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  1. Is Anglo-Saxon and Germanic the same to you? (30 replies)
  2. Konstantin Kisin Calls Out BBC Bias... On the BBC (0 replies)
  3. London violence: Five separate stabbing attacks and 14 arrests in 24 hours (7 replies)
  4. UK Bans Offensive Gender Stereotypes in Adverts (1 replies)
  5. Stacey Dooley Did Nothing Wrong (0 replies)
  6. Mark Collett & Lucy Brown | The Alt Right vs The Alt Lite (0 replies)
  7. This Train Made Passengers Sick: The APT Tilting Train Story (0 replies)
  8. "I Won't Be a Single Black Mother!" Freedomain Call In (0 replies)
  9. Britain vs Orwell's 1984 (0 replies)
  10. The Worst Conservatives EVER! (17 replies)
  11. Dominic Raab vs the Obnoxious Feminist Bigots (0 replies)
  12. The UK Has BANNED People from Protesting COMPLETELY (1 replies)
  13. Grenfell Survivors And Relatives Open US Legal Battle (7 replies)
  14. Barking fire: Blaze Destroys 20 Flats In East London (1 replies)
  15. George Galloway sacked by talkRADIO over allegedly anti-Semitic tweet (5 replies)
  16. President Donald Trump Stands By Advice To May To Sue EU Over Brexit (1 replies)
  17. Long-lost Lewis Chessman (worth £1million) missing for 200 years found in Edinburgh family's drawer! (0 replies)
  18. Donald Trump's state visit to the UK in pictures (0 replies)
  19. Donald Trump calls Mayor of London Sadiq Khan a 'stone cold loser' (0 replies)
  20. President Trump will bring 'The Beast' and Air Force One for Presidential UK Visit on 3rd June, 2019 (8 replies)
  21. Hells Angels Euro Run: Thirty-four arrested at anniversary event (0 replies)
  22. The Twenty Year Plan (0 replies)
  23. Monty Python star reiterates: London is not an English city anymore (2 replies)
  24. The European Union Weeps (0 replies)
  25. Exactly as Expected (0 replies)
  26. Brexit, good or bad for UK? (25 replies)
  27. Will there be a no deal Brexit? (1 replies)
  28. Life just got a little better for Islington (1 replies)
  29. Hunt, McVey, Stewart, and Johnson are in the race to become the next UK Prime Minister. (2 replies)
  30. Theresa May resignation (23 replies)
  31. Inside the United Kingdom's Tech Renaissance (1 replies)
  32. Sargon of Akkad Destroys Biased BBC Host Victoria Derbyshire Full Interview. Viewers Call Her Thick (3 replies)
  33. Danny Baker is the Victim of an SJW Outrage Mob (0 replies)
  34. Britain's Orwellian Facial Recognition System Already Exists (0 replies)
  35. Why does the Left Promote Mass Immigration? (0 replies)
  36. Nigel Farage Pelted With Milkshakes as Culture Battle Intensifies (23 replies)
  37. Men's Clubs Bad, Women's Clubs Good (2 replies)
  38. Why not turn the UK parliament into a holocaust memorial? (1 replies)
  39. Muslim who Spat in Baby's Face is LET OFF (62 replies)
  40. The Mask Slips (0 replies)
  41. Can the 1922 Committee Replace Theresa May? - Brexit Explained (0 replies)
  42. CONFIRMED: Tommy Robinson 'protestors' are cowards (1 replies)
  43. The CANZUK Union Explained - Explaining Brexit (12 replies)
  44. Great news for Brit members (29 replies)
  45. British Nationalism? (0 replies)
  46. A journalist and broadcaster has been fired by the BBC after royal baby chimp tweet (6 replies)
  47. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle welcome royal baby (8 replies)
  48. 'Trash Girl' Nadia Sparkes moves schools over bullying (2 replies)
  49. Roadmen speaking (13 replies)
  50. Carl Benjamin's MEP campaign cannot go an interview without asking why he doesn't conform to PC cult (0 replies)
  51. Our Battle Of Britain (0 replies)
  52. Carl Benjamin/Sargon of Akkad: Debunking the Dirty Smear Merchants (5 replies)
  53. Tearing it all down (0 replies)
  54. Churchill's Air Force One (0 replies)
  55. The Truth About Nigel Farage & the Brexit Party (1 replies)
  56. Extinction Rebellion: This Is What False Opposition Looks Like (0 replies)
  57. Katie Hopkins and Gerard Batten call out 'extinction rebellion' activist (0 replies)
  58. How BBC bias works (2 replies)
  59. The Demographic Replacement of Blackpool Revealed (6 replies)
  60. Has UK become Americanisation? (8 replies)
  61. UK weather: Hottest Easter Monday on record (6 replies)
  62. The Twisted Morality Of Stephen Lawrence Day (0 replies)
  63. Why British women are narrow minded than other Europeans? (34 replies)
  64. Have We Considered Negotiating with the Extremists? (0 replies)
  65. Tulip' tower planned for London's skyline (1 replies)
  66. UK Porn Ban To Come Into Effect In July (40 replies)
  67. Should weed be legal in UK? (25 replies)
  68. Mental health nurses join police officers on duty (0 replies)
  69. Under-18s face 'like' and 'streaks' limits on social media (0 replies)
  70. Salisbury - best place to live following Novichok attack (0 replies)
  71. British football fans being anti-semitic (3 replies)
  72. The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) Over The U.K. (0 replies)
  73. U.K. Police open fire after an attack on Ukrainian ambassador at the Ukrainian Embassy, West London. (1 replies)
  74. MPs call for tax on social media companies (2 replies)
  75. Websites to be fined over 'online harms' under new proposals (2 replies)
  76. German Man Killed His British Girlfriend In Swiss Hotel (1 replies)
  77. Alex Hepburn: Cricketer guilty of raping sleeping woman (2 replies)
  78. The Strange Disappearance of Titanic's Lifeboats (0 replies)
  79. The UK's New Online Ministry of Truth (1 replies)
  80. Canberra Over Stalingrad - Penetrating Russia's Area 51 (0 replies)
  81. Red Star Rising - Russian Bear Bombers Over Britain (6 replies)
  82. Tommy, Kafka & The Great Liberal Show Trial (0 replies)
  83. Traitors' Legion - The British Free Corps (0 replies)
  84. What do Brexiters think about Germans? (36 replies)
  85. Brexit Protesters Attacked for Being WHITE (57 replies)
  86. Obligatory Post-Debate Stream (0 replies)
  87. Prince Harry Wants Fortnite Banned (4 replies)
  88. This Is How They Will Erase You (0 replies)
  89. Hate-Reading The Guardian: Ignoring Working Class Whites For The Win (1 replies)
  90. CUKs want to Remain in the EU (20 replies)
  91. Why So Many Bars Are Named After Cocks (0 replies)
  92. Famous Right Wing Activist CENSORED On Youtube As "Borderline Content" (0 replies)
  93. The Umbrella Academy accused of anti-Semitism over Yiddish-speaking villain: ‘Remove the racism’ (1 replies)
  94. Black Woman Oppressed by White Man using Hate Speech Rules (2 replies)
  95. Jewish U.K. Watchdog Now Claims ‘Cultural Marxism’ is an ‘Antisemitic’ Slur (2 replies)
  96. British Police - White Men Need NOT Apply (0 replies)
  97. Muslim Protest AGAINST LGBT Issues ESCALATES In The UK, Where Are Progressive?! (3 replies)
  98. Drugs smuggled into Guys Marsh prison in dead rats (1 replies)
  99. Sadiq Khan challenges Theresa May to act against Tory Islamophobia (5 replies)
  100. Christianphobia (0 replies)
  101. Dear Remainers: Get Over It (2 replies)
  102. The Great Betrayal (0 replies)
  103. TREASON: Parliament Blocks Brexit (0 replies)
  104. New DNA evidence potentially reveals the identity of 'Jack' the Ripper (3 replies)
  105. London mosque attack/15th March 2019 (1 replies)
  106. British hair colour (4 replies)
  107. The New Face of Britain's Rape Culture (1 replies)
  108. Birmingham school cancels LGBT lessons due to Muslim protests (15 replies)
  109. UK Stores Are Removing EATING UTENSILS Amid Surge in Incidents (2 replies)
  110. A Will To Weakness: The Scourge of White Liberal Men (0 replies)
  111. The Ethics of Repatriation (0 replies)
  112. Britain needs to avoid the culture of fear Eastern Europe felt (0 replies)
  113. Then They Came For Sebastian Walsh (0 replies)
  114. Peter Hitchens: "Mass Immigration has been a Catastrophe" (0 replies)
  115. Stay Out of Africa, Whitey (13 replies)
  116. A culture that fails its children (0 replies)
  117. Believe it or not, there is one ethnic minority group whose numbers are STABLISING (0 replies)
  118. The Guardian is Trying to Radicalise Muslims (0 replies)
  119. Who is really behind Tommy Robinson? (5 replies)
  120. No Tears For Strangers (0 replies)
  121. Nigel Farage CPAC 2019 (2 replies)
  122. Brexit: America wants to sell us chlorine chicken and frankenstein beef! (21 replies)
  123. Literally A Communist (Laugh Track Edition) (0 replies)
  124. How the Labour Party Betrayed the Working Class (0 replies)
  125. Who killed the Stonehenge people? (0 replies)
  126. A Question To British Posters And British Commonwealth Nation Posters (22 replies)
  127. Discussing Tommy Robinson’s Facebook Banning & Project Veritas Leaks (0 replies)
  128. The Kingdom of Knifes (0 replies)
  129. Dancing Crime Fighters (3 replies)
  130. 9 Rapist Paedophiles Jailed In Grooming Gang (6 replies)
  131. Moorland fire seen for miles: Crews tackle huge blaze near Marsden described as 'apocalpytic' (4 replies)
  132. Then They Came For Tommy Robinson (4 replies)
  133. Parents March AGAINST INDOCTRINATION in Schools in UK (0 replies)
  134. Labour announces backing for a second Brexit referendum (16 replies)
  135. British Are doomed Sick! (8 replies)
  136. Ancient human skull discovered in River Thames (0 replies)
  137. The Real Face of the European Union - Full Length (0 replies)
  138. Britain on the Brink (3 replies)
  139. Former British ISIS fighter "Jihadi Jack" wants to return to Britain. (33 replies)
  140. City centres 'could become ghost towns' (1 replies)
  141. Seeing Double: The Titanic’s Ghostly Twin Sister (0 replies)
  142. Britain's EU workforce in decline as numbers from elsewhere soar (2 replies)
  143. Disgusting - UK Isis bride demands to be let back into the UK (49 replies)
  144. The British-Irish Dialect Quiz (20 replies)
  145. "DukeofDurham" Pub Chat with the Iconoclast #1 (0 replies)
  146. Body mutilation 'artist' (a.k.a 'Dr. Evil') admits Grievous Bodily Harm (8 replies)
  147. Man threatens pub drinkers with power saw in Sale (2 replies)
  148. The Intersectional Police Arrest a TERF (3 replies)
  149. OFFENDING someone in the United Kingdom is now a CRIME (2 replies)
  150. The Speech that Forever Transformed the UK (0 replies)
  151. Muh Hate and Muh Feelz!! (0 replies)
  152. Socialist idiots in London protesting in favour of Nicolas Maburro (5 replies)
  153. Britain's Political Police (1 replies)
  154. UK citizenship tests: Gangs help cheating candidates pass (5 replies)
  155. ANDREW PIERCE on the dozens of Brexit-blocking peers and MPs who have received millions from the EU (0 replies)
  156. 'Ban phones in schools,' says minister Nick Gibb (6 replies)
  157. University students suspended for 10 years over online rape threats allowed to return early (1 replies)
  158. Knife crime: Suspects could be banned from social media (3 replies)
  159. More than half of young people in jail are of BME background (1 replies)
  160. Man Interrogated After Just Liking a Tweet on Twitter (4 replies)
  161. Social Justice vs Islamic Values in British Schools (0 replies)
  162. Most Absurd Brexit Claim Ever: "30-Year Recession, Worse Than 1930s" (0 replies)
  163. The Bluebell Railway (0 replies)
  164. 2.6 Million Brits Deny The Holocaust! (1 replies)
  165. How to brew yourself a nice Earl Grey black tea (5 replies)
  166. British soldier sues Army over Q fever chronic fatigue (2 replies)
  167. The Progressive Police of Virtue and Vice (0 replies)
  168. U.S. Holocaust Scholar: “No Respectable Politician” in UK Should Associate with Corbyn (1 replies)
  169. Bomber Command memorial which honours Lincs airmen defiled (3 replies)
  170. Revealed: How Britain’s leading Jews lobbied Prime Minister to block Faurisson and Leuchter (0 replies)
  171. British Poetry thread (4 replies)
  172. Why has Prince Philip's car crash received so much media headline coverage? (8 replies)
  173. Music in Cornish language (Kernowek) (1 replies)
  174. The Current Electoral Dilemma of the Left (0 replies)
  175. Lord Pearson Addresses Brexit in the Lords (0 replies)
  176. Leicester explosion: Three men jailed for murdering five people (0 replies)
  177. Overweight Scottish Lesbian Couple Starved A 2 Year Old Girl To Death In Their Filthy Home. (25 replies)
  178. Britain's 'First Transgender Family' Now Transitioning Their 5-Year-Old Son To Female (27 replies)
  179. Man wielding MACHETE on train platform and threatening people with it tasered in London (10 replies)
  180. How did UK politics become so 'progressive'? (0 replies)
  181. Why I Hate the Sixties (2004) (0 replies)
  182. Mohammed Abdul jailed for 28 years for attempted murder (0 replies)
  183. The Liberal Plot to Destroy the British Army (1 replies)
  184. Oxford Students Want World’s Top Natural Law Scholar Fired For Being A Catholic (2 replies)
  185. Why are Britain’s trains so bad - could nationalisation fix them? (30 replies)
  186. Pubs were once part of the community. A place where everyone went to drink and meet. So why have so (10 replies)
  187. British Girl Captured by Chinese Died of Boredom (0 replies)
  188. The No Deal Apocalypse (0 replies)
  189. Britons Want to Stay in EU, Seek 2nd Referendum (15 replies)
  190. Student drug dealers spared jail as judge says he was impressed by the grammar in their text message (4 replies)
  191. Hammersmith party stabbing: 39 attempted murder arrests (0 replies)
  192. Police criticised for asking public to choose which village to patrol via Twitter poll (2 replies)
  193. Tommy Robinson supporter Mike Lane exposes BBC Lies & Deceit (0 replies)
  194. How the British Welfare System Favours Muslims (46 replies)
  195. Blaming White People For Multicultural Failures (23 replies)
  196. (1066 - 1997) The UK: A Nation of Immigrants? - The FACTS (3 replies)
  197. Sadiq Khan calls for overhaul of Scotland Yard's gang matrix as 4 in 5 names on it are shown to be.. (0 replies)
  198. The Conservatives are no Friends of Liberty (0 replies)
  199. Interviewing Remainer Protesters at Parliament (1 replies)
  200. At the End of 2018, Britain is Still Problematic (0 replies)
  201. A curiosity about British people - do you like Whiskey and if you like, which whiskey do you like? (12 replies)
  202. Brexit and the Laughable People’s Vote Campaign (10 replies)
  203. Labour Politician Found Guilty Of Speeding (7 replies)
  204. Parliamentary and Media Fuss Over An Alleged 'Stupid Woman' Comment Towards Theresa May (3 replies)
  205. U.K. Government To Place 3500 Troops On Standby To Help Police Incase Of Riots (7 replies)
  206. How Theresa May Betrayed Brexit (8 replies)
  207. The Ethical State (0 replies)
  208. SJWs Censoring the UK Comedy Scene (3 replies)
  209. Bias, Corruption & Coercion: Why The BBC Must Be Denationalised (2 replies)
  210. The Gravity of the Situation | Lord Pearson Interview (0 replies)
  211. Why Did Nigel Farage REALLY Leave UKIP? (0 replies)
  212. Will Traitor May Finally Be Kicked-Out As The UK Leader Tonight? (55 replies)
  213. How the Police have Become the Paramilitary Arm of Political Correctness (1 replies)
  214. Should Christianisation be an immigration requirement? (116 replies)
  215. "Race traitor": Neo-Nazis want to murder Prince Harry (13 replies)
  216. Leave.EU accused of anti-Semitism after showing shadowy image of George Soros (0 replies)
  217. British Neo-Nazis suggest Prince Harry should be shot (3 replies)
  218. UK Jewish leaders welcome EU’s full membership of IHRA group (0 replies)
  219. Minority Report Comes To Life: UK Police Will Use AI To Prevent Crime (0 replies)
  220. New £50 note scientist nominations released (0 replies)
  221. UKIP on the road to Zion (0 replies)
  222. Ipswich school triggers inquiry into 'pupil aged 30' (3 replies)
  223. Should spoils of former British empire be returned to their righful owners? (31 replies)
  224. Brexit: Can Theresa May get her deal through the Commons? (10 replies)
  225. Boy gets six points on future driving licence for scooter speeding (0 replies)
  226. Brexit: UK not standing up to Brussels bullies, says Raab (22 replies)
  227. UK Policeman Convicted Of Raping A 13 Year Old Girl. (2 replies)
  228. Brexit: Theresa May to face cabinet showdown over deal (20 replies)
  229. Seventeen migrants who stole French trawler and crossed the Channel arrested in Dover (0 replies)
  230. The Haunted Burial Mounds of Exmoor (0 replies)
  231. Roald Dahl commemorative coin rejected by Royal Mint over author's antisemitic views (2 replies)
  232. Armed forces: Recruits don't need to have lived in Britain (2 replies)
  233. How racist is UK toward Polish and other Slavs? (7 replies)
  234. Tommy Robinson Set to Make over $1 Million on Speaking Tour (0 replies)
  235. David Kurten (#UKIP) on Sadiq Khan, Islamic Grooming Gangs and the Batten/Farage Controversy (0 replies)
  236. Medicinal cannabis can now be legally prescribed to some patients across the UK for first time. (1 replies)
  237. Serious crime costs UK £37bn a year - National Crime Agency (0 replies)
  238. Scotland Developed Written Language 1,700 Years Ago (0 replies)
  239. British Foreign Policy, NATO & the Shape of the World to Come, 1994-1999. (0 replies)
  240. Government pledges £1.7 million for Holocaust education in Autumn Budget (2 replies)
  241. Visit Auschwitz, charity urges university staff amid rise in antisemitism on campuses (0 replies)
  242. BBC Diversity Targets: Interesting Effects (0 replies)
  243. Universities: Is free speech under threat? (1 replies)
  244. YouTube vs Mainstream Media, with Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) (0 replies)
  245. Robert Faurisson Sows Panic in his Hometown (0 replies)
  246. 'Are You Serious About That??' - Jacob Rees-Mogg DESTROYS Angry Leftist In a Heated Debate (0 replies)
  247. Virtue Signalers Stop Rapist's Deportation | London | The Fake Altruist Revolutionaries (2 replies)
  248. Nanny State: Britain’s Do-Gooder PC Police (0 replies)
  249. Progressive Propaganda: BBC's Liberal Bias (2 replies)
  250. Over £5 million awarded to community groups to fight extremism (1 replies)