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  1. Canadian Middle East and North Africa census
  2. King of Queens Albanian-Orthodox
  3. East Asians were once seen as white and will be again
  4. Cappadocian Greeks look like Sardinians?
  5. Which would you consider more middle eastern?
  6. China's school kids are the best in the world at science, math, and reading
  7. Which city would you consider to be 'whiter': Birmingham, England or Buenos Aires, Argentina?
  8. Is it really true that non-whites are more accepting of interracial relationships than are Whites?
  9. Meghan Markle raises her kids as fully black
  11. What is your opinion about multiculturalism? Do you support it? Why yes or why not?
  12. About Turks and Arabs?
  13. Will non-white immigrants become lighter (in colder climates)?
  14. Do darker white people have as much white privilege as lighter ones?
  15. The Confusion of Racism and Anthropological Enthusiasm
  16. When did the United States of America stop being seen, as a Nation, as European?
  17. Italy's bad reputation was caused by the TERRONI
  18. Mortimers Propaganda video with racial undertones
  19. How Racial Minorities View Interracial Couples
  20. Telegram, Signal or WhatsApp?
  21. “Where are you originally from?” Is it racist to ask such a question?
  22. Pretty Loud Romni Girl band and Feminists
  23. Meanwhile in Africa ........
  24. Wealth Gaps between White, Black and Hispanic Families in 2019
  25. How we can overcome divisions in the world?
  26. Who is more good looking, spaniards or americans?. According to americans... spaniards are!!
  27. Proposed term how right wingers should call Black people
  28. POC and LGBTQ Writer "Half Romani Half Caucasian Bisexual Woman"
  29. Balkan obsession with genetics
  30. Feud Over Race And History And The Installation Of A 'Symbol Of White Supremacy'
  32. Thandie Newton apologizes for taking acting roles away from dark skinned woman LOL
  33. Many White Nationalists are Social Darwinists like the Nazis but they are hypocrites
  34. What % of Baltids and Nordics are descandents from pre Indo european populations? Anyone know
  35. Backlash from Indians After Marrying My Indian Wife
  36. This passes for Black in Cultural Marxville
  37. How does China, Russia, Middle East (Israel & Arabs) handle race realism? Does anyone have sources
  38. How would the children of a Baltid/slavic woman with a Castizo/tanned Med look?
  39. ...
  40. Is Tooting Carmen's
  41. Any good countries to move to?
  42. How Did Early-Modern BLACK Slaves in Spain Disappear? The Antecedents
  43. People keep asking for a good definition of white
  44. The rise of white nationalist Hispanics
  45. Is this the beginning of WLM movement
  46. A question for white members: do you accept Silverknight as white?
  47. In your opinion, which photo is closer to how race relations are in your country?
  48. World's Single Moms Capitals
  49. If you mixed up New York's three main racial groups into one, would it be like the Dominican Rep?
  50. What are your opinions of race denialism?
  51. Feminism Ruined White Women.
  52. What do you think if Gypsies keep their blood pure?
  53. Anti-liberalism Thread
  54. A beautiful young romni female did a patriotic video on TikTok
  55. White Guilt.
  56. How much ancestry should one have in order to be considered part of an ethnicity or race?
  57. What's dating like in Japan for Americans?
  58. Masaman: Haplogroup Map of the World
  59. In your country, which towns and cities have an ethnic composition roughly average for the country?
  60. The case of Craig Cobbs DNA
  61. Bullshit excuses used to justify the racism of non-whites (either by themselves or silly leftists)
  62. Bullshit excuses used to disown/disavow "exotic/swarthy" phenotypes according to country
  63. ESPANA-=Africans may have crossed the Strait of Gibraltar 4000 years ago
  64. Ukrainian Refugees In Ireland
  65. I fight a weird guy he attacks me he thinks Im a racist
  66. European funds to repopulate the Pyrenees with migrants
  67. Too many white airline pilots.
  69. Did really spaniards invented the concept of White race
  70. The embarrassing narcissism of catalan seapratists.
  71. Well known French publishing house changes the cover of a book for children…
  73. Moor Troops and Rapes during the Spanish Civil War
  74. France is Africa and indeed starts at the Pyrinees
  75. Google open-sources skin tone research to improve inclusivity
  76. Great replacement in Lebanon
  77. Promotion of hijab on little girls
  78. How do you accurately calculate the percentage of Western Eurasia and Eastern Eurasia?
  79. The NetFlix society
  80. Why is the suffix -phobia used in things we simply just get disgust from?
  81. If we're going to be consequential about immigration, no to Ukrainian immigrants/refugees TOO
  82. In your country, are there any cities/regions where (some) non-whites are just as wealthy as Whites?
  83. France is Africa: what happened the last saturday in Saint Denis
  84. In your country, do the middle classes live more in the cities or small towns/countryside?
  85. Where will most western Euros move to when the Great Replacement happens?
  86. If you are in your country and you are of immigrant background how do you react if someone reminds
  87. (1) Do you think dark skin is inherently ugly? (2) At which point do you consider skin to be 'dark'?
  88. Rank people's IQ by ethnicity/physical appearance
  89. Will Latinos in US mix into the American White group?
  90. LOLULZZZ, Norwegian princess Martha Louise is going to marry with a black chaman
  91. Is there anywhere in the West where mixing with East Asians is as/more stigmatised than with Blacks?
  92. F*** Ukrainians! seriously
  93. What is an ethnic group for you?
  94. Why Turkey defined as Middle Eastern but Caucasus is not
  95. Is the situation in Europe the same as it is in the USA when it comes to gender issues and such?
  96. Blue eyes worship in American culture
  97. Only in the American ghetto
  98. More babies are born in the next 4 minutes in Nigeria than in the whole Europe
  99. Are the Germanics the most racist European group of all?
  100. Which of these two statements sounds more 'racist' to you?
  101. WEF: There are solid, rational reasons to implant a chip in your child
  102. How many races did Neanderthals have?
  103. What is the white race, why are Iranians and Arabs not white?
  104. Why do White-East Asian marriages generally attract much less opprobrium than White-Black marriages?
  105. Which city is more multi-ethnic overall: London or Paris?
  106. Why WMAF hapas are stranded:The lack of belonging
  107. Why does Southern Europe have much lower rates of alcoholism compared to Northern & Eastern Europe?
  108. What is the most aggressive European ethnicity?
  109. Horniest European Ethnicity
  110. White privilege (or lack thereof) in Japan
  111. Why Russians are warmongers?Deep analysis.
  112. Racism Yes or No
  113. A black man saying "black is a experience"
  114. Is there a connection between hunter-gatherer DNA and being prone to alcohol?
  115. Map of sentiment towards dark skin in Europe.
  116. Post a school from a typical inner-city area, typical White poor area and typical White wealthy area
  117. List notable ethnic enclaves/neighbourhoods located in cities in your country
  118. Can Whites be hairy?
  119. Not India but Oakland, USA
  120. My city is overrun with non whites
  121. Do Balkan Muslims identify primarily by race/ethnicity or religion?
  122. The new human race
  123. Does a colourism of sorts exist in Europe?
  124. Is it possible to imagine a reverse scenario to "Emily In Paris"?
  125. Is Slavic race uncapable of upscaling other than Russia?
  126. Skull shape
  127. When White Women Choose better: Dominican/WW edition.
  128. hahahaha, a beach-shitter as British Prime Minister
  129. Employment and race/ethnicity in the UK and the US - compare and contrast
  130. Gypsy women are in some cases sterilized in Hungary
  131. Rising popularity of Black men explained
  132. Why do European men have larger genitalia than African men?
  133. Is America the dumbest continent? why is so leftist if not?
  134. Where would you rather live: China or Saudi Arabia? (Question only really applies to men).
  135. Why British are so uncivic, uncivilized and dirty?? (Scottish in this time)
  136. Why British are so uncivic, uncivilized and dirty?? (Scottish in this time)
  137. Asians are leaving West,and its a Good Thing
  138. Do you think Buck Breaking really existed?
  139. (Almost) Everything anti racists believe is a lie
  140. Are white women physically stronger than south asian men?
  141. "Put yo Chain On, Nigga"
  142. Jews on immigration to Europe :
  143. What do you think of the centuries old theories that jews manipulate?
  144. Are Georgians white (or maybe even considered european)?
  145. White Neo-Nazis calls black guy Uncle Tom
  146. What race is George Zimmermann?
  147. Have you noticed if media reports about roma they rebel against "oppressive traditions"?
  148. 81,7% white people in England and Wales
  149. Nepal: about 20% of the population deprived of civil rights in order to avoid a Great Replacement
  150. Myth busting :"blacks are good at making music" :
  151. Is it possible to differentiate Chinese from Japanese from Vietnamese from Koreans etc?
  152. Acceptance of mass immigration by country
  153. Gobernment pushed her to a suicide for the ask to provide a lift
  154. Far right wants equality and justice, the left wants brown supremacy
  155. Black Proffessor tells black men to get a black woman
  156. Turkish Propaganda
  157. Greeks and Ashkenazi Jews
  158. Julius Evola: Negrified America
  159. Is hawaii an example of a successful multicultural society?
  160. Why do Americans look down on the Hispanic World?
  161. Which race of people attacks you the most if you date their women
  163. Half Dominican Half European <3
  164. Often repeated statement "once you are a race mixer no white boy would ever date you anymore"
  165. Critical Thoughts on White Nationalism?
  166. Why is it ok to make fun of wiggers and coons?
  167. Are Americans the new Jews?
  168. African DNA study detects mysterious human species
  169. Congressional Democrat Moves to End Free Speech for White People
  170. Video by an E. Asian American on hatred of whites in the USA
  171. Can these images really be seen today in Africa?
  172. Were you ever bullied as a child?
  173. Half Bolivian half Korean girl talking about facing racism in Bolivia
  174. Why are less intelligent people more racist on average?
  175. How close are Southern Italians & Sicilians to Ancient and Modern Greeks?
  176. Single mother homes and ideology
  177. Rate Greek civil war (post-WW2) communist poster
  178. Latino ≠ Latin American
  179. Is the Andalusian president a white person?
  180. Stop posting blue eyed blondes to "prove" some group is white
  181. Cute white girl explains white privilege and i play the devils advocate
  182. Can a "young white man" be actually a real street/hood rat and not being wannabe black
  183. Europeans are Dissapearing
  184. [ REQUEST ] Colonial picture
  185. Hypothetical ? : Would a ban of all members from Spanish speaking countries improve site content?
  186. Russia vs Australia - Where would you rather live?
  187. Miskolc, HU vs Boulder, CO: Where would you rather live?
  188. What is the swarthiest ethnic group you would be willing to date or marry?
  189. Argentina vs Russia - Where would you live?
  190. Venezuela or Cuba - Where Would you rather live?
  191. Do you think people who pass as native europeans but are mixed are white?
  192. Serbia vs Brazil, where would you prefer to live
  193. Big problem, too many white Doctors in the USA.
  194. Argentina or Serbia: Where would you rather live?
  195. white latinos friends what is to be live in brown full-crowded areas like?
  196. Do turks feel they are european or not
  197. About what percent of this forum is actually white these days?
  198. Besides language, what is the historical basis for separate Ukrainian and Russian cultural identity?
  199. Louisiana or Quebec - Where Would You Rather Live?
  200. Are you White or Non-White?
  201. Georgia or Georgia - Where Would You Rather Live?
  202. Russia vs Turkey - Where would you live?
  203. Australia or New Zealand - which do you prefer?
  204. Texas or Germany - Where Would You Rather Live?
  205. The Big American Show
  206. What's the European cultural bloc that differs the most fromthe other 2? Germanic,Romance or Slavic?
  207. For the Indians, what matters is to make the English happy.
  208. Scandinavia or Indonesia? Where would you rather live?
  209. U.S. Regions: Midwest or South. Where would you rather live?
  210. Roma Lives Matter - Respect
  211. "American Hollywood" Non-Sense about Roma
  212. Where do you think this person comes from?
  213. We wuz natufianz and sheeit
  214. Romani or Gypsies
  215. Is Viktor Orban really part Gypsy
  216. 10 Reasons why George Soros is a hero
  217. Indo-Europeans in Europe. Your preference?
  218. One of the first Roma teachers in Bulgaria
  219. Florida or Spain - Where would you rather live?
  220. Which is better to marry: same race different nationality or same nationality different race?
  221. Compliment another members genetics
  222. France, Ukraine or Iran. Where would you rather live?
  223. Immigrant communities that you like having around
  224. Why do so many in this forum put so much more emphasis on race than culture or language?
  225. El Salvador, North Korea or Saudi Arabia?
  226. Determinants of my ethnic group (Turkish)
  227. The end of Masculinity in Latin America. Machismo will be the excuse.
  228. Embracing the Roma Identity: The Importance of acknowledging our roots
  229. What country would you choose?
  230. What race am I? What race are roma and half roma and quarter roma etc.?
  231. Which ethnicities are most attractED to YOU?
  232. Someone from your own ethnicity or someone from foreign ethnicity? Who would you prefer?
  233. Do you believe that other races have just as much 'right' to get angry about race-mixing as Whites?
  234. European countries with the best and worst immigrant profile?
  235. Forget blue fingernails: Is nipple color (pink/brown) the true signifier of whiteness?
  236. Carleton Coon on TV in the 1950s
  237. German, Russian, Italian or Persian? You preference?
  239. Why Romania and Serbia Love Each Other
  241. Georgia vs Thailand. (POLLS)
  242. What world do you feel you are closer to? Pick out of the six
  243. In your town/city, which jobs are foreigners (of any race/ethnicity) most prevalent in?
  244. Question to White Europeans: which of the following two would you rather marry?
  245. Another woke Netflix show: Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
  246. Who is the "biggest" ie most famous racial idelogue
  247. Were Spaniards less brutal than North American colonizers? About the same?
  248. Does one have the n-word pass if...
  249. Russian world vs Anglophone world. Your preference?
  250. Transracial/Interracial (actually species but if you apply it to humans) like often someone would ..