View Full Version : Autosomal DNA

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  1. Has anyone else done a MyTrueAncestry test?
  2. Vahaduo Dodecad K12b clarification
  3. Where a Greek-Amazonian castizo plot on Eurogenes K15?
  4. What color is your skin?
  5. How is it that Greeks cluster closer to Tuscan Italians than to South Italians & Sicilians on pca?
  6. Catalhöyük Anatolia on Global25
  7. Scaled Anatolia_N (Global25)
  8. "Sunday night fever" - G25 scaled calculator
  9. How much Anatolian NF ancestry is in modern middle eastern peoples?
  10. Modern Global Population Calculator G25
  11. Anatolian Neolithics were Jews
  12. DNA obtained from Parthian skeletons found in northern Iran
  13. Macedonian vs Bulgarian members PCA
  14. Spanish vs Portuguese members PCA
  15. NW Croat vs Czech-Slovak members PCA
  16. Blond Hair SNPS
  17. MDLP World 22 G25 Unscaled calculator!
  18. Test: African - From Tangier to the Cape (YourdnaPortal)
  19. Post your ILLUSTRATIVE DNA results
  20. 87% French 12% Ukrainian VS Franco-Hungarian
  21. 4 corners of Europe re-visited-G25 Scaled calculator.
  22. G25 North Vs. South & West Vs. East European calculators.
  23. My Two K36 ANCESTRAL REPORTS 23andME & MyHeritage test
  24. All native French results global 25
  25. Any Russian samples from Saint Petersburg area?
  26. Genetic landscape of Afghans/Pashtuns(PCA+analysis)
  27. Am I 1/3rd Spanish?
  28. Some mixed/non mixed results and kits
  29. Diy dodecad 2.1 download
  30. did South Slavs exist before the Slavic migrations?
  31. French results: Half Vendéen and half Lorrain
  32. HelloGuys DNA results (Finally)
  33. Are there are any calculators to see if someone's more Lithuanian or Polish?
  34. Is sexual selection genetically effective in humans today?
  35. Greek-Slavic-Phoenician K13 model.
  36. What type of Finno-Ugric are you?
  37. Celt slayer K13 & K15 results
  38. HelloGuys Gedmatch
  39. What type of Germanic are you?
  40. Fillipino Test Results
  41. How balkanic am I?
  42. Distance Tables and Dendrograms of Populations
  43. Eurogenes K13 based Calculator for Latin Americans
  44. Ashkenazi jewish matches mean ashkenazi ancestry?
  45. Rank the Germanic admixture
  46. What are the "German East" samples on G25 Vahaduo?
  47. Issues with "k13 updated spreadsheet"
  48. Which calculator is the best for Eastern European?
  49. The perfect "pre-christmas" gift: MyHeritage DNA results of my SISTER!
  50. LM Genetics K47 Unscaled G25 calculator
  51. Farewell to the year 2021. G25 scaled Geneplaza K30-like calculator.
  52. Drunken monkey rape British wenches calculator :
  53. G25 scaled model for Balkanites&Neighbours ( Moderns and Ancient through Moderns references)
  54. Some Iron French VS some Modern French (global 25 Davidsky)
  55. Global25 Ancient spreadsheet with date and coverage percentage
  56. Greater West Eurasia G25
  57. Spain, Portugal have italian-- roman genetics.
  58. Is most of the ANF in North Africans Iberia_N related?
  59. Modern Copts are the closest descendants of the ancient Egyptians
  60. "Hallstatt Nordic"
  61. Pre-Germanic Netherlands(extinct Nordwestblock speakers?)
  62. What are your opinions on the MDLP World-22 Test?
  63. One to rule them all for non-WOGs
  64. Armenian, Greek, and other regionalizied Near Eastern samples in G25
  65. Is there a software that converts gedmatch format to vahaduo format?
  66. What ethnicity do I have? Please help
  67. What ethnicity am I? Please help
  68. My grandparents' autosomal results
  69. Why are the Iberians relatively isolated from the rest of Europe?
  70. Modelling Egyptian ancestry
  71. Celiac Disease
  72. Gedmatch Results Old Colonial Stock American
  73. Modern Global Population Calculator (K13)
  74. Why do I have South Asian like appearance? I'm Latino
  75. Sorb discussion
  76. Do Iberians have any genuine Celtic ancestry?
  77. Vahaduo calcs vol.2
  78. Meet the maker of G25 Davidski :
  79. DNA.LAND is dead?
  80. Should I do further DNA tests to discover my potential Jewish ancestry?
  81. Impaler's father results
  82. DNA.LAND is NOT dead!
  83. 23andMe results of Gergő Marosvári's FATHER!
  84. American k36 GPS coords
  85. My Y is Slavic but autosomal Germanic.
  86. Are Ashkenazi just an isolated, endogamous population of Sicilian jewish converts?
  87. My fathers results (Mardelli/Mhallami)
  88. Does MyHeritage have a bug with Finnish matches?
  89. Does MyHeritage have a bug with Finnish matches?
  90. My Yourdnaportal Ancient Eurogenes K15 and Pangea Results, from North Apulia (South Italy)
  91. What is the ideal/good distance for modeling with ancient samples?
  92. Mixed French-Corsican-Slavic-Jewish results
  93. Is my illustrative dna accurate?
  94. MDLP K33 / YourDNAPortal.
  95. Post your Vahaduo Eurogenes k15 results
  96. Caucasus mountain Jews (Juhuro) 23andMe results
  97. Mother Results (Moroccan)
  98. qpAdm: "Pontic Greeks are the absolute original natives of Asia Minor/Anatolia".
  99. To which peoples could my ancient Dna be linked?
  100. who are the current descendants of the Sumerians,ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians?
  101. Do Poles have some Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry?
  102. Nurzat K26 // Eurogenes G25 coords, scaled
  103. Lukasz Vahaduo g25 takedown?
  104. Iberian centered model for everybody in Europe even without Iberian ancestry (scaled G25)
  105. LivingDNA results from full AJ individuals
  106. My Eurogenes K 13 and other results.
  107. Georgian qpAdm: 4-way inconsistency, advice appreciated.
  108. LM Genetics K47 SCALED calculator
  109. qpAdm: Greek_Northern_Thrace (K13 updated) runs.
  110. qpAdm: 50% Greek_Northern_Thrace (Lukasz') + 50% Pontic Greek Trebizond/Gumushane.
  111. Ancient Roman, Greek or Byzantine
  112. What genetic tool can identify isolated and early-divided populations?
  113. An American thinks that full europeans cannot be hispanic
  114. Eutest based G25 scaled calculator with 15 components.
  115. G25 modelling ancestry with AVERAGED references made with forum members.
  116. Living DNA G25 UNSCALED calculator
  117. Post your Eurogenes k13 Ancient Bronze Age "Ethnicity" admixture via Vahaduo
  118. G25 is not that good...?
  119. Can you reverse-identify mixed european ancestry from G25 coordinates?
  120. Mycenean and Minoan (Lazaridis/Reich 1240k) qpAdm run:
  121. G25 World K60 [SCALED]
  122. Romani person with zero South Asian on commercial DNA tests?
  123. The Moriopoulos Collection (~3000 G25 modern and ancient Averages) SCALED calculator
  124. Guess his origins (gedmatch + global 25)
  125. How come Finns are so distant to Swedes genetically?
  126. Vahaduo K13 PCA Plot
  127. Yamnaya MDLP K16 codes
  128. Does CordedWhelp Have Small Roma/Gypsy Admixture?
  129. Gedrosia K3 4-Ancestors Oracle (Post your results)
  130. Autossomic Results Comparison
  131. Post Eurogenes k15 Ancient Vahaduo results
  132. My G25 coords; distance, breakdown, and two-way
  133. Neolithic qpAdm run for high "drift" (G25) Northern Euros, advice needed.
  134. MyHeritage upload unlock all features for free
  135. How can “mainland” Greeks possibly claim ancient Greek genetic similarity (bonus Lazaridis et al.)?
  136. Greek from Elis (Western Peloponnese) Gedmatch results [Myheritage test]
  137. Banned from anthrogenica for not agreeing with viewpoint of a certain race
  138. Ibm and natufian admixture results
  139. Kyp's maternal uncle 23andme results
  140. G25 coordinates for BA and CA samples (mostly El Argar culture)
  141. Admixture Studio Bronze Age results
  142. Ancient model
  143. Post your G25 Davidski "gold standard" results
  144. Northern Russian autosomial DNA
  145. Impaler's mother GEDmatch & Vahaduo results (PHASED)
  146. Corded Ware/Bell Beaker/Linear Pottery cultures calculator(G25 scaled)
  147. Vyatka Russian Gedmatch (My mom)
  148. G25 calculator for Eastern Europeans
  149. Ultimate World Calculator (Global25) - by Vladimir Putin
  150. How GedrosiaDNA ancient Eurasian K6 compares to g25 gold
  151. Best calculator ever for Iberians&Iberoamericans!!! (G25 Scaled)
  152. Eastern European alternative G25 genetic model
  153. Guess where this person is from?
  154. European Ancient Calculator
  155. Genetic ancestry Central/Eastern European people (Balkan, ex-warsaw pact etc)
  156. Russian from Vladivostok, Far East Russia Myheritage + Gedmatch results - help me interpret them
  157. What does one make of these results?
  158. Slovene DNA Results
  159. Montenegrin results
  160. Results of a French native to Velay (Haute-Loire)
  161. Could I define myself as ethnically Italic-Hellenic?
  162. Half Hungarian Half French
  163. What does "Kazakhstan_GoldenHordeEuro" ancient sample refer to in Eurogenes K13?
  164. ...
  165. How to find Gedmatch kits from specific regions?
  166. Is there a Gedmatch-based version of Davidski's G25 global standard calculator?
  167. K36 calculator
  168. Globe 58 G25 calculator, now in SCALED version!
  169. Roma Boyash/Rudar GEDmatch and Vahaduo results
  170. Does anyone have Catalan autosomal results?
  171. How many Turks/Balkan Turks are genetically related to Mainland Greeks or South/Central Italians?
  172. Illustrative DNA new modern breakdown
  173. Friends results + parents
  174. Thread deleted
  175. How Australoid are East Asians?
  176. Post your Eurogenes k15 results 2- way admixture (new thread)
  177. Ex-Vahaduo updated spreadsheets
  178. Post your Eurogenes K13 European Regional results
  179. Dimensionality reduction? Reducing k13's 13 coordinates to only 2 coordinates
  180. Are you closer to Canarians or Basques?
  181. Ashkenazi DNA Results
  182. Alghero genetic study (1994)
  183. Mediterranean+Others calculator (Scaled G25 )
  184. Try this ancient model for G25 Scaled
  185. Karol Klacansky's Fathers G25 results
  186. 23andMe SCALED G25 calculator! (aka an Easter present to all of you)
  187. Could my father have a genetic continuity with Gaulish population?
  188. MDLP k16 vahaduo
  189. G 25
  190. G25 Ancient West Eurasian model
  191. Post your East Sea K12 results (Admixture studio)
  192. My G25 results
  193. Do you detect any germanic admixture in this Lombard?
  194. G25 phenotype calculator results
  195. Someone here has Galician Spanish autosomal DNA results (K13/K15)??
  196. LivingDNA Viking Upgrade
  197. Tool for making averages (for Vahaduo or nMonte) in simple way
  198. K36 - Compare Chr 1-Chr 22 chromosome (For Relatives)
  199. My illustrative dna results + PCA
  200. Ancient calculator for Europeans (LBK+Yamnaya+WHG)-G25 scaled.
  201. Is "East Med" a european component on Eurogenes K13/K15?
  202. True Admixture Proportions, LM/N Elemental by Genoplot.
  203. How Mediterranean are you? -New short version for Europeans (scaled G25)
  204. Genoplot Turkish Calculator
  205. New calc! K13 TA members averages
  206. Genera updated my DNA results
  207. My (Russian/Ukrainian) IllustrativeDNA results + G25 coordinates
  208. How do you accurately calculate the percentage of Western Eurasia and Eastern Eurasia?
  209. G25 ancients results to a friend. Help to understand.
  210. Paternal cousin results
  211. Help to guess my friend parents by g25z
  212. Help to guess my friend parents by g25.
  213. RE: Modern genetic similarity of early Tarim Basin mummies
  214. Medieval Montenegro DNA sample
  215. Russian results
  216. Flemish results
  217. My 100% Maltese FTDNA Results (before and after update)
  218. Post your Selfdecode.com Big Five personality factor.
  219. Help to interpret results of DNA from some calculators, if compatible to this admixtures.
  220. simulated G25 coordinates
  221. Flasball results (75% Fr 25% Sard)
  222. Tolan K14M1 by Admixturestudio.
  223. Helps to interpret this g25 results from mixed person from 2 pop.
  224. "Pure" 2way oracle on-line
  225. how to make G25 averages?
  226. Provençal french results
  227. Tolan K14M-type calculator (G25 scaled)
  228. Yourdnaportal vs G25
  229. Post your G25 Modern Europe 2.0 results
  230. Post your Marques (g25 coordinates) DNA Calculator results
  231. Post your WHG-ENF-WSH results (g25 coordinates)
  232. Post your Globe 58 (g25 coordinates) results
  233. My admixture results in a family mistery
  234. How Insular Celtic are Faroe Islanders?
  235. Post your results of Geno MENA K14 calculator (Admixture Studio)
  236. Post your K36 Marques result - Ancient (Admixture studio)
  237. PERFECTED G25 ancient calc for Balkan and central Europe.
  238. Massive new paper from Reich lab: "The Genetic History of the Southern Arc"
  239. G25 Genoplot calculator - post your results
  240. Is it possible to objectively judge your own skin tone?
  241. DNA tests reliability - Italian guy
  242. How can I get estimates of my ancient DNA?
  243. Post your G25 Bell Beaker Bronze Age Calculator
  244. Post G25 European Neolithic Calculator results
  245. Post tuum G25 tabula (Romanus) eventus
  246. K13-type calculator for K13 coordinates ( Ancient&Modern references)
  247. G25 British Isles calculator
  248. Post your G25 Modern 2022 results
  249. Mostly sardinians results
  250. Creoda's British Isles counties and cities - Visualized