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  1. Ainuid
  2. Where do these Belgian (mostly Flemish) footballers pass best?
  3. Classify Portuguese actress, Mariana Monteiro
  4. How pointless are phenotypes/ phsyical anthropology
  5. Which of these two statements regarding European groups is closer to the truth?
  6. What phenotypes have the smallest, most insignificant button noses imaginable.
  7. (🇬🇷/🇦🇱/🇬🇪 ++) Plates-Mugs
  8. Classify Baron Corbin
  9. Total absence of pheomelanin in the hair, where does it come from
  10. Can Rachel Weisz pass as Ossetian?
  11. Classify South African Sound guy Nick Bertke
  12. Classify the late great Warrel Dane
  13. Males eye set poll
  14. Females eye set poll
  15. What does low-faced mean?
  16. Why do many British/Irish people have chins like this?
  17. Paint in Red Those Zones Where Caucasoid Aesthetics Predominate
  18. Post Photos of Vlachs from Your Country
  19. Classify and pass
  20. E. Baltids vs Dinarids. Which one of the two races do you feel closer to?
  21. Pass and classify a moroccan film director
  22. Where can this half french half moroccan actor pass ?
  23. Pass and classify this algerian actor
  24. Where can this moroccan lady pass ?
  25. Is the Anthropology and Social Change PhD at CIIS good?
  26. Descendent of Moriscos - Abdelfattah Kilito
  27. Would These Türks pass better in Finland or Balkans?
  28. Classify Black Metal Pro Wrestler
  29. Corded Nordid vs East Nordid vs Proto Nordid vs Kurganoid
  30. Descendant of moriscos part II - Ahmed Piro
  31. Descendent of Black slaves (haratin) - Sabri Mosbah (Tunisia)
  32. Turkish looking politician
  33. Pontid vs Baltid. Who is stronger physically?
  35. What defines ethnicity? Language or phenotype?
  36. Classify and Pass
  37. Classify Dra˛en Ričl
  38. This is what mysterious ancient humans might have looked like
  39. Southeastern Wallachian Romanians
  40. Classify Serbian UFC fighters
  41. Guess ethnicity
  42. What percentage of native Europeans actually have truly white skin?
  43. Outside NA where can they pass ? Part IV
  44. The Japanese Race (from a 1922 encyclopedia).
  45. Pure blond hair frequencies in Central European nations by rank from most to least
  46. What is my mother's racial classification?
  47. Are Finns or Are Pashtuns, Whiter?
  48. Slavic vs Nordic skull size
  49. Who is blonder Austrians or South Germans?
  50. List for Our Community All Those European Countries You Consider, Off White
  51. Who Is Whiter: Bangladeshis or Sri Lankans?
  52. Low upper eyelid crease height is superior to high upper eyelid crease height
  53. PASS/RATE this beautiful riffian lady
  54. Do most Native Americans have pronounced brownridges?
  55. Afghanistan: The most diverse old world country?
  56. classic moorish women
  57. Which has the most Alpinids: Denmark or Scotland?
  58. I want my descendants to be White
  59. Are Balkanians(South Slavs and Greeks) or these Tatar Türks more Neolithic/Med admixtured ?
  60. Will my descendants be White?
  61. Classify this person
  62. Classify/rate this hot moroccan woman
  63. Classify Polly Swann from England.
  64. Can the moroccan prime minister pass in the middle east ?
  65. Classify Szekely Mayor of Sfāntu Gheorghe
  66. Are Germans dark or swarthy?
  67. What should mix between Georgian and English could look like?
  68. There is a casta system for latinos but not for gypsies right?
  69. what sparked your interest in Anthropology, Taxonomy, genealogy, etc?
  70. phenotype narcissists
  71. What percentage of native Sub Saharan Africans actually have truly black skin?
  72. The picture is complete now
  73. Why do so many Swedes look like this?
  74. How did Neo-Danubian become a brachycephalic type?
  75. Chuvash people
  76. whats your fitzpatrick skin type?
  77. Which Europeans have the lowest levels of lactose tolerance?
  78. Are there any modern phenotypes that resemble pure Keltid?
  79. Check out my new anthropology YouTube channel (as well as a new video premiering tonight)
  80. who's lighter: Slovaks or Romanians?
  81. Siberian Tatars
  82. Why have all other Hominins gone extinct except humans?
  83. I would like to know once again my racial phenotype
  84. why 50% white %50 amerindian mixes look like arabians or middle easterners?
  85. Who are closer to Eastern Europeans phenotypically: Danish or Dutch people?
  86. Are the French as a whole dark or intermediate in pigmentation?
  87. Post people who look Maghrebi but aren't maghrebis
  88. Is this skintone brown or brownish?
  89. Where exactly on this map of genetic distance would you place nordic race?
  90. Classify Dianne Van Giersbergen of Ex-Libris and Xandria
  91. Rate his Bulgarianess
  92. Who has the largest skulls on average: Alpinids or Mediterranids?
  93. Classify, pass this georgian woman with indian roots..
  94. Norway vs Sweden, which country is more blond-haired and blue -eyed? In your opinion.
  95. Why it is in North - West Europe that the maximum for blondness and red-headedness are found?
  96. How common is loosing blondness during adulthood in Northern Europe?
  97. What percentage of iranians can pass in syria and vice versa?
  98. The Racial Demographics of the New World
  99. Who is more typically brunet in hair and eye colour between Albanians and Bulgarians?
  100. Croats are whiter than Serbs
  101. Can Pontid race were be Indo-Iranian nomadic tribe?
  102. Who's whiter threads - Please stop this already!
  103. Who looks Whiter Björk or one of my cousin?
  104. Why are Croats so into these "Who's whiter?" threads?
  105. What triracial LA countries have the greatest combined African+Amerindian ancestry?
  106. Create a map of where you can pass!
  107. Who's more Nordic, Scandinavians or British Isles?
  108. Who looks more a like english and german or algerian and moroccan ?
  109. Different skin color in one family
  110. Who have more Mongoloid admixture on average: Northeastern Europeans or Southeastern Europeans?
  111. Maghrebis according to Haters
  112. Half Southern Italians Half other european ethnicity
  113. Classify me
  114. Classify Adolf Hitler without mustache
  115. Long Legged Phenotypes
  116. Classify my cousin
  117. Rita Ora typical Albanian?
  118. Classify Miles William Mathis
  119. Classify my friend
  120. Difference Between Nordid and Proto Nordid?
  121. Blondness of swarthy woggy belgians in Anderlecht
  122. difference between hallstat pontid and atlantoid
  123. How come that many White South Africans have Hottentot admixture (even if minor)?
  124. Classify real algerians
  125. Pure Amerindians and SSAs look better than degenerate mestizos and triracials from Latin America
  126. levantines are the real arabs. why people still claim real arabs are peninsular arabs?
  127. How do you know how to classify people? Is Phenotype according to race scientists a real thing?
  128. What is humanphenotypes.net used for? Is it pseudo-educational or racist?
  129. Is an Arab look found in Southern Europe?
  130. Classify me (Could not post in personal yet)
  131. Classify Real Maghrebis
  132. Classify real Tunisians
  133. Need info about Pre Slavic phenotype
  134. The stupidity of the "Mediterranean" label for phenotypes.
  135. Can anyone pass in the USA, Canada?
  136. South vs. North Europe
  137. What Caucasoid phenos are literally unpassable/have hardest time passing in Latin America or USA?
  138. Are Tydals/Paleo-Atlantids actually just slightly darker Faelids?
  139. Would light skin Latin Mestizos/Harnizos be mistaken as Central Asians or Uyghur in Russia/China?
  140. The Intellectual Foundation of Western Christian Civilization is a MENA achievement
  141. What causes hair colour change?
  142. Outside of Australia, in what regions could mixed Aboriginals pass in?
  143. Ginger & blond ladies: Please stop using BLACK mascara
  144. Does looks like ancien greek?
  145. Updated map! Averageheight.co
  146. Countries in the world\Europe with smallest head size?
  147. Guess which group is from lebanon and which one is from Morocco
  148. Is she Maronite or Kabyle ? (guess)
  149. Yemenis or moroccans ?
  150. Which woman is lebanese and which one is Algerian ?
  151. Guess who's turk and who's moroccan
  152. Egyptians or tunisians ?
  153. Greeks, Lebaneses or Italians ?
  154. Sephardic jew or algerian (muslim background) ?
  155. Which one is from Iran and which one is algerian ?
  156. Nordids who don't look like nordids.
  157. Which woman is Armenian and which one is Algerian ?
  158. Levantines or Maghrebis ?
  159. Which woman is Iberian and which woman is berber ?
  160. Which group is south-east asian and which one is maghrebi ?
  161. Which guy is Jordanian and which one is Moroccan ?
  162. Which one is italian and which one is Lebanese ?
  163. Italians or Iberians ?
  164. Which man is mexican and which one is Moroccan ?
  165. Classify André Matarazzo, Brazilian actor
  166. What Racial phenotypes we will mostly see in South Ukraine?
  167. Human body types and geography
  168. Classify these spanish bullfighters
  169. What is the IQ number of the average chimpanzee??
  170. How old do I look to you??
  171. Which woman is Italian and which one is Norwegian ?
  172. This is how first Faelids/Borrebys/Brunns apperared
  173. Classify My Grandparents
  174. Phenotype lines up with Genotype on average
  175. Which group is more diverse
  176. Classify/passify this algerian politician
  177. Levantines or Maghrebis part II
  178. which one is Celtic/north-west european and which one is Berber/maghrebi ?
  179. Classify/passify this cute and interesting looking woman
  180. Classify the Antichrist
  181. European looking mexican with 76% indigenous DNA
  182. Visibly mixed people, which Afro Latino country are they most likely to blend in
  183. Unusual traces of phenotypes in Europe
  184. The second richest man in Morocco
  185. Passify/classify the richest man of Morocco
  186. Moroccan/portuguese couple
  187. Does he look levantine ?
  188. Passify/classify this moroccan model
  189. Another pretty tunisian actress
  190. Why do people think Latinos especially Mestizos look more like MENAs than Central Asians?
  191. Where can these spanish players pass ?
  192. Why about half of Greeks look Balto-Slavic?
  193. Classify Turkish extremist guy
  194. Who looks blonder and more 'Nordic': Frisians or Northern Germans?
  195. The European Populations
  196. Csango Magyar "Anthropological" research
  197. Classify please
  198. Does my Kairos collection look real, or computer generated?
  199. Can I have Middle Eastern influence like Armenoid/Taurid/Anatolid?
  200. This phenotype looks more Azeri or Persian?
  201. HEY ! Outside NA where can they pass ?!
  202. Post a typical woman and man of your country
  203. Which Are the Defining Geographical Features Relevant to European Physical Anthropology?
  204. Origins of East Asians
  205. Brown-skinned Europeans Examples
  206. Is it more likely for a white American to have black or Native American ancestry?
  207. Is it more likely for a white Australian to have Aboriginal or Maori/Polynesian admixture?
  208. Are high cheekbones common among Russians?
  209. TALLEST HUMANS on Earth
  210. In the North-South and East-West spectrum which fit more better for Croats?
  211. Hazel eyes, the fake category
  212. Why do many Kazakhs and Kyrgyzs look virtual pure Mongoloid despite being 30-40% Caucasian?
  213. Will i pass in israel as a east mediterranid
  214. Classify this guy and where he can pass?
  215. classify these guys and where they can pass?
  216. Which country in Europe has the largest skulls on average?
  217. Do you perceive any ssa traits ?
  218. AJPA's Groundbreaking Study Defining Gracile Mediterranean Europe
  219. What causes dolichocephalic and mesocephalic males to often have flat foreheads?
  220. Croatia Blond Hair map
  221. This is the typical phenotype of the Spaniards
  222. Famous moroccan Imam who died recently
  223. Why are Gallic and Celtic people so much more civilized than Germanics?
  224. Classify this guy and where he can pass?
  225. West Africans may have nearly 20% archaic admix !
  226. Classify me !!!
  227. Reclassify me please, thanks
  228. Three Moors
  229. In which countries would I fit better?
  230. Why are SSA genes often dominant in mixed-race people?
  231. Classify 6'8" pro wrestler
  232. Classify Soilwork's Bjorn Strid
  233. Classify this women and where she can pass?
  234. Real vs Fake Italians
  235. Ernst Kretschmer (important psychiatrist): Genius and Race
  236. My father looks extremely north african
  237. Where did Pontids originate from?
  238. Where can I pass?
  239. Dont want classification anymore
  240. Northeastern Moldavians. Pictures from 50s and 60s.
  241. Where does Faelid pass better: Belarus or Croatia?
  242. Your head height-head length index
  243. Do I have negroid nose?
  244. Is my nose too wide for Europe? How would you classify me?
  245. Three Algerians
  246. Three Tunisians
  247. Where can this famous Cooker pass ?
  248. Frisians: how Anglo-Saxons looked like before mixing with Celts
  249. Which population is darker on average- Moroccans or Mexicans
  250. Classify/passify this sicilian girl