of collaborating with Western agents, and in prison in 1938 she gave birth to a son, Viktor, who was immediately taken from her and she never learned anything about him.

    From Moscow Tito went to Paris, where he lived with Jean Coatier, the widow of a naval officer, who gave birth to his son Oliver, later a nuclear physicist. His son stayed at the Boris Kidrič Institute in Vinča in 1950, but it is not known whether he met his father. They broke up because he and her daughter from her first marriage, Danijela, did not get along well. This was the first time a woman had driven him away from her. But he quickly found solace in the Anatolian woman Zuhra Reuf, a silk merchant whom he soon married, his fifth marriage. She bore him a son, Izet, who became a gold merchant in Turkey. They broke up because of Zuhra's adultery, and not long after, Broz met Margarita Bellini, an Italian physics professor from Perugia.

    On the threshold of the Second World War, Margarita gave birth to his daughter Aleksandra in 1939, and at the same time Tito became the general secretary of the CPJ Central Committee. In the second half of May 1941, Tito went to Belgrade, from where he prepared the uprising and the beginning of the liberation war. The main headquarters of the People's Liberation and Partisan detachments of Yugoslavia was formed on June 27, and Tito became the supreme commander. Under his leadership, a decision was made to start a "people's uprising".

    Of course, the general destruction did not affect his libido at all, at the beginning of the war he lived in Zagreb with his later officially recognized lover, Herta Hess, a courier for the Central Committee of the KPJ of Jewish ancestry. They met in Paris in 1937 and arranged to marry in 1940, but it never happened. Because of him, she even gave up her son Aleksandar-Miša Broz, whom she gave birth to in 1941. Very soon after giving birth, the Germans arrested her in the hope that through her they would reach the Supreme Commander.

    When she was exchanged with a group of German prisoners, Herta left the newborn in the amusement park and went to Tito's partisans. In 1943, she was arrested by the Ustashas, ​​and out of fear of revealing one of her party comrades, she cut her veins and tried to kill herself. There are several versions of how Herta got out of prison, but a few months after her imprisonment, she went to Jajce, where she realized that Tito already had another wife. After the war, she married and gave birth to two daughters, and allegedly saw her lover only once more in 1946 in his presidential office. Herta died at a very old age in Belgrade. Their common son Aleksandar-Miša Broz was, apart from Žarko, the second descendant that Josip recognized, and he saw his father only when he was four years old, in 1945.

    Nevertheless, Davorjanka-Zdenka Paunović, ethnic Serb, the personal courier of the Commander-in-Chief, was, in the opinion of many, Tito's greatest love, with whom he saw the end of the war together. In 1942, she gave birth to a son in Foča whom she named Slaviša and entrusted him to a foster family. She died in 1946, according to the official version, as a result of tuberculosis that she contracted during the war. At Tito's insistence, she was buried in the courtyard of the presidential residence in Dedinje so that he could always visit her grave and be close to him.

    After Davorjanka's death, Tito was not with a woman for a long time, so his friends connected him with the opera singer Zinka Kunz. The artist liked being the marshal's wife, so she moved in with him, but she soon realized that the wedding will not happen. After one guest appearance at the Metropolitan Opera, she simply did not return to him.

    Since another relationship failed, Tito became close to Jovanka Budisavljević, thirty-two years younger Lika Serb, a co-worker who was trained in Russia to take care of his safety and comfort. Although they had known each other since 1945, they did not fall in love, but when love ignited, they married in 1952 and were married until his death on May 4, 1980. At that time, Jovanka had the rank of JNA major, and Tito called her Little Ličanka. Unlike her predecessors, she also had political ambitions. It is claimed that at the Tenth Congress of the SKJ in 1974, she requested admission to the leadership of the party itself, probably in order to make sure who would succeed her aging husband. Tito quickly prevented Jovanka's self-satisfied venture, but then she literally disappeared from the marshal's life overnight. Jovanka and Josip Broz have not lived together since 1977, although he never said anything that could be interpreted as hostility towards her.

    During Tito's illness, when his leg was amputated due to progressive diabetes, Jovanka visited him in the hospital, and at the funeral she appeared in the place that belonged to her as the marshal's widow.

    Josip Broz had a total of 19 children (16 sons and three daughters)

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    Very interesting story! Many of those informations I hear for the first time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sylvanas View Post
    Very interesting story! Many of those informations I hear for the first time.
    I think this is final proof he was a full blooded psychopath....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarface F View Post
    I think this is final proof he was a full blooded psychopath....

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    Lots of political/ideological sectarians are often sexual perverts, homosexualists. Also masculine "Aryan warriors", "communist tovarishs" like the backdoor of similar minded people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Victor View Post
    Lots of political/ideological sectarians are often sexual perverts, homosexualists.
    It's funny because commies tried to act very tough on parizans who had sexual relations between each other during war. If man and woman were caught having sex, they had to marry. This of course did not apply to Josip Btpz

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    A classic narcissist. Short-term mating and high promiscuity are some of their key features, but he was far worse than that.
    Great post.

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    At the very least a sociopath. He sure got around.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarface F View Post
    It's funny because commies tried to act very tough on parizans who had sexual relations between each other during war. If man and woman were caught having sex, they had to marry. This of course did not apply to Josip Btpz
    Was Tito a Freemason? Did he have any connection with the Western intelligence services?

    His regime was certainly very convenient for the West at the time.
    The British/Americans DO work with communists and betray their allies when it suits them.

    Supposedly Castro had hundreds (thousands?) of affairs and dozens of illegitimate children,
    their presence is well-known in Cuba, but Justin Trudeau is his most famous offspring!

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