Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Highlights: Best of the Apricity – #2

    Mostly off-topic entries that do not fit anywhere else but nevertheless I find them interesting enough to be included in this recap:
    1. Disney XD presents That's So Raven!™
    2. Dogs and humans: Best animal pals since forever
    3. Lifespan calculator (Version 1)
    4. Immune system gap
    5. Sleep shrinks your brain
    6. Civilized animals raise a feral human
    7. Human baby language (baby babble #BUSTED)
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  2. Highlights: The Apricity Post Compilation – #1

    Mostly off-topic entries that do not fit anywhere else but nevertheless I find them interesting enough to be included in this recap:
    1. Generation Z (mid-1990s to mid-2000s), more like "Based & Redpilled" Generation.
    2. Your parents need your blood to stay alive. Literally.

    Updated 08-10-2019 at 11:07 PM by KuriousKatKommittee (lul)

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