View Full Version : Diet and Nutrition

  1. Western diet 'raises heart risk'
  2. Speed of eating 'key to obesity'
  3. Fat Gene? I Don`t Believe In It...
  4. Overweight people die younger
  5. Saturated Fats: They Really Are Healthy!
  6. Raw Milk Does A Body Good!
  7. How soup can help you lose weight
  8. Low-carb diet
  9. US obesity becomes bigger challenge
  10. Food giants say U.S. running out of sugar
  11. Blood Type Diet
  12. Advice to go on a Diet
  13. Paleo Diet
  14. Intermittent fasting
  15. How a High Fat Diet Increases Alzheimer's Risk
  16. Is Obesity a Disease?
  17. To Cut Out Salt, Use a Knife
  18. the fattest and skinniest countries
  19. America Is No Longer the Most Obese Country in the World
  20. How Sleep Loss Adds to Weight Gain
  21. Vitamins are bad for you
  22. Fat is good for you
  23. 10 Most Absurd Fad Diets
  24. Calorie cutting tips
  25. 10 Disturbing Reasons Why Sugar is Bad For You
  26. Hangover remedies.
  27. Things High Quality Women Don't Do to Their Bodies
  28. Vitamins are a waste of money, say scientists
  29. Fluoride: Killing Us Softly
  30. How Bacon Can Save You From Flesh-Eating Parasites
  32. Milk Drinking Still a Mystery
  33. Weird food kills blood pressure
  34. Surprising new clue to the roots of hunger
  35. hello fat members
  36. The cosy links between politicians and the food giants, which is causing countless deaths
  37. Sugar, not fat, is real heart disease killer: We got it wrong on diet advice, claims expert
  38. The sugary drinks and snacks that you can't even have ONE of without breaching new guidelines
  39. Eating too much salt makes you age rapidly
  40. dark chocolate reduces blood pressure
  41. I got fat
  42. Why can't I get fat?
  43. Sleepytime Foods 5 good things for happy zzzz’s.
  44. Promote Muscle Growth, Longevity, New Brain Cells
  45. Green tea could reduce pancreatic cancer risk: Study explains how
  46. 4 powerful probiotic foods that help bulletproof the immune system
  47. Is yogurt the new junk food? Some yogurts have more sugar than a Twinkie
  48. Can Eating Certain Foods Starve Cancer? An Anti-Cancer Diet
  49. Eating one chicken breast or salmon fillet a day can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%
  50. Always Hungry? Here’s Why
  51. Candida diet - Looks like a clean version of the Atkins - Candida and fat MUST DIE!
  52. A bug can make you allergic to meat.
  53. Should Fat People be allowed to Breed?
  54. Are Your Bacteria Making You Fat?
  55. Turns out breakfast is not the most important meal
  56. Can you train your brain to like broccoli?
  57. Commercial American food and it's bad effects on health
  58. Gluten free diet?
  59. Your kids love junk food? Blame Facebook
  60. Poor diet 'causes lifetime damage', change the way genes work, say scientists
  61. Eating biscuits and cakes could damage your memory - regardless of your age
  62. A Mediterranean diet may be a better way of tackling obesity.
  63. What is your nutrition philosophy
  64. F.D.A. to Require Calorie Count, Even for Popcorn at the Movies
  65. Awesome Health Benefits of Coffee
  66. Dietary Supplements hoax: No major nutiential benefits to them
  67. USA and Italy vs food
  68. Five of the Healthiest and Most Affordable Foods Available
  69. Now there's no excuse not to eat your greens
  70. 8 Homemade Soups that Fight with cancer
  71. You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?
  72. Could foods contain more antioxidants than we thought?
  73. Why putting on just 1lb could be bad for your health - blood chemicals linked to heart disease, diab
  74. Reasons to go Vegan
  75. Food of the ancient kings
  76. Can't say no to cake? Your brain may have been hijacked by the bugs in your stomach
  77. When you lose weight, where does the fat go? Most of the mass is breathed out as carbon dioxide
  78. Can instant noodles lead to heart disease, diabetes and stroke?
  79. How do you know if you're drinking enough water?
  80. Why do McDonald's and Taco Bell meals appear 'fresh' after two years in the open air?
  81. Pasta, Not Bacon, Makes You Fat. But How?
  82. Ancient Greek doctors invented the Mediterranean diet
  83. Meet the food blogger who rid herself of rare medical condition after cutting out processed food
  84. Don’t Be Magnesium Deficient. 22 health problems result, but the fix can be very simple
  85. Olive oil diet may boost fertility by up to 40 per cent'
  86. Eating nuts may be better for you than taking statins
  87. How Fat the World Is, Visualized
  88. REVEALED: The 14 ingredients in McDonald's FRIES - including a petrol-based chemical
  89. Why a High-Fiber Diet? To boost your immune system and prevent chronic illness. But only with these
  90. Four ways wheat is proven to destroy our health
  91. What do your food cravings say about you? they can provide crucial clues about your health
  92. Health Basics: How do MSG, artificial sweeteners and gluten cause fast weight gain?
  93. Why fizzy drinks (and even sparkling water) are WORSE than you thought
  94. How a McDonald's Sausage Burrito contains more than 100 ingredients - including one chemical used in
  95. What Good Are Beets? They Make Hemoglobin
  96. Steak, eggs and watermelon help make strong and virile semen, book claims
  97. Bone broth could keep you young and healthy
  98. Fluoride - not a conspiracy
  99. Aspartame, not so sweet
  100. Exercise 'not key to obesity fight'
  101. Want Kids To Eat Healthy? Make Their Meals More Like McDonald's
  102. The Weird Thing That Packs on Calories—And Pounds
  103. What's the highest calorie chain-restaurant meal in America?
  104. You are when you eat
  105. Fasting improves longevity while cutting the risk of cancer and diabetes by half, scientists say
  106. Myth Busted: You Don't Need to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day
  107. Volunteers ate 6000 calories a day to probe cause of diabètes
  108. Two Meals a day is Ideal
  109. Before you Party, take these vitamins
  111. The Apricity Vegan Thread
  112. Aldi to Go Full Organic, Bans Pesticides and Rivals Whole Foods as Healthiest Grocery Store
  113. Benefits of Sea Salt
  114. Glutathione: The Master Antioxidant
  115. Drinking more water associated with numerous dietary benefits, study finds
  116. Anti-inflammatory Herb Offers Relief from Arthritis
  117. A handful of nuts a day could slash the risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity and more by up to 30%
  118. Does a healthy diet have to come at a hefty price?
  119. DIY Simple Water Purifier Perfectly Cleans Dirty Water And Even Salt Water
  120. Everything you wanted to know about cancer diets
  121. Fermented Foods May Be a Key Component of an Anti-Cancer Diet
  122. How eating less can slow the aging process
  123. McDonald’s to cut prices as fast food consumption falls to all-time lows
  124. Fast food, racing thoughts
  125. How heavy metals end up in your food
  126. Mediterranean Diet May Ease Chronic Pain of Obesity
  127. Blueberry Concentrate May Boost Brain Function
  128. Why you should keep stocked up on B vitamins if you live in a city
  129. 🐝10 Health Benefits Of Honey 🐝
  130. Broccoli's cancer prevention mechanism found to work on "non-coding RNA" to prevent formation of tum
  131. Discovery of pomegranate's anti-ageing molecule is a 'milestone'
  132. Love it or hate it: Marmite may affect brain function
  133. Decrease your risk of breast cancer by avoiding these foods
  134. Obese Woman Says She Wants To Be Fatter And Become The Fattest Person In The World
  135. Eating once a day
  136. Health Benefits Of Fennel Tea - Oestrogen, Weight Loss, Digestive, Blood, Heart, Respiration, Eyes,
  137. I've Quit Drinking Soda After Reading These 2 Scientific Studies
  139. Advice on Weight Loss
  140. What do you eat for breakfast?
  141. Avocado PITS found to be a “goldmine” of nutrition, with powerful nutrients that prevent disease
  142. Top 8 carcinogenic food additives and ingredients BANNED nearly everywhere in the world except …The
  143. Subhumans and their attempts to re-arrange Human ways.
  144. U.S. pays high price for obesity
  145. African Americans are prone to being overweight and store fat regardless of diet and exercise
  146. How to Eat Like Me: The Most Important Edition
  147. Chinese food y/n?
  148. Peanut Butter
  149. Help with losing weight
  150. The amazing nutritional properties of kiwifruit
  151. The sushi diet
  152. Just About Everyone Needs Vitamin B12 Supplements Deficiency may cause many very serious disorders
  153. Does eating really spicy foods help to burn away your fat from the inside?
  154. Is Bobby Martnen truly "fat" or just somewhat overweight?
  155. This is what happens to our stomach receptors when we eat junk food
  156. Little Green Marvels: 3 reasons to eat plenty of peas
  157. America Vs Japan School Lunches
  158. From today I will try not to eat added sugar no sweets etc for 1 month
  159. Veganism & Vegetarianism Across Europe
  160. Eating meat is masculine
  161. Am I eating healthy?
  162. The Story of Fat: Why we were Wrong about Health
  163. How to know if you are Lactose Intolerant?
  164. How healthy is my diet?
  165. I want to try the Mediterranean Diet !
  166. Is my breakfast big enough?
  167. Can a meso-endomorph person turn to ectomorph?
  168. my lifetime diet aka the pastovore
  169. Are you lactose intolerant? Yes, or no?
  170. My diet
  171. Science of Fasting
  172. Beyond Urinary Tract Infections: Five Health Benefits of Cranberries
  173. Fasting
  174. Vitamin B complex
  175. Everyone should be taking creatine?
  176. What do you think of slimming rehab?
  177. How We Eat: Appetite, Culture.
  178. Ketogenic diet could help people with Parkinson, Cancer, Schizophrenia, Anxiety and Depression
  179. 10 Health Benefits of Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets
  180. Eating red meat increases telomere length
  181. Research links egg and meat nutrients with reduced risk of dementia
  182. The Top 12 Keto Myths Debunked After 150,000 Days of Patient Care
  183. Higher Cholesterol Is Associated With Longer Life ?
  184. Hong Kongers have highest life expectancy and also the highest meat consumption per capita in the wo
  185. Soybean Oil Is More Obesogenic and Diabetogenic than Coconut Oil and Fructose in Mouse: Potential Ro
  186. Deadly hemorrhagic fever in Bolivia can spread between people
  187. How many times do you eat during the day?
  188. Why am I still so fat when I'm tracking all my calories and exercising more?
  189. Limit on Saturated Fats is Unnecessary, says “State-of-the-Art Review” in Journal of American Colleg
  190. How a vegan diet could affect your intelligence
  191. Europeans Are The Least Likely To Be Lactose Intolerant
  192. Do you prefer Coca Cola or Pepsi
  193. Article: Magnesium is essential for the immune system, including in the fight against cancer
  194. Vitamin D Deficiency Linked With Increased COVID-19 Severity and Mortality
  195. 7 Ways to Prevent and Even Reverse Heart Disease With Nutrition
  196. Eating foods to boost testosterone levels
  197. Sweet, Salty or Fast?
  198. Members' dietary opinions
  199. Obesity map of Europe
  200. Scientists say meat is crucial for human health and call for the end of pushing 'zealotry' veganism