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Thread: Russia Looks at Protests in the Baltics

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    Quote Originally Posted by ab000 View Post
    The rebels that are related to the same Islamist filth in Syria apparently they were with the Muslim Brotherhood and are responsible for a series of bombings.
    Yes my government tried to send weapons [us military grade] to Syrian rebels and citizens here stopped it. Obama is viewed as a Satanist here by right wing Christians.....there is a history channel episode about jesus and in the episode the character who was the devil looked exactly like Obama.......the Democrats tried saying the history channel is racist LOL. Here also the FBI caught three Democrats that were pro Muslim Brotherhood and arrested them for planning to send arms to Syria and at the same time these same politicians want to ban guns here in America and strip the 2nd Amendment. Some people here think the school shootings are a set up by the Democrats to try to ban guns.....I wouldn't for a second not disregard that because judging from their plans and what they are up to lately I seems highly likely.

    If America had more independent politicians that were not in the back pockets of Israel, Socialists, Liberals, Minority Black Caucus party the world wouldn't be so rip shit with us and most likely would not view us as much of a threat. America use to be majority rule now its all Federalist and the central government is trying to exert more and more power and take more and more power from us. This will or may cause a civil war here in the future. I do find that highly likely. All we need is the economy to completely crash for us and it will be pretty bad here. Its already not going so good. The government is spending more and more of our money left and right and putting us in more debt which is another problem.

    I do not think a war is likely between America and Russia. Russia does not have the tech to match us....we have planes that could bomb Moscow in afew hours.....take off from Arizona and plaster them with Nukes etc....we wouldn't do that though. A nuclear war would destroy the environment but its pretty bad no country is giving up nukes ......We are all too afraid to use them because if we do, lets say two Nukes.... it will pollute all of the fresh water in the world [surface water] and crops would be polluted in both America and Russia......many scientist here want Nukes to be banned by every country including America but our government wont listen to them. I doubt scientists in Russia have any luck with it. But we are not economically doing so well and China is lending us money with less interest in promise of us not removing our private industry there back to the US.....this is another issue because we want jobs and our government moved them all too India and the rich have screwed us and the socialist here have screwed think a civil war in America is very likely in the future. Some people here and elsewhere think I am nuts but it really is inevitable looking at what is going on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NormanDePoer View Post
    Yes my government tried to send weapons [us military grade] to Syrian rebels and citizens here stopped it. Obama is viewed as a Satanist here by right wing Christians.....there is a history channel episode about jesus and in the episode the character who was the devil looked exactly like Obama.......the Democrats tried saying the history channel is racist LOL. Here also the FBI caught three Democrats that were pro Muslim Brotherhood and arrested them for planning to send arms to Syria and at the same time these same politicians want to ban guns here in America and strip the 2nd Amendment. Some people here think the school shootings are a set up by the Democrats to try to ban guns.....I wouldn't for a second not disregard that because judging from their plans and what they are up to lately I seems highly likely.

    If America had more independent politicians that were not in the back pockets of Israel, Socialists, Liberals, Minority Black Caucus party the world wouldn't be so rip shit with us and most likely would not view us as much of a threat. America use to be majority rule now its all Federalist and the central government is trying to exert more and more power and take more and more power from us. This will or may cause a civil war here in the future. I do find that highly likely. All we need is the economy to completely crash for us and it will be pretty bad here. Its already not going so good. The government is spending more and more of our money left and right and putting us in more debt which is another problem.

    I do not think a war is likely between America and Russia. Russia does not have the tech to match us....we have planes that could bomb Moscow in afew hours.....take off from Arizona and plaster them with Nukes etc....we wouldn't do that though. A nuclear war would destroy the environment but its pretty bad no country is giving up nukes ......We are all too afraid to use them because if we do, lets say two Nukes.... it will pollute all of the fresh water in the world [surface water] and crops would be polluted in both America and Russia......many scientist here want Nukes to be banned by every country including America but our government wont listen to them. I doubt scientists in Russia have any luck with it. But we are not economically doing so well and China is lending us money with less interest in promise of us not removing our private industry there back to the US.....this is another issue because we want jobs and our government moved them all too India and the rich have screwed us and the socialist here have screwed think a civil war in America is very likely in the future. Some people here and elsewhere think I am nuts but it really is inevitable looking at what is going on.
    And of course you are right, he managed to fool many people with the ''first African American president and change'' stuff when he's the same as them all. The last good president was J F K that's what everyone things.
    In actually fact he is half African and a half British/Irish Jew from his Mother. Yes his Mother is a White skinned Jew it happens.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NormanDePoer View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by ab000 View Post
    And of course you are right, he managed to fool many people with the ''first African American president and change'' stuff when he's the same as them all. The last good president was J F K that's what everyone things.
    In actually fact he is half African and a half British/Irish Jew from his Mother. Yes his Mother is a White skinned Jew it happens.
    Good American Presidents to me were Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington and Coolidge. There are afew others who believe in respecting other countries sovereignties but if we were threatened or attacked believed we should retaliate. I like Theodore Roosevelt, he is the reason the Teddy Bear was invented hahaha. He did in the middle east when the turks held afew American captive he personally led a detachment of Marines to rescue them from the Turkish/German captors. I maybe have it mixed up but he cared about his country. These current people who rule us live in Washington DC and are clueless to how bad the economy is getting here or our welfare. When the Islamic brotherhood attacked an American Embassy in Libya, Hillary Clinton said on national television.........'What's the big deal 4 Americans died'......I was shocked.....I said these people are more like slave masters than leaders.

    Its believed his birth certificate is forged and a fake.....he most likely was born in Indonesia or Kenya. Conservatives here even went as far to ask him to produce his birth certificate and he refused. I don't think he is American and do not consider him one. His wife is a nut job as well, she said how unfair America is towards African Americans and how evil this country is etc.........then turns around and says how wonderful everything is. Its such a sad joke to watch them make our country look even worse than Bush in international politics.

    Part of the problem is that the world thinks we enjoy telling everyone what to do [The government here], but the reality is many people are distrustful of the government here or are too stupid to even realize it. Its well known here that voter fraud is rampant and the only way to make it more favorable for the politicians is to give voting rights to illegals....this is why my government has an open border policy now because the regular real Americans don't want to vote for these morons anymore so they entice illegals to vote for them in promise of giving them citizenship.....our own government has almost no loyalty to us anymore just their wallets and votes/fame.....I look at them as evil people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NormanDePoer View Post
    Good American Presidents to me were Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington and Coolidge. There are afew others who believe in respecting other countries sovereignties but if we were threatened or attacked believed we should retaliate. I like Theodore Roosevelt, he is the reason the Teddy Bear was invented hahaha. He did in the middle east when the turks held afew American captive he personally led a detachment of Marines to rescue them from the Turkish/German captors. I maybe have it mixed up but he cared about his country. These current people who rule us live in Washington DC and are clueless to how bad the economy is getting here or our welfare. When the Islamic brotherhood attacked an American Embassy in Libya, Hillary Clinton said on national television.........'What's the big deal 4 Americans died'......I was shocked.....I said these people are more like slave masters than leaders.

    Its believed his birth certificate is forged and a fake.....he most likely was born in Indonesia or Kenya. Conservatives here even went as far to ask him to produce his birth certificate and he refused. I don't think he is American and do not consider him one. His wife is a nut job as well, she said how unfair America is towards African Americans and how evil this country is etc.........then turns around and says how wonderful everything is. Its such a sad joke to watch them make our country look even worse than Bush in international politics.

    Part of the problem is that the world thinks we enjoy telling everyone what to do [The government here], but the reality is many people are distrustful of the government here or are too stupid to even realize it. Its well known here that voter fraud is rampant and the only way to make it more favorable for the politicians is to give voting rights to illegals....this is why my government has an open border policy now because the regular real Americans don't want to vote for these morons anymore so they entice illegals to vote for them in promise of giving them citizenship.....our own government has almost no loyalty to us anymore just their wallets and votes/fame.....I look at them as evil people.
    Hillary Rothschild Clinton. That already happened with the ''Arab Miss USA'' Rima Fakih and Obama giving Mexican rights in America. Doesn't every state have a immigration policy? Yes, Obama is fake he lied he is Jewish and Black and he works for Israel not Black interests White interests etc He works for painting all Middle Easterners with the same tar ( or mud ) brush lol and Communism.

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    The Jews made her win btw publicity stunt. All those ''Miss'' something or other pageants are all Jewish too ( degenerating women )

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    Quote Originally Posted by ab000 View Post
    The Jews made her win btw publicity stunt. All those ''Miss'' something or other pageants are all Jewish too ( degenerating women )
    Well the majority don't mind an Arab girl in a beauty pageant . Majority of women don't look like any of them they are al like Victoria Secret Models, I think she is too. Is she not Arab? I don't mind I mean men wont care here .... really hot women are really hot women LOL. States here have less power since the second world war....Arizona is trying to go beyond the rule and deport many illegals here but Obama told the Sheriff of Arizona you cannot do that because it is racial profiling.....some Republicans like John McCain supported Obama with that. Its all so Republicans and Democrats [Both Crook Parties] want more votes and they actually fued over who gets votes from special interest groups [blacks in the south, illegals, gay rights etc...] Meanwhile the majority of us are brainwashed to pick a side or lesser evil......We are getting tired of it. In my state a former Army commander tried to run office as a Senator here and lost to a Democrat thanks to out of state we have a worthless democrat senator who promised jobs and a less corrupt state which was a lie.....she made it worse. She also claimed she was native American [another lie from a democrat] and this was done to get minority votes.

    Independents here ike Ron Paul or Scott Brown don't stand a chance against the other two parties because they are anti special interest and pro majority rules. Majority rules is what Democracy is not lobbyists telling our politicians what to do and which wars to join and which ones to stay out of.....we are ran this way so our votes are meaningless and just there to show the world how 'democratic' we are when it is well known here its all a giant lie. The Clintons are not wonderful, infact most if not the entire Democrat party is no good. I dislike Republicans but they are the most dangerous party here because they believe in foreign policy [they are the most in bed with Israel], etc..... not to mention our government refuses for other political parties to ever be at the top......not even the communist party can ever win and its all done on purpose to ensure the current leadership has the power.

    They are not very bright either....I mean take Obama he has a degree in community organizing......has never worked a real job in his life and is the president......Bush was an idiot but at least had a job and did something with his life before being president.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NormanDePoer View Post
    Well the majority don't mind an Arab girl in a beauty pageant . Majority of women don't look like any of them they are al like Victoria Secret Models, I think she is too. Is she not Arab? I don't mind I mean men wont care here .... really hot women are really hot women LOL. States here have less power since the second world war....Arizona is trying to go beyond the rule and deport many illegals here but Obama told the Sheriff of Arizona you cannot do that because it is racial profiling.....some Republicans like John McCain supported Obama with that. Its all so Republicans and Democrats [Both Crook Parties] want more votes and they actually fued over who gets votes from special interest groups [blacks in the south, illegals, gay rights etc...] Meanwhile the majority of us are brainwashed to pick a side or lesser evil......We are getting tired of it. In my state a former Army commander tried to run office as a Senator here and lost to a Democrat thanks to out of state we have a worthless democrat senator who promised jobs and a less corrupt state which was a lie.....she made it worse. She also claimed she was native American [another lie from a democrat] and this was done to get minority votes.

    Independents here ike Ron Paul or Scott Brown don't stand a chance against the other two parties because they are anti special interest and pro majority rules. Majority rules is what Democracy is not lobbyists telling our politicians what to do and which wars to join and which ones to stay out of.....we are ran this way so our votes are meaningless and just there to show the world how 'democratic' we are when it is well known here its all a giant lie. The Clintons are not wonderful, infact most if not the entire Democrat party is no good. I dislike Republicans but they are the most dangerous party here because they believe in foreign policy [they are the most in bed with Israel], etc..... not to mention our government refuses for other political parties to ever be at the top......not even the communist party can ever win and its all done on purpose to ensure the current leadership has the power.

    They are not very bright either....I mean take Obama he has a degree in community organizing......has never worked a real job in his life and is the president......Bush was an idiot but at least had a job and did something with his life before being president.
    Arab is a language more than a race. My point is the whole Muslim thing and her looking very Asian that's all deliberate typical of a so called Jewish run Communist government. To the admin ( I am trying to say Jewish in relation to Zionism a secular movement as it's soul agenda is to degenerate culture )

    And of course American's don't care about it, it just puts a bad mark under Middle Easterners. Saying all the immigrants to the USA are going to be brown and against you ( she got caught for a driving while under the influence and speeding. )

    Everything else is just relative the bad economy the porn industry the immigration and interracial families.

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    This is apart of their Pax Judea plan they want nothing more than for a White woman to date a Black man to make porn and drugs fun. To go to war for foreign entities ( with all ethnic people but many White Americans ) . That's why America like many places is not the America that your ancestors found ( rightly so )

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