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  1. Eurogenes K13 (Crotone, Calabria) Italy.
  2. Eurogenes K13 (Ukraine) Dnipro
  3. Eurogenes K13 ( Philippines)
  4. K36 Similarity Map Thoughts
  5. what is your shift ?
  6. Eurogenes K13 (Solna, Sweden)
  7. Northern Greek GEDmatch result
  8. Swedish speaking minority from Ukraine(Gedmatch)!!!
  9. Half Swede, half Dane(Gedmatch)
  10. some of my eurogenes results (north-eastern italy) + questions
  11. Iranian Dodecad Results
  12. 1/2 Danish- 1/2 Swedish speaking Finnish.
  13. 1/2 Lithuania 1/2 Ireland
  14. Egyptian Gedmatch Results
  15. Lebanese Shia GEDmatch results from Tyre
  16. Slovenian GEDmatch Results
  17. Hungarian Gedmatch
  18. Sicilian from Agrigento GEDmatch result.
  19. Gedmatch results from Swedish island Gotland
  20. Russian from Siberia - GEDmatch Results
  21. South Tunisian GedMatch
  22. Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland GEDmatch result!
  23. Seems like i was correct on my Ethnicity anyway according to calculations (read desc)
  24. Catalan Gedmatch results
  25. My Wife’s Gedmatch results
  26. Gedmatch results from Finland
  27. DNA kit (Central Finland)
  28. The fallacy of DNA when used to identify someone's ethnicity
  29. Greece 20% Caucasus on AncestryDNA
  30. Anyone have an Icelandic kit?
  31. Ukranian Girl's DNA, Normal?
  32. Ashkenazi GEDMatch results
  33. Results of the autosomny test
  34. Albanian gedmatch results
  35. Which US state has the most Levantine/Mesopotamian/Middle Eastern DNA?
  36. Egyptian from Alexandria GEDMatch result!
  37. What does my FTDNA results say about my ancestry?
  38. Which GEDMatch calculator do you find is the best, and why?
  39. Portuguese (Azores) Gedmatch results
  40. Strange DnaTribes results
  41. K-45 Eurogenes results
  42. STR_300 woman
  43. Baiuvar - Germanic Medieval Gedmatch kits
  44. Run my GEDmatch kit and tell me what you think about my ancestry?
  45. Irish regions ranked by each component in Irish DNA Atlas admixture chart.
  46. Sicilian GEDMatch: Racalmuto, Agrigento province, Sicily, and Calabrese from Cosenza/Catanzaro
  47. Any way to find a probable surname?
  48. Gedmatch results of a Natufian
  49. 15,000 years old Moroccan GEDmatch results
  50. 23andMe question for Anglos
  51. Oort Cloud's results. Plz Halp
  52. Hungarian GED results.
  53. Post your AncestryDNA results
  54. How to tell if you have Mediterranean/Hispanic ancestry apart from your Northern European?
  55. Lithuanian Bronze Age GEDmatch results
  56. Ancient DNA question
  57. MDLP K16: How different regions of Sicily shift relative to the calculator's average.
  58. I found out my Hispanic/Latino ancestry finally XD (read desc)
  59. Compare the results please!!!
  60. My Heritage results vs. my first cousin's results
  61. Early Medieval Bavaria GEDmatch results
  62. How SSA are white South Africans?
  63. Estonian-Swede Gedmatch
  64. Mycenaean I9006 GEDmatch result
  65. MyHeritage Turkish Result
  66. Post your Oracle 4 results for eurogenes k15
  67. gedmatch"Mainlander"South West Peloponnese" to Islander "Dodecanese "
  68. 8 GEDmatch results from North Italy
  69. WTF happened with 23andme kits on Gedmatch ?
  70. Cyprus vs Sicily vs Greece in the new West Balkan study.
  71. Post your closest ancient matches using Eurogenes K36.
  72. Genotech ancestry results
  73. Post your Geneplaza Ancestry Results
  74. Why is my MENA so similar to Egyptians?
  75. Ancient Population rankings: Most to least Mycenaean, Ancient Jordanian, etc. for Italians and Greek
  76. Bosniensis UPDATED 23andMe
  77. North Caucasian GEDmatch Results
  78. How much Anglo-Saxon vs Celtic ancestry does each part of England have?
  79. My K47
  80. Thanas Django updated 23andme
  81. Post your total k36 Southern Euro score
  82. Greeks closer to Romanians than to any Balkanite.
  83. Julian Slovene + half Istro-Dalmatian half Italian GEDmatch results
  84. Ethnic Polish LivingDNA results
  85. Are there genetic differences between different countries' Ashkenazi Jews?
  86. Here are my GEDmatch results.
  87. Two Sicilian GEDmatch results from opposite ends of the island.
  88. Madeira Gedmatch Results
  89. My MDLP World 4-Ancestors Oracle
  90. Western part of Great Britain is more 'Celtic' genetically, in both England, Scotland, and Wales?
  91. 2 more Sarno et al observations (Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Spain)
  92. Am I a genetic sockpuppet of Bosnienis?
  93. Norwegian GEDmatch result
  94. Post your Eurogenes Jtest Admixture Proportions.
  95. Western Armenian GEDmatch results
  96. Irish and English MDLP K16 Results
  97. Two Calabrese GEDMatch results and one Dodecanese islander Greek from Symi
  98. My DNA-Land results seems inaccurate compared to 23andme and my GEDmatch research.
  99. Does anyone have any Welsh GEDMatch IDs or results?
  100. Are balkanites closer to each other than to others?
  101. Now this looks strange...
  102. Aromanian results
  103. New Bronze Age Iranian sample!
  104. There's little to no Arabian input in the Levant
  105. GEDMatch cousin of Sikeliot: from Collesano, Palermo province, Sicily
  106. Why are there so many more Bronze and Iron age samples than Renaissance or Medieval ones?
  107. Post Your MDLP K16 Results
  108. A Turkish 23andme result.
  109. Another Sicilian cousin of Sikeliot's on GEDMatch: Cefalu, Palermo province
  110. Greek GEDMatch result: half from Thessaly, half from Euboea
  111. How Italian are you? Post your Italian score from Eurogenes K36.
  112. Who are the most 'Celtic' non-Celts today?
  113. How can I access the 23andme section of the site(Its private)
  114. 3 Cypriot GEDMatches -- halfway between Sicily and Levant
  115. Genetic distances for Trapani, Peloponnese, Portuguese, and Kent (SE England)
  116. An adoptee's Ancestry DNA and Eurogenes K13 results.. Try to guess his ancestry.
  117. Abkhazian GEDmatch Results
  118. Crazy family genetic mystery. Any advice to solve this issue?
  119. 1/2 North Italian (Piedmont) and 1/2 Canary Islands
  120. Does anyone have Griko GEDmatch results from Calabria?
  121. 10 Calabrese Eurogenes results -- comment with requests to run in other calcs
  122. 10 North Aegean islands Eurogenes results - post requests for other calls
  123. 2 Sicilian Bell Beaker (2500 BC) GEDMatches.... VERY interesting.
  124. Some samples from the Olalde 2018 paper
  125. Irish GEDMatch results.. MDLP K16 and Eurogenes K15.
  126. What would the ancient people of Pompeii have been like autosomally?
  127. Eurasian Steppe GEDmatch
  128. Why do Slavs lack Gedrosia DNA?
  129. Outlying Sicilian/Calabrese GEDMatch result -- extremely MENA/almost NO STEPPE.
  130. R1a subclade distribution in FYROM identical to Serbia, NOT Bulgaria.
  131. Wegene.com sucks.
  132. The European Populations
  133. GUESS this person from their GEDMatch results :)
  134. GED match results from bronze age Portuguese from lower Alentejo
  135. Gedmatch results from England-- post them here!
  136. Eastern European DNA in Western Euros
  137. What am I?
  138. Which Italian group would Italic Roman Emperors be closest to genetically?
  139. First ever Alawite GEDmatch results!!
  140. Thessalian, Central Greek, and one Dodecanese MDLP K23 results.
  141. Gedmatch results for Greek from Pella (Northern Greece)
  142. 23andme and Eurogenes K36 results of British and Prussian person.
  143. Comparison of South Italians: Campanians vs Lucanians/Apulians -- GEDMatch results.
  144. Gedmatch of Sephardic Jew
  145. Are Russians mostly descended from Slavs?
  146. VERY INTERESTING Turkish Cypriot MyHeritage Results
  147. Sikeliot's friend's GEDMatch -- English, Irish, Scots-Irish, and some German
  148. What's the best DIY Calculator or Calculator on Gedmatch for Hispanic/Latino Ancestry?
  149. Post your Eurasia k14 Neolithic results
  150. Why Is Sardinia So Special?
  151. Post your results from your top 3 favorite GEDmatch calculators
  152. New Dodecad K12b Spreadsheet
  153. Gedmatch Genesis
  154. Which is more accurate Genesis or Normal Gedmatch
  155. Why the hell are my gedmatch genesis and normal gedmatch results extremly different?
  156. Arnold Schoenberg's son's GEDmatch results
  157. What ethnicities could you be genetically modeled as 3/4 of one, 1/4 of the other
  158. Gedmatch results of Torbeshi or Macedonian muslims
  159. My K36 mapping
  160. Ascoli, south Marche GEDmatch result
  161. What ethnicities could you be genetically modeled as 1/2 of one, 1/2 of the other.
  162. Two VERY atypical Sicilian GEDMatch results -- one Tuscan like, one Jewish like.
  163. Two PCAs supporting the notion of significant British ancestry in eastern/southeastern Ireland
  164. MOST LIKELY reason why Trapani is a genetic outlier in Sicily?
  165. Do nearly all African Americans have English ancestry?
  166. AncestryDNA results for different parts of England
  167. Three more "atypical' Sicilian GEDMATCH results -- Trapani vs Syracuse vs Palermo/Enna
  168. GUESS This person's ancestry from their GEDMatch!!
  169. PART II. Guess this person's ethnicity from GEDMatch!
  170. How Hispanic/Amerindian are my test results on Gedmatch ? (read desc)
  171. New Cypriot GEDMatch result.
  172. New South Italian GEDMatch results!
  173. Is there actually any part of any country that is entirely genetically separate?
  174. Gedmatch kit of Canary Islander (Tenerife).
  175. Munster Irish GEDmatch
  176. Galway, Ireland GEDmatch
  177. Cypriot Greek AncestryDNA
  178. Two very different Sicilian GEDMAtch results from Palermo province + one Trapani
  179. What can I learn from my K36 Oracle results??
  180. Can someone plot these Eurogenes results on a PCA plot? Will give rep comment for each plotted
  181. Surprising Hunnic samples!
  182. Bosniensis updated 23andMe (Dots)
  183. Szekely Hungarian GEDmatch Results
  184. R1a Turkish & Alevi Kurdish GEDmatch (2 persons)
  185. 3/4 Sicilian, 1/4 Polish GEDMatch result!!
  186. Which one is genetically furthest from the other Europeans?
  187. GUESS this person's origin from MDLP K23!!
  188. How admixed are Balkan peoples?
  189. New K14 Ancient Admixture Calculator-Geneplaza
  190. Do you think there is anyone in south Italy or the Aegean who plots outside of Europe?
  191. Help figure out a match
  192. Estonians and Germans have more SSA admixture than Serbians. What do you think?
  193. Northern Greek vs Slavic Macedonian on AncestryDNA.
  194. Latinamerican heritage tests
  195. Guess this person's ethnicity/ethnicities from their Eurogenes K15 result!
  196. Central Anatolian Turkish Results - Nearly Half Greek!
  197. Aspar's GenePlaza K29 ADMIXTURE CALCULATOR results:
  198. Which one is more Northern shifted? Turanids or Gracile Mediterranids?
  199. Genetically, Mortimer is Whiter than Sicilians, Jews, or Greek Islanders
  200. Post Eurogenes K13 mixed mode
  201. I could genetically be a half-Brit
  202. How White are you according to EUROGENES K36
  203. From a genetic standpoint, I am only 86% White
  204. 2 interesting Eurogenes K36 result for a Sicilian from Villarosa, Enna province
  205. Safe to assume it's Native DNA?
  206. Do you think I would be a happier person if I clustered with Anglos?
  207. Canaanite GEDmatch
  208. Who can plot these for me on Eurogenes -- Trapani vs Syracuse, Sicily
  209. Infinome free ancestry report
  210. What Am I?
  211. Gedmatch Genesis results make more sense for me ? (read desc)
  212. Welsh GEDmatch result, finally!
  213. More Irish GEDMatch results!
  214. Lazaridis summary of European Population Genetics
  215. Which one is closer to Northeast Europeans? Gracile Mediterranids or Iranids?
  216. Madeiran Portuguese result -- high North African/SW Asian affinity, and 3-6% SSA
  217. Turkic or bullshit?
  218. Possible proof of more RECENT Greek/Albanian input in Apulia, Lucania, and Trapani (S. Italy)
  219. GUESS this person's ancestry from GEDMatch. Will give rep comment to winner.
  220. Anthropological types vs Autosomal DNA results. How correlated are they?
  221. Sklavenoi DNA?
  222. New Lebanese GEDmatch result. High Norman input!
  223. Who are the Irish Travelers? Where did they originate?
  224. Where does blondness come from? Ancient North Eurasian or Western Hunter Gatherer?
  225. I have my Iranian step father's kit on GEDmatch. Which caulculators should I run?
  226. GEDMatch result from Malta, on several calculators
  227. Closest populations to Greeks by fst distances.(Eurogenes blog)
  228. Which part of Italy or Greece are these two GEDmatch results from? Guess for rep comment :)
  229. My dna tribe results using living dna data
  230. Hertfordshire, southeast England GEDmatch result!
  231. Sardinian Gedmatch kit
  232. What does each GEDMatch results/calculator tell us?
  234. GEDMatch from Terrasini, Palermo province, Sicily
  235. Can someone plot this MAdeiran Portuguese person on the Eurogenes plot?
  236. Does this Pontic/East Thracian is partially mainland Greek?
  237. Cueva de los Murciélagos, Córdoba (7295-7075 cal BCE) GEDmatch result
  238. Kaman-Kalehöyük, Turkey (1750 BC) GEDmatch results
  239. Trapani, Sicily GEDMatch result!
  240. NEW Karpathos, Dodecanese, Greece GEDMATCH (23andme) [pictures included]
  241. Ragusa vs Messina GEDmatch -- who can plot these for me on Eurogenes K15?
  242. 4 outlying GEDMatch results -- Messina, Sicily
  243. Dodecanese Greek GEDmatch results!
  244. 2 Thessaloniki Greek GEDmatch results
  245. Iranian GEDmatch kits
  246. It's Ludicrous To Take GEDmatch Calculators Literally
  247. I had a dream about my friends' GEDmatches
  248. Are Austrians Germans?
  249. Are Cypriots more Levantine or Anatolian?
  250. Germanic Chieftain AD 400- North-East Slovakia