Utterly Jaded

I can't say that I believe in the supernatural any more. Sure, I'll still go to church, partake in the sacraments and try to grow as a person in the community that I've chosen, but I don't believe in any kind of personal God as I did before. I believe that all life is sacred and that matter deserves respect. I believe in evolution as a valid explanation for human existence.
I think that death is the dissolution of our physical form into the elements that have composed it. I don't think that knowledge is to be feared. Quantum physics and the Theory of General Relativity do not rely on faith to work. They are postulated after several experiments have been performed.
Death is not humanity's fault. To blame death and extinction on the thoughtless actions of a single human couple is the height of hubris. People age, their bodies run down and if God is merciful, they lose their lives before they lose their minds. They lose consciousness and they never wake up. Do I believe in the life and example of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible? I think that he and his disciples had a lot of good points to make. In a sense, you could say that Jesus is " bodily resurrected" in the Church that His disciples founded. Maybe a random burst of radiation transformed Jesus' body so he could rise and appear to his disciples, then He would somehow ascend to some entrance into another dimension. I can't explain the volcano at Mt. Sinai, either. Maybe we're just talking about faith- building stories that were told to prove a point, such as a particular teacher showed Providence's authority over nature, or a religious person's status could cost a king his kingdom if that person were crossed ( I always pitied poor King Saul. He didn't murder somebody, so he has a kingdom taken away from him and the Being he worshipped never talked to him again? Really?), or things like that.

  1. Happy Post :-)

    Life has been good to me today.
  2. Correction...

    So I was wrong, I suppose.Keltic-Nordid wasn't actually a fusion of Celtic and Germanic types.That Nordish type seems to be more accurately the Celtic branch of the Nordid subrace.I did read the Bruenn correctly, though.I think it was an Unaltered Palaeolithic physical type common to Western Europe and the British Isles.That does seem to fit with the DNA findings of the McDonalds(my mother's family).Our branch was Celtic with no Norse DNA found on the paternal side.The families that married in to ...
  3. I've Been Classified! Yay!

    Keltic-Nordid Bruenn.I guess that what that means is that my ancestors were Celtic and Germanic peoples who blended in with the aboriginal inhabitants of Britain.Either that, or such ancestry came out in me, while my Atlanto-Mediterranid ancestors of France and my family's earlier associations were absorbed by the Keltic Nordid Bruenns.I haven't noticed any lessening of devotion in me to the Aesir and Vanir.On the contrary, I have a deeper devotion to them and feel ever more a part of my Folk.My ...
  4. Folkish Heart

    What an interesting day.The more and more I look at the way things are going in this messed up country of ours, the more I am convinced that we as Euro-Americans need to come together as a people.Hispanics are united in essentials, so are Blacks.Asians too, for that matter.I'm rather of the opinion that we need to unite and to return to the ancient ways of our forebears, to get to a place where we,our ancestors, the land wights and the Holy Powers all coexist and actively work together to improve ...
  5. Oh, Aesir, Obama!

    Gods and goddesses,wights and ancestors, hail!The 44th president of the United States of America has been sworn in and assumed office.I fear for our people, oh ye Holy Powers, how I fear for us!Just today I've read articles written by bitter colored folks about how black the history of our people is in this great nation.But who made this nation, number one, and also who made it great? Us White Folks!
    WE brought literacy to this land.WE brought industry to this part of the world.WE united ...
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